Sequel - Family Photo

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Tommy's POV

It's been 16 years since I last gave birth to these 5 children of mine. I regained my male body which is a plus. Dream hasn't bothered us since the day I confronted him. I'm glad though I can spend all that time with my husband and children. Today is the day that I relax... I take a seat on the couch and slouch. I let out a content and relaxed sigh. "MOM!!!" Well it was supposed to be a relaxing day. I rub my t-zone while getting up.

I walk upstairs, go down the hallway and walk into their room. "What, what is it?" I said slowly opening my eyes. I then see Apophis and Perses having a mini brawl. Zeus, Athena and Hephaestus just watches it unfold. I let out a sigh, "Stop at once!" I said in a thundery voice. They immediately stopped and looked at me. "Can you guys not for one day?" I asked. They got off of each other and sat criss cross, "Sorry, Ma," the both said. "Thank you, lunch is there if you're hungry," I said walking away. "Okay!" They all said.

I walk back downstairs, through the hallway and back on the couch. I need to catch some zzz's we have a family photo at 4 and it's 12 o'clock. I closed my eyes and doze off a bit, I suddenly feel myself being picked up. I opened my left eye and see that it's Purpled. "You're home early," I whispered nuzzling my head in his chest. "It's 2pm what do you mean early?" He asked. "2 hours only felt like 2 minutes," I said tiredly.

He chuckled, "It happens when your tired baby," he replied. "Yeah," I replied kissing his cheek, "Thanks." He let out a hum and carried me to our bedroom. He rest me down on the bed and he was about to walk away. I grabbed his sleeve and he looked back, "Stay please," I whispered. He smiled and crawled in the bed with me. Even if he layed in bed with me on his phone, I want the company.

I rest my head on the pillow next to him, I got so relaxed my body turned feminine but it's whatever. I hear movement going on around me but I didn't care much. I then feel fur against my leg, chest and face. I slowly open my eyes to find 5 chicks laying on and near me. My hair was covering over the pillows as I layed on my back in a comfortable position. Once they noticed I was awake they started chirping. "Yes babies, what's up?" I asked in a groggy voice.

I then feel them move from where they were to near my face. I let out a hum as they all nuzzled against me. I kiss all of their foreheads and lay back down. "What time is it?" I asked. "It's 3:25" Athena responded. "Thanks," I replied slowly getting up. Some of them got swept up with my hair. I catch them before they get hurt, "Sorry," I said. They all chirped in response and I just smiled. "You guys done dressed?" I asked. "No," Perses and Apophis replied. "We are," Zeus, Athena and Hephaestus replied.

"Go change," I said resting them down slowly getting off the bed. They chirped in response, gliding off the bed leaving the room. I transform back into a man and change my clothes. I put on a red dress shirt with black 3 quarter dress pants and dark brown boots. I then put my hair in a ponytail and walk out of the room. I peek into their room and they were putting on their shirts. I let out a hum and walk downstairs, I adjust my dress shirt as I do.

I put one sleeve to my elbow and left the other at my wrist. I stop at the bottom of the stairs to properly fix it. "First one downstairs is a rotten egg!" Perpes yelled. I then hear a bunch of running, "Ma! Look out!" Perpes yelled. I step over to the side and watch as he lands the jump he did. "Move it asshole!" Apophis yelled. Perpes didn't move in time and ended up getting jumped on.

"Get off me!" Perpes yelled on the floor. Apophis got up, Perpes followed after. Now they are at each other's throats. I let out a sigh and hit the back of their heads. "How many times do I have to say no jumping down the stairs?" I growled. "276 times," Apophis replied. "If you make it 280 I'll get the belt," I growled. "Sorry Ma," they both replied rubbing the back of their heads. They then walked away and sat on the couch.

Tommy x PurpledWhere stories live. Discover now