Question 30

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If you had the opportunity to get a message across to a large group of people, what would the message be?

There are multiple messages which I want to give out to people, but I shall only go through three; the first is time, the second is knowledge, and the third is society. 

Time is the most important resource which should never be taken for granted. During this lifetime, you only get one shot at life, and if you mess it up there is no going back and doing anything over. If that were the case, everyone who fails at life can do so intentionally, knowing that they will be granted a second chance. I want to make music, speak to large crowds, encourage people through literary works, but what should be important is the time that I allocate to any of those motives. As I am studying Law, Business, History, Philosophy, etc. time must be split among all of those topic areas, and whenever I have time to relax, I can take that time and learn more about my talents and what I want to do in the future and what else I can learn about myself. Moreover, time should NOT be wasted. Procrastination within today's world is something which many people struggle with, and it is because of that it is why many people are not able to do what they genuinely want to do. Once they have no more time left, they have all of these wishes, and they classic lines emerge, "If only I did this... If only I had more time... why didn't I do this?" etc. What I want to be saying are lines such as "At least I was able to... With the time I had, I managed to..." By prioritizing what was important, I was able to achieve what I was able to do and focus on what I wanted to do.

Knowledge, something which many people lack, which many make good use of, and which many twists in order to manipulate and control. Knowledge comes with experience, and with experience in life, you are able to make much better decisions about your life than had you not had knowledge. Many of the decisions I have made up to this point would have been greatly influenced had I had the knowledge which I have now. Through the pursuit of knowledge, you will be able to have a grasp on reality and the happenings of the world around you through different perspectives, ideas, and empirical fact through the research of others. Knowledge is power, and that is something that cannot be erased.

Society is the final part of my message. Society is not something to be completely engrossed in. To put it more clearly, one should not allow society to dictate what they can and cannot become. If one wants to become a doctor because the person wants to save lives, then they should become a doctor, if one wants to become an entertainer, then they should do that, if one wants to become even a bartender, a hair stylist, a chef, and artist, then they should do so. The things about society in 2020 is that people only go for jobs which only pays the most money, rather than one which people love. Yes, there are skills in which people have in which should be capitalized, as well as talents that should be used, but does the view of others determine success? Does the fact that you have more money, success in work and a comfortable life show that you are happy with the work that you do? Society should not dictate the choices which you make in life if it is something that brings you fulfilment, regardless if it is not what other people approve of. 

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