Chapter 22

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Cam woke me up by tickling my nose with a feather.
"Tickle tickle" he giggled.
I pushed the feather away and groaned.
"Wait, where the hell did you get a feather?" I said, opening my eyes.
He shrugged. "It was sitting on the windowsill outside your room." He said pointing to the window.
"Ew" I said, rubbing my nose as if it would get rid of the germs.
He laughed. "Get up, I wanna go to the shop"
"Why? And why did you have to wake me up?" I asked.
"I don't know where the keys are and I found a feather and I was bored" he shrugged.
I nearly punched him when I looked at the time.
"Cameron it's 8:00 am no shop will be Open!" I exclaimed.
"Oops" he laughed.
I decided to get up because I knew I wouldn't have fallen back asleep.
I stayed in my Cookie Monster pyjama shorts and tank top.
"Hey boy" I said in a puppy voice as the little pup jumped up on my legs. I still hadn't decide on a name for him and it's been a few days now.
He slept in the utility room, he didn't mind it.
He licked my hand as I petted his head. I walked into the kitchen with the pup following me. He literally followed me everywhere.

Cameron made us coffee and lasagne for breakfast.

Wait, lasagne?
"Why is lasagne for breakfast?" I laughed.
"Because lasagne is yummy" he said.
I took a picture of the lasagne and coffee on snapchat and captioned it 'when Cam makes you breakfast 😍'
Hailed replied with 'lucky bitch. Wish he could make me breakfast'
I laughed and ate my breakfast.

"You excited for tonight?" I asked him.
"What's tonight?" He asked.
"The party dumbass" I said
"Oh. I don't think I'll go" he said, playing with a piece of mince left on his plate.
"What? Why?" I asked.
He shrugged.
"You're going. Or I'm not going" I said.
"Yes. You are if I have to dress you myself and drag you there on a lead" I said and he laughed and agreed to go.
"Ok. Now can we go to the shop? you drive" he said putting our plates and mugs in the sink.
"Yea ok." I agreed.
"I think you should name him Scooby" cam said looking at the little dog lick his paws.
"Scooby" I repeated. "Taco" I said.
"Taco is cute but it's a bit ridiculous" he laughed.
"I don't know. Taco!"i called. He looked up at me with his little brown eyes.
"I think he likes it" I said.
"Scooby!"cameron called but he didn't look up.
"Ha-ha" I joked. "Cmon taco" I said as I got up out of my seat and lifted him up.
I grabbed the keys and walked out the door.
"You're not gonna change?" Cam questioned as he hopped in the passenger seat.
"Nope" I said. I had my pyjamas and fluffy socks on.
Taco sat on my lap as I drove to the nearest shop, which was a Walmart about 15 minutes away.
Taco kept putting his front paws on the wheel to see out the window. It was beyond adorable.
I parked the car and Cameron jumped out and walked into the shop.
He came back out a minute later. "Come in for a sec" he said.
"I'm in my pyjamas and I have a puppy" I said.
"Doesn't matter. Just come in." He shut the door and walked back inside.
I sighed, unbuckled my seatbelt and ran into the shop with taco in my arms.
"Ma'am there's no animals allowed in this store" the security said.
"Please, I'll just be one minute." I begged.
"Don't put him down and keep him with you" he instructed and I thanked him.
Cameron was in the candy isle with a very concentrated face on him.
"Cheese puffs or cheese balls?" He asked.
"Is that seriously what you wanted me for?" I asked.
"No, but cheese puffs or balls?" He repeated.
"They're both the same just different shapes. But cheese puffs" I said.
"Ok. I need you to get pads and tampons." He said.
"What?" I questioned.
"Like when girls are on their periods they use p-"
"I know what they are but why?"
"Just get them please" he said.
I looked at him like he was crazy before walking off to find them. "Why the fuck does he need pads" I whispered to myself.

"Need any help?" A young, and attractive, employee asked as I wandered around like an idiot in my pyjamas.
I didn't have makeup on and my hair was a mess.
"Um no thanks" I smiled.
He nodded and scanned me before smiling at me. He probably thought I was crazy.
"Hey, wait, are you by any chance free tonight?" He asked.
He was really really hot like he should've been working in Abercrombie and Fitch not Walmart. And why the hell was he asking me this, I looked really bad.
"Actually I'm not, and I have a boyfriend" I said.
"Oh, well let me know if you need any help" he smiled and walked away.

After I got the pads and tampons I went to the checkout with Cameron, where the same guy was behind the cash register. Shit.

I slowly walked up to him and smiled. He smiled back as I put the stuff on the counter.
I was trying not to laugh so I just looked at taco.
"I like your dog. What's his name?" He asked as he scanned the box.
"Taco. And thanks" I smiled.
"That's cute. And that'll be 5.85$" he said.
I handed him a ten dollar bill, I walked to Cams register after I got the change where he was buying a load of junk.

When we got back in the car and were driving I asked him "why the fuck did you need pads and tampons?"
"I'll tell you later. Hey can we stop off at a friends house for a sec" he asked.
I sighed. "Sure".

We arrived at a huge, modern house.
"Who's house is this?" I asked but he just ignored me, grabbed the pads and tampons and ran to the house. He was really starting to piss me off.

A small girl with long brown hair opened the door and smiled at Cameron. He handed her the pads and tampons and she kissed his cheek. They were talking for about 5/6 minutes before I got fed up and honked the horn.
They both looked at me. I smiled at the girl and motioned for Cameron to hurry up.
He said goodbye and ran back to the car.

"Ok until you tell me why you wanted me to buy pads, who's house this is and who that girl is I am not starting this car" I said annoyed.
"It's actually a jeep" he corrected.
"I don't care what it is!" I said, agitated.
"Ok, I'll tell you all of it at the party it will be a better time." He said and I sighed angrily before speeding back to the house, storming inside and shutting myself in my room. I don't know why but I was really annoyed.
I played with taco for a while before getting in the shower to get ready for the party.

This was a filler chapter before the party. It was kinda pointless but it also wasn't.
Anyway. Vote, comment, share ,be nice.
Xxx bu bye

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