Gods Are Born

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Tommy's POV

I woke up the next day and I immediately look over to my left. I saw that all 5 of my eggs were there. I get up and lay on them, covering all of them. I had the instinct to do so.... I then heard movement coming from the door. I look over and it's Phil, he notices that I'm awake and he gives me a smile. "How are you feeling Theseus?" Phil asked. "I'm good," I chirped.

He then entered the room, I then see another figure behind him. It was Purpled, he looked over at me and smiled. He walked over and layed beside me, "Hey baby, how are you doing?" He asked. I chirped in response, he just smiled and pet my head. "What do you want to name them Theseus?" Techno asked walking in. He leaned against the door with a smile, it wasn't one of his fake smiles. It was soft, warm and welcoming.

All eyes were then back on me. I then get off of the eggs, out of the nest and transform into a human. I was wearing a golden robe, my long red hair gently falling on my skin. I then open my eyes and they glowed softly, I've always been told they shine brighter than diamonds. I then smiled, as my wings flapped once more before resting. I've noticed some parts of my body changed.

I look more feminine now, along with my face and the rest of my body. I know this is only temporary until my kids reach a certain age but I feel slightly uncomfortable in this body. Well it isn't something I'm used to... I can tell Purpled was mesmerized by my looks. I look over at him and smile softly, "Hi," I said. I even sound like a girl... Purpled snapped out of it and smiled, "How are you doing?" He asked again. I giggled, "I'm alright," I replied.

I then look over at Techno and Phil, Phil was surprised. "You look just like her," he said in disbelief. I just smiled at him, "Hi Phil, Hi Techno," I said. Techno was surprised by my voice. I sound like her too, I don't remember much about my mother but I remember her looks and voice at least. I then look at the eggs in my nest, they had unique colouring. One egg was red, the other was purple, another was dark red, another was dark purple and the last one was mixed of our colours.

Each egg also had spots of the opposites ones colour on it. They were a nice oval shape, they looked so pretty. "I have some names in mind," I said replying to Techno's comment from earlier. I touch a pure red egg with purple spots on it. When I touch it, it starts glowing, "Your name is Hephaestus the God of Fire," I said. The egg then turned into fire with a ring of fire surrounding it. I touched the purple egg with red spots, I then started glowing. "Your name is Athena the God of War," I said, the egg then turned into blood.

I then touched the dark red egg with dark Purpled spots, it started to glow. "Your name is
Apophis the God of Chaos," I said. The egg turned into a misty dark red, dark red clouds then surrounded it. I moved on to the dark purple egg with dark red spots on it. I touch it and it starts glowing, "Your name is
Perses the God of Destruction," I said. The egg then turned into a misty dark grey, rocks surrounded it and a few cracks appeared on the egg.

I then look over at the last one, the one who had a mix of both of our colours. I touch it and it glows, "Your name is Zeus the God of Thunder," I said. The egg then turned black, dark grey clouds surrounded it, letting off lightning strikes every now and then. A greyish white mist was surrounding the egg as well. They all looked at me in shock, "How did you...?" Purpled asked slowly looking up at me.

"I'm only able to give them the powers that I have. Like all the names I have mentioned before, they all have a history and title behind it," I replied. "Greek Mythology," Techno said. I nod my head and he smiled, I then look over at Purpled who was still shocked. "All the titles you gave them, you could do all of those things too?" He asked. "Yes I can," I said. I stick my pointer finger out and cause a mini fire. I blow it out and I summon lightning in the palm of my hand.

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