Chapter 2

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I woke early the next morning. A little too early I think. 6:30 a.m.

I walked over to my closet and picked out a tight black minidress, a pair of black heels and a leather jacket, because it was cold outside.

I walked to the bathroom and got in the shower, washed my hair and shaved my legs. When I dried my self I put some false tan on, then got dressed.
After that I put eyeliner, mascara, smokey eyeshadow, and foundation on and curled the ends of my long black hair. I looked in the mirror, I had to admit, I looked pretty damn good.

I walked downstairs into the kitchen. My mom still wasn't up because it was still early.
I headed out the door and decided to get breakfast in Starbucks. I bought a coffee and sandwhich and sat down at a table. I stayed there for about 15 mins then headed for school. I was really nervous to see what people would do or say.

As I walked in the school doors I got looks and people whispered. Some boys, grades ahead of me, smiled and winked at me. I didn't like all this attention.
I was walking past Jack and his group. "Hey Sam" I said with a flirty smile. I had always thought Sam was cute and kinda liked him. Sam looked at me, jaw open and wide eyes. "H-hey" he just about managed to say. He couldn't take his eyes off me. Jack turned around and when he saw me his eyes widened and jaw dropped, along with the other boys. Now this attention I liked. Jack realised his jaw was open and quickly shut it. He gave me a dirty look. "Problem?" I asked innocently. "You're the one with the problem bitch" he snapped. I laughed and walked away, making sure to sway my hips and flick my hair off my shoulder. I knew I would enjoy today.


I'm my English class, I sat in the seat in front of Sam. Every now and again I would look back and catch him looking at me. I winked and smiled. He smiled back and looked down at my lips. I smirked and looked away. At the end of class as I got up Sam came over. "Hey gorgeous whatsup?" He smirked. "Nothin much babe" I winked. I know what you're thinking, a bit extreme for the first time we've ever talked, but I didn't care. "Damn why you been hidin' that beautiful body of yours all this time?" he asked, scanning me. I laughed and we walked out of class together. He put his arm around me as we walked out.
As we approached my locker, I seen somebody standing beside it. 'Great, jack' I thought to myself. When he saw Sam's arm around me his face became slightly frustrated. I liked it. "What the fuck is this?" he asked gesturing towards Sam's hand around me. "Dude chill" Sam said. "Why do you care?" I asked Jack. "Cuz Sam is my friend and I don't want him getting involved with some bitch" he said harshly. "Well tough" I smiled sarcastically. "I'll see you later Sam" I said as I kissed him on the cheek. "Aight" he said and returned the favour. He walked away.
Jack looked at me with disbelief. "What the actual fuck?" he hissed. "What? Is there a problem?" I asked innocently. "Just stay away from Sam, I'm warning you" he snapped and knocked all the books out of my hand. How many times does he have to do that?!
As he turned to walk away I shouted after him. "Hey, what the hell?". "What?" He asked. "Why the fuck did you just do that?" I asked pointing to the books on the floor. "Oh I'm sorry, did that annoy you?" he pouted. "Yes it did and I'm sick of you always being a bitch to me. Just back off" I said fiercely. He raised his eyebrows, obviously not believing that for once I stood up to him. He walked a little bit closer and closer to me until he was right up against me. I was now pushed right up against the lockers. "Listen here, do what I say and don't go near Sam and don't talk back to me" he said through gritted teeth as he held me by my collar. He let go, gave me a dirty look, and walked off.
I was kinda scared now tbh, but I knew he would never physically hurt me, maybe just trip me or something, but that's it, I hoped.

I walked out of school and home. I went straight up to my room and cried. I just felt so intimidated and scared when he had me against the lockers. I didn't like it one bit. But I wasn't gonna let that stop me from going ahead with the plan. I went to bed early so I could be rested for tomorrow.



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