Roommates or More?!

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Tommy's POV

I got out of exile and I was tormented by the memories. Dream always causing me harm, Tubbo abandoning me. At least I have Ranboo and Ghostbur... I wonder around aimlessly and I end up bumping into someone. I fell to the ground, "Sorry," I said. I then see a hand reached out to me, I look up to see who it is and it's Purpled. I smiled and took his hand, he pulls me up and pats my back. "The Impact didn't hurt you too much did it?" He asked. I shook my head and giggled, "No, no I'm alright," I replied.

Purpled smiled, "What are you doing around here. Heard you got exiled, wanted to visit but Dream didn't allow it," Purpled said. "Wait really? You wanted to visit me?" I asked. "Yeah man, your pretty cool when your not annoying," he replied. I playfully rolled my eyes, we both laughed. "What were you doing before I ran into you, Purpled?" I asked. "Was about to head to Las Nevadas. Wanna come with?" He asked. I nod my head and we made our way there.

I didn't have a trident yet so we had to walk. "I forgot walking was so tiring," Purpled said. I chuckled, I take out my wings and pick him up. He was startled at first, "Yeah bitch let's go!" I said flying full speed in the direction of Las Nevadas. We laughed as we flew there, I land in front of the Las Nevadas sign but before I do I rest Purpled down. I landed on the sand but tripped a bit, I was preparing to land on the sand when I felt me being pulled back.

I open my eyes and now I'm face to face with Purpled. "You're such a clutz," he said, a blush then creeped onto my face. He let go of me, "Thanks..." I whispered trying to collect myself. He let out a slight hum, I calm myself down and we walk in. "You have a place to stay or something Tommy?" Purpled asked. I shook my head, "Uh, I kinda ran away from Dream so he doesn't ya know. Kill me," I replied.

"Wait what?" He said. "Yeah," I whispered. "You'll stay with me Tommy," Purpled said. I looked up at him, "I couldn't do that what happens if he finds me with you," I said. "The only thing running in Dream's is that I don't affiliate myself with you. So don't worry," he shrugged. "I-If you say so.." I said sheepishly. I then saw Purpled look at me up and down, "First let's get you some new clothes. You look like shit," he said walking to his house. I sighed.

I followed him to his house, we both walked inside. He guided me to his bedroom, "Stay here," he said. I nod my head, he then walks into his closet. He comes back out with a black suit, with a red tie. "Before you change we should treat some of your wounds," Purpled said placing the suit on the bed, "Strip tall boy," he said. My face turned bright pink, "This is illegal you're an adult and I'm a minor, you'll go to jail sir," I replied.

He tilted his body to the side and crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow. He then looked at me up and down and smirked, "Age is just a number," he said. "And jail is just a room," I replied. He shrugged his shoulders, "Fair, fair but still strip so I can help you," he said. I sigh and start removing my shirt first. My top half was covered in scars, some dried, some still bleeding. "Seems like you're going to have to take a bathe instead of a simple cleanup," Purpled said examining me.

He walked over to me and pushed me into his bathroom. He closed the door behind us and set the bathe water for me. "Tell me if this is warm enough for you," he said. I dip my hand in it and nod, "Well get to strippin'" he added. "What is with you and me stripping!" I yelled, "Look away man!" He chuckled and turned around, I sigh and take off all my clothes entering the water. I bring my knees up to my chest, "You can look now," I said. He looked over at me in the water, he brought a stool and sat down on it. "God when was the last time you showered. Your hair looks so fuckin greasy, so does your face?" He asked.

"To busy fighting to survive then worrying about my hygiene," I replied putting my head on my knees. He let out a hum, "Well put your back towards me so I can wash your hair," he said. I then adjust myself to sit in front of him. I heard him open a bottle, then close it. He put his hands in my hair and started cleaning it. I let out a calm hum as I fell into a daze. I then heard the shower head turn on and my head getting wet. My long hair falling on my face. "There's the shiny blond," Purpled commented.

I chuckled, he then opened a bottle, closed it and put it in my hair again. "Double shampoo?" I asked. "Yeah your hair is filthy," he said scrubbing my scalp again. Once he finishes he rinses it off again and moves the hair out of my face. "Do you need shampoo for your wings?" He asked. "Ah, that requires a special shampoo that I have to get from Phil. Don't worry for now," he said. He then reached into his pocket, grabbed his phone, pressed the screen and put it to his ear.

"Yeah Phil, I have a favour to ask. Do you have any shampoo for people with wings?" He asked. My eyes widened and I whipped my head around. "Yeah can you drop some off please," he said. He then let a hum, "Thanks," he said hanging up. "What the fuck?" I asked. "By the meantime for the shampoo, we gotta wash your body bird boy," he said ignoring my question. I scoff, "You're just going to ignore my question," I said. "Yeah pretty much," he replied.

"Wow..." I said. I saw Purpled grabbing a lofa and putting soap on it. "On your knees," he said. My face spiked with redness, I followed his instructions and he scrubbed my back, around my wings. He rubbed against my wing and I immediately looked back. "They are sensitive, watch it please!" I yelled. "Alright, sorry bird boy," he replied. He finished with my back, before I could rinse off he pulls my back to the edge of the tub. He takes the lofa and starts scrubbing my chest, the blush came creeping in.

"I-I can do it myself!" I yelled. He let out a hum and kept scrubbing  me. I sighed and allowed him to do it. Once he finishs he hands me the lofa, "The rest is yours bird boy," he said patting my back. I sighed and scrubbed the rest of myself. He's seen almost every part of me now.. This is fuckin' embarrassing. Once I finished I rinsed off my skin and chilled in the tub. I then hear the door open, I look over an it was Purpled holding 3 bottles. He put 2 in the cupboard and kept one in his hand.

"Right time to wash those wings," he said. "W-Wait I can do it myself," I stuttered. "Extend," he said. "Purpled I-" "Extend, now," he said with a growl. I then extend my wings, he gently grabs one of them. I try my best to suppress all my noises as he cleaned my wings. It got harder and harder the more he touched them. I always let a few slip from my mouth but I end up covering it at the end. Once he let go of my wing, I started panting.

He then gently grabbed and started washing the other one. God help me please, I can't take much more of this torture. Once he finished with my last wing you can literally see hot air coming from my mouth. I tried catching my breathe but I was too hot. I let out a grunt as I dipped my wings into the water washing them. "Save those noises for the bedroom," he said getting up and leaving. My entire face turned red, "This is your fuckin' fault! I told you not to touch my wings!" I yelled. "Yeah, yeah," he replied.

Damn bastard... I finished rinsing off everything and stepped out of the bathtub. I wrapped a towel around my waist and drained the tub. I then dry myself completely and sigh. Purpled opens the door a little and puts some PJs on the counter. He then closed the door, I smiled and grabbed the clothing. I put on everything, once I finished I wrap the towel around my head and walk out.

"Let's comb out your hair then blow dry it," he said. I give a nod and sit down on a chair, he comes over and combs out my hair. My hair reached all the way to my hips and Purpled whistled, "Damn Rapunzel," he said. "Shut the fuck up," I chuckled. He chuckled as well and walked over to get the hair dryer. He blow dried my hair and wings, after he was finished he stepped back. I got up from the chair and turned to him, "There we go, clean boi," he said. I scratch the back of my head with a smile, "Thanks," I said.

"No worries, we should sleep now," he said walking over to another bedroom. I followed behind him, "This is your room," he said. I nod and walk in, "Thanks again," I replied, he gave a nod. I then close the door and flop on the bed. I get comfortable on the bed and smile before I fall asleep.

Tommy x PurpledWhere stories live. Discover now