Strange Behavior

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Purpled's POV

For the past 2 weeks Theseus didn't want to do anything else but cling to me. In full honesty I do not mind but he wants to go everywhere with me. It's not like he's in his human form he's a crow on top of my fuckin' head. He's just laying there, either looking around, chirping or sleeping. But he mainly just eats and sleeps, is something wrong with him?

Maybe I should ask Phil? I reach into my closet for a sweater with a hood. I grab it and wrap around my waist. In the corner of my eye, I see Theseus start to moving his wings slowly. I can tell he couldn't sense me so I look over at him and I hear him start chirping loudly. He seemed to be in distress, I walk over to him quickly and pet him. He started to calm down a bit but he was still chirping.

I then pick him up and I accidentally feel his stomach. He then chirped again loudly, "I'm sorry!" I quickly said comforting him again. We really need to see Phil... I'm concerned now.. I get up and run out the house, I close the door and lock it behind me. I then take out my trident, put Theseus in my shirt so he can't fly out and start making my way there. Once I've reached the border between the temperature change. I took Theseus out of my shirt, put my hoodie on pulled up my hood and gently put him inside my hoodie. He cuddled up to me and I ran through the biome all the way to Phil's house.

I make it to his porch and I knock on the door. "Coming!" I heard someone yell. A few seconds later I see a man with wings in a green and white bucket hat. "Phil," I said out of breathe. "Hey, hey what's going on?" He asked taking me inside and closing the door. "Calm down mate," he said leading me to the couch. He then sat next to me and I was able to catch my breath. "You alright?" He asked when he realized that I calm down. I nod my head and reach into my sweater for Theseus. "He seemed to be in distress since this morning but he's been in this form for 2 weeks and I don't know what's going on..." I whimpered...

Theseus then fluffed up his feathers letting out slight chirps of distress. He then gently grabbed Theseus and examined him. He then pressed around to see what could cause him pain until, CHIRP! I heard loudly, "Sorry Toms," Phil said, "But I have to examine your stomach, bare with it a little longer please." He then started feeling around his stomach trying to find the cause then he had a surprised look on his face.

He then rest Theseus in his off hand and gently soothed him. Theseus was crying but he slowly calmed down. "Phil what's wrong with him?" I asked. "I can't confirm until I get some questions out of him," he said. "Theseus, was there a time when you were with Purpled did you feel a hot tingly feeling in your stomach?" He asked. Theseus, then nodded, "You've lost yourself in the feeling and ended up with a blank mind right?" He asked and he nodded again.

Phil then chuckled, "Seems like we got the case of a soul bonding here," he said. It then clicked in my mind, "So that means...?" I said looking at him. "Yes it means seems like our little boy here is going to have some chicks," he said. "Wouldn't that mean he was born with both organs?" I asked. "Yes," Phil replied. I nod my head and smile, "You alright Theseus?" I asked. He let out a low chirp like he was about to fall asleep.

Phil then chuckled, "What did he say?" I asked. "He said 'Yes but I'm a little tired, I'm going to sleep now.' We have a sleepy boi," he replied. I chuckled as well, "I'm glad he's okay, I was worried about him.." I said in a low tone. Phil let out a hum, "I'm glad you're taking care of him," he said. I smiled, "Is there anything I should be aware of for him?" I asked. Phil nodded, "There will be times where he will be in pain so it's best to be there for him. It will past in 2 hours. He'll mainly fall asleep afterwards and make sure to always feed him," Phil said.

"I feel like my role changed from boyfriend to wife," I jokingly said. Phil chuckled, "Yeah that's what I had to do with my wife," he said, "I don't know if it would be different for him but it's worth a shot." I then look at Theseus, he mainly just eats and sleeps but when he's not sleeping he's clingy. So it'd be best for me to just take him everywhere I go. "Earth to Purpled," Phil said. I snapped out of it, "Sorry, I was thinking," I replied. Phil let out a hum and passed Theseus over to me. I then held him in my off hand, he sensed me and cuddled up to me.

I then look over at Phil, "Thank you so much Phil," I said sincerely. "No worries mate," he replied. We both got up and walked over to the door. I opened the door and gently placed Theseus in my sweater, I then walked out the door. I turn around to Phil, "Bye Phil, thanks again," I waved walking away. "Bye mate!" He said waving back. I then walk back home, "You gave me a huge scare Theseus," I whispered, "I thought something bad happened to you..."

You scared me... I closed my eyes and the next thing I knew I was in front my doorstep. I unlock the door and go inside closing the door behind me, I then turn on the lights. I walk in our room, put the sweater back into the closet and walk to the bathroom. I set the water with Theseus on the counter. I undressed and picked him up, I then sat in the tub, making sure the water didn't touch him yet. I didn't want him to enter into a state of shock.

I then nudge him awake, "C'mon baby, you have to get up," I said sweetly with a smile. He slowly started opening his eyes and started moving his wings. I then kissed the top of his head and he fluffed up his feathers fully awake. I give him a few seconds for his body to fully wake up. "Ready?" I asked. He chirped in response, I then gently lower him in the water. To not startle or cause harm to him.

He got adjusted to the water by putting his tiny feet in there first. I then gently rest him on top of the water. He floats a bit and cleaned himself up, making himself comfortable. I then begin to wash myself, after I finished I sighed. Relaxing in the water, I then felt Theseus move around. I open one eye and look at him, he flapped his wings and rest himself on my forehead. I chuckled, "You're lucky you're adorable," I joked. He chirped and then lightly pressed his beak against my head.

"You can't turn human?" I asked, he shook his head. "It'll take too much energy that I don't have," he replied. I let out a hum, "Talking does to?" I asked and he nodded.   "Alright," I said closing my eyes again. This is going to be quite the ride.

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