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Tommy's POV

For the last 8 months I've realized that I've gotten bigger. I don't know If it's because I'm pregnant or I got fatter... I let out a heavy sigh. I feel even more alert and hungry now, I don't even want to sleep. Sometimes I would feel what's in my stomach is moving around. I know I'm not going to give birth to children but eggs but can they not cause me discomfort? I'm getting even more pissed off by the day and it's making me moody.

I stand up a bit, and another thing being stuck in this crow body is getting me more upset. I fluff up my feathers a bit and waddle off the couch. I glide down to the ground and waddle my way around. I want the perfect spot to build a nest... I search all around the house and I determined that the highest point of the house, which was on top of the cabinets, was a perfect place. I started collecting small things around the house like sheets and small pillows. I placed they all on top of the cabinet.

"Theseus," Purpled called. I look over at him and I see his elbow raised. I glide down to him and land on his elbow. "Baby what are you doing?" He asked looking up at the cabinet then looking back at me. "Building a nest," I replied pecking at my feathers. "How can I reach the eggs if you put it all the way up there?" He asked. In full honesty I don't know, I don't have anything to say. He then sighed, "Can't you build it on the bed?" He asked.

I sighed and nodded my head, he smiled at me. I flew up and started removing the sheets and pillows one by one. He was down below catching all of them. Once we finished I flew and landed on his shoulder. We then made our way to the bedroom, I took some of the sheets from Purpled and formed the outer shell of the nest. I then take the pillows so I have some cushioning. After I was done I layed in the nest, I moved around and got comfortable.

Purpled layed beside me, "You doin' alright?" He asked. I nodded and chirped in response. I knew I was expecting sometime this week since this is the end of the 8th month. I just wonder when they will come, I can tell that I'm having more than one but how many. I guess I'll find out when the time comes. I then feel a finger on my head, I open my eyes and it's Purpled. I let out content chirps and snuggled into his hand.

He then pet the rest of my body and all I did was chirp. I'm always happy when he touches me. I got so caught up in the moment I ended up falling asleep.

I then hear the chirping of chicks. I look over and see Purpled with 5 baby chicks. They looked like Purpled and some had my features. Purpled then looked over at me and smiled. "Are you going to just stand there? Come join us hun," he said sweetly with a smile. I walked over to them. I was in my human form? I layed beside them on the other side and they all ran to me. I chuckled and played with all of them. I smiled at the pleasant dream but then a sudden pain struck my stomach causing me to wake up.

I chirped loudly in pain, why now...of all times, why now? I then heard someone around me move around. I look over and it's Purpled, Phil and Techno. I honestly forgot they were staying in the house with us for my last month. "You'll be alright Theseus," Phil said petting me. I chirped in pain once more, "It hurts Phil!" I cried. "I know mate, I know just hold on a little okay," Phil said.

I felt a collision in my stomach like they were fighting to get out of me. How do women do this?! This is hell! I chirp loudly and I feel something leave my body. I chirp loudly once more and the next thing I knew all the pain was gone. Well not completely but at least it wasn't as bad. I was breathing heavily, trying to catch my breathe from the birth I just did. "You did it baby," Purpled said petting me. I opened my eyes and looked at him, he gave me a sweet smile. I let out a low chirp of exhaustion, I then start to look around.

I saw 5 eggs laying right next to me, my heart felt warmed. I then spot someone in the corner of my eye, I look over and it's Techno and Phil. They smiled at me sweetly, "You did it mate!" Phil whispered. I chirped again, now I'm tired... "Go to sleep dear, you've earned it," Purpled said softly. I let out a low chirp and slowly doze off to sleep. I could hear them moving around, I was on high alert. I even woke up a few times when they got too close to my eggs.

"Aww, he's just like Kristan after she gave birth. No worries mate we got you," Phil cooed. I then look over at Purpled and he nodded his head. I sighed and went to sleep. I wonder what should I name them... I'll think more about that tomorrow.

(Hello commenter, yes I remember you specifically. I'm picking out the list of names you gave me. Next chapter for that :D)

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