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I ran downstairs after changing into simple black v-neck dress.I opened the gate and was about to step out but My mother's voice stopped me in mid track.

"Elyse what are you wearing?"My mother said in disgust tone."A dress."I shot back."That's highly inappropriate!What would your father say!"My mother exclaimed.It was showing just a little cleavage.

"I don't care.And because of you I'm late."I rushed out of the door and sat in my car. Sometimes I wish I would have a whole new family where everything was right.

"Mrs Archer,Sorry I was late.I got held up."I gave her a small hug."No worries dear."She smiled.I looked around the small store I was in.It's interior was beautiful.

"This is so tight."I was wearing a maroon full sleeve gown and It was so tight from my waist.It wasn't that pretty."Don't worry about fitting!Do you like it?"

"Not very much!"I mumbled.

"Then go on,try the next one."Please be a good one!please be a good one!

I removed the maroon dress and looked around to see which one was left.Finally I found a simple elegant red gown.

It looked so good on me and the rate was in my range.I checked myself in mirror one more time and stepped out of changing room.

"Oh Elyse!You look beautiful."Mrs Archer exclaimed."Thank you!"

"Do you like it?"

"Yes!But Mrs Archer please let me pay."I said.

"No!I can't let you do that!Rhys will be here any minute.He will pay."She declared.

"But-"I was cut by Mrs Archer glaring.She gave me a smile and walked away towards the cashier.I cursed myself and fell back on the chair.

"Sorry I am late!I was busy !"Rhys said walking towards me.He was staring at me with mouth agape."Can you please tell your Mom to let me pay for that dress.Please!"

"No!You are not going to pay."

"Okay but can I pay half!"I Begged.I never like someone paying for me.I have been Independent on my own for so long that idea of someone helping me scares me.

"No!I am paying!And you look very beautiful by the way."He smiled.

"You are difficult."I huffed and went into changing room.Wait did he complimented me?Wow!That would be the first time since high school he complimented me.

I changed into my black dress and went outside. "I have some news for you guys!Your father and I have decided to announce your marriage publicly."Well this ain't good."So you guys have to be with each other in public more often."

"Elyse, Rhys will be taking you out for lunch and meanwhile I will inform the paparazzi."She smiled and went outside.Well there goes my lunch plans with Aria.

"Where would you like to go My lady?"He said with a humorous tone. "I don't care really!your choice."I was trying to control my laugh so hard.

"Okay!Let's go then!"He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the store. "Where?"We sat in his car. "Surprise!"

"But my car?"

"We will pick up it later!"He said and started driving.He was humming to a tune when my eyes wandered to his arms and there was a huge cut there. 'It was probably a accident' I said to myself and brushed it off.But what if it wasn't?I shook all the thoughts from my mind and try to remember which road we are on.

Maybe this isn't going to be so bad.....

MEANT TO BE? (Kingdom Aizaica Series 1)Where stories live. Discover now