Chapter 23

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I woke up next morning with a lot of pain in my lower abdomen. Guess my periods finally arrived but the pain is too much to get up and go to bathroom. I squeezed my eyes and bit my lips because the pain was just getting worst minute by minute.

I can't even ask Rhys to hand me the painkiller because he left early for work. I groaned and tried my best to stand up. Few minutes of trying which actually felt like hours I was finally on my feet. I made my way to my wardrobe and took out a painkiller. It reduces pain just enough to walk.

The pain is just to much to handle. I took the painkiller and the pain in my stomach slowly started to reduce.

I took a hot bath giving me a instant relief and changed into new clothes. I was feeling much better but I need a hot pad. I got into the bed after applying some ice and ointment on my neck. I was slowly drifting into sleep but suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Yes?!" I answered groggily.

I looked up and saw Mrs Archer standing on the doorway. "Mrs Archer?" I got up as she came near my bed.

"Oh Elyse, I was worried when you didn't show up for breakfast!" Her eyes glanced at my neck as she said,"Rhys told me what happened. How's your neck? "

"Fine Mrs Archer!" I said smiling. "Are you hungry?" She asked.

"I.. I am really not that hungry." I said. "Periods?" I nodded with a awkward laugh.

"Okay then!I will let you rest. Tell me if you need anything!" She kissed me on cheeks and left. I slowly drifted into sleep.


Next thing I remember is was waking up with a growling stomach and Rhys sitting on the bed beside me.

"Hey!" I said trying to sit up. He extended his hand and I took it. I crushed his hand and He winced in pain, "I am sorry!"

"Who knew you have so much strength."He leaned and kissed me on lips. "I'm hungry!"He didn't say anything and handed me my lunch. "I knew as soon as you will wake up, you will demand food!"

I ate my food quickly. My head was resting on his lap and He was playing with my hair when I asked, "Did you found something?"

"Hmm... There is Another shipment happening tonight."

"Will you go?" I asked.

"Uh..Yes!" He answered.

"Why?Do you know how dangerous it is!" I sit up and look dead in his eyes. He held my face and said, "Hey I will be fine!" He caressed my cheeks. "And How do you know that?"

"I am doing this for a while,the only one I am worried about is you!"He said."But-" He smashed his lips on mine trying to change the subject but I pushed him away.

"El!Hey I promise I will be fine!"He tried to assure me but I know better.

"Come on!"He groaned. "Since when do you worry about me!"He huffed in frustration.
"Since that guy threatened you!"

"And that same guy almost choked you,almost killed you!That is why I am going to kill him!"

"That's why I don't want you to go!You will act foolish and get yourself killed.First calm yourself down,make a plan then go.You are not thinking straight right now."I almost shouted.

"I am thinking straight!Now will you please stop shouting!"He yelled.

"No you are not!"I declared."You are lying.You know you will act on rage!"

"I am not lying!And I am not acting out on rage."

"Okay Then!Where were you this morning?"

"Construction site!"

I picked up my phone and opened messages.This morning I received a message from unknown number of London and Rhys sitting at the coffee shop.I am not jealous because I know he wouldn't do that to any girl but I am angry that he lied straight to my face.

I showed him the picture and said,"You always lie!"

"El!That's not what you think!"

"Oh it isn't you and London in cafe this morning.You lied to me."

"Please El-"

"I don't want to talk.You are a liar.Do what you want to do! And when you figure everything about your life I will be at Aria's!"

"You are leaving!"He grabbed my hand and yanked me towards him.Our eyes met."I can't live with the fact that you come home at night with bruises and cut or you might even come." Because I love you.I left that part out because I am not sure about my feelings for him yet.How can I trust him if he lies about where he is going or about anything.

"El?Please."He wrapped his arms around me but I stood still. "I can't do this.Rhys I will only be at Aria's and only till you figure your shit out."

"I will give you your space but please don't leave.I can't put you at risk again." He was desperate.I can here it in his voice. "Please El!" He begged.

"Okay!But I am still going at Aria's for a while." I changed into Jeans and a top and went outside where I found Rhys bodyguard waiting for me.I smiled at him and got into the car.

It's going to be really hard for me this time.Let's hope that Rhys figure his shit out because I can't stay away from him that long.

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