Chapter 19

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I jumped awake from the sound of pans clattering and falling.

"Fucking hell" I whispered to myself.

"Who was that" I heard Luke whisper from beside me.
I forgot he was there.

"I don't know but I'm gonna fucking murder them for waking me" I mumbled and he chuckled.

I turned around and saw that Cam and Jai were still sleeping.

So it was either James or Daniel.
Or my mom.

Shit. My mom didn't know people were staying the night.

I got up quickly and ran downstairs into the kitchen to see my Mom with a pan in her hand and James holding his head in pain.

I tried to contain my laughter as I realised she had just hit James with a pan.

"Did you hit him Mom?" I asked
"Who is he!?" She yelled.
"One of Cameron's friends. He didn't tell you they were staying?"
"No. Oh my God I'm so sorry are you ok do you need to go to the hospital?" She asked, dropping the pan and rushing to him.

"No no. It's ok. There was a strange half naked boy in your kitchen, I would've done the same thing" he said without a hint of amusement, grabbing his head more.

"Fuck" he whispered.

"I really am sorry" My mom said as she got some frozen peas out if the freezer.

James put them on his head.

"Come on James" I laughed, pulling him out if the kitchen and upstairs.

I was pissing myself laughing the whole Way up to my room.

"What?" Luke asked as we walked in.

"My Mom hit James with a pan thinking he was a burglar" I laughed even more as James hit my arm playfully.

"It really fucking hurt!" He said as all the boys started pissing themselves.

"One sec" I said, still laughing and walking downstairs to the living room.

"Daniel you coming upstairs?" I asked as I watched Daniel on his phone, lying on the couch.

"Hm? Yeah. What was that noise?" He asked.

I started laughing again. "My mom hit James with a pan"

"What? Seriously?" He asked.

I nodded and he laughed and followed me upstairs.

When we got upstsirs, the boys were still in stitches laughing.

I lay down beside Luke on my bed again as they all calmed down a bit.

Then I heard my moms footsteps on the stairs.

"Get out" I whisper yelled, kicking Luke off my bed, making him fall on the floor.

"What the fff-... Oh Hey uhm Ellie's mum" he said just as she walked in.

"I just wanted to check on your head sweetie I'm so sorry" she said to James.

"It's ok honestly" he replied.

She looked carefully around the room at all the boys in their boxers, then suspiciously at me.

I just smiled nervously, then realised I was the only girl in a room full of 6 half naked, attractive boys.

She then just smiled at James and walked out. Thank god I kicked Luke out of the bed. Or else I would've been in shitt.

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