Question 59

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Why do we think of others the most when they're gone?

Why do we put more flowers on a grave rather than give them to people? Because regret is more powerful than gratitude. That is one aspect. We sometimes do not think of people most when they are around because we believe we have all the time in the world to tell them how we feel and can hold it off. People have many regrets, saying that they wish they had more time, they wished they did the most with people before their time; if only, if only, that is why they think most about people in one aspect.

The second reason why people think of others most when they are gone is because of the massive impact which is left by other people. As a video game "Night in the Woods" fittingly put it: "I want it to hurt." This line out of context may have many definitions, but with the lore and story of the game, it puts you in the perspective of people who have been lost, who have lost people, and the main character says that she wants whoever she loses to have herself hurt by their loss, because if it hurts, then it means something. It means something to lose someone close to you because of the impact which they have left on you and the impact which they have on the people around them. It is because of that, why people think of others the most when they are gone in the second aspect. 

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