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We were laying on our bed naked covered with blankets. After having sex for first time we couldn't get our hands off each other. Whenever he come home from work he would tackle me to the bed and we would make out for hours.

I snuggled my head onto his chest and wrapped my arms around his torso. He was rubbing circles on my naked back which were really soothing. Slowly his hands stopped the movement and his breathing became normal.

I am really happy he is finally having some rest. I changed into my clothes and went downstairs to the library. I greeted Mr and Mrs Archer on the way.

I opened the large doors to the library and began searching for my unfinished book. After 15 minutes of going Aisles to Aisles I finally found it.

Suddenly my phone dinged. I checked and there was a message from an unknown number. I opened it and it said:

"Your dear Husband won't stop getting in our way. Now as per our warning we are coming for you and this time we won't miss."

My hands were literally shaking but this time I will be strong.I calmed myself and typed.

"I am not afraid.I know that Rhys will easily able to put a bullet through your head."

I switched off my phone and lost in the book I was reading.


I completed that book sooner than I thought. I was standing on a ladder trying to reach the topmost bookshelf. If my foot slip my leg is for sure broken.

Almost there! Almost there!Ah I got it. And I slipped. I closed my eyes praying there is a soft mattress below me but I landed in someone's arm. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Rhys holding me.

"You are going to be death of me one day!" He whispered. "I'm sorry."

He carried me towards a sofa in bridal style and gently put me down on it.He sat beside me and tried to examine the book in my hand.

"It's Six of crows!" I said."Haven't you read that already?"He asked.

"Yes but I like this book!"

"I wanted to give you something."He declared after several minutes.I just hummed in response as he took out a box from behind him. How did it even get there?

"Here!"He handed me the box and I opened it. Inside it a gun was displayed. "GUN!"I almost screamed.

"It's for your safety!"

"Then give me a bodyguard not a gun!"

"Please!Just keep it with you.At least I will think that you have something to protect yourself when I'm not around."He explained.

"Please El!" He pleaded.I will never use it.

"I hate you sometimes!"I groaned and close the box.

"Love you too!"He smiled cheekily at me.

"I will be home late today!I have some work." He said and nodded.

We chat for a while then he left for work. The gun was still in my hand and I had no idea what to do with it.I hide the box in my drawer and continue reading my book. I was trying not to think about it but my mind always seemed to end up there.

MEANT TO BE? (Kingdom Aizaica Series 1)Where stories live. Discover now