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The cloudy weather was apparent throughout Seoul, a consequence of the rainy season taking place.

It seemed as though the sky were weeping every night, as drops of rain tattered against the roofs of homes and the streets of the city, as black umbrellas had become the most apparent colour of umbrellas crowding the side walks.

Fortunately for those who were not in the liking of the gloomy weather, it was coming to an end in this month, September, as students waited anxiously as their second semester would begin in the next two weeks.

South Korea's semester program was quite different from what foreign students were accustomed to, as the first semester began in March and ended in July, and the second ran from September to February.

Most would take a break and begin later, but there a few who would cram in as much as possible and join for the second semester instead.

College, was just a blink away.

Taehyung walked into the apartment building as he swung the door forward, stepping in as he momentarily cleaned his shoes on the door mat from all the puddle water his soles took.

His hands found their way to the pocket of his jacket, as he walked towards the lift.

"Taehyung-ssi!" The receptionist called, causing him to pause and turn around, giving her a questioning look.

"You have mail, I collected it for you here." She replied as she turned around, her fingers gliding across the panel of apartment columns before finding his.

"704, here you are." She smiled as she offered the three letters to him, as he had already approached the desk by then, taking the letters.

"Thank you." He barely muttered before turning on his heel, walking to the elevator which was unusually already at the lobby floor, as if someone had just gotten off.

Not paying mine to it he stepped on, before punching the number 7 and running a hand through his hair.

Taehyung was cold, as he realised that a thin Celine shirt accompanying his black jeans and barely insulating jacket had little to no affect combating the weather outside.

Stepping off the elevator, he stalked towards 704, his flat, but curiously glanced at the piles of boxes right in front of his neighbouring flat,703.

'I didn't realise someone was moving in here....' He thought to himself before punching in the code to his door and stepping in.

"Let's just hope they're not stupidly annoying". He sighed in audibly before closing the door behind him, taking his shoes off and placing his keys on the table near the door, where they always were.

Shuffling through the three letters he began to walk in.

The first one was from his university, Korea university, one of the Prine universities of South Korea.

He got in through a scholarship, which he was always grateful for.

Taehyung sighed, approaching the kitchen of the one bedroom apartment he had purchased for a ridiculous discount through a connection he made.

Normally, it would a luxury for someone to get an apartment such as what he had for the small amount he paid.

Tearing the envelope open, he viewed the letter as it wasn't much, just a welcome letter sent to all students and his credentials for the portals.

He put it aside as he tossed the next letter into the bin without having to open it, seeing as it was a telemarketer.

The third one caused his expression to darken as he tsked at the name.

Seodaemun Prison

Without giving it as much as a second thought he just tossed it in the trash along with the previous letter, as he walked into his bedroom to shower.

Minutes passed by when he finally finished showering, as he used a towel to dry his hair, stepping out with a tank top and sweatpants.

Although Taehyung hadn't been one to focus on getting a 6 or 8 pack, over the summer his and had just begun to tone in.

However, the same can't be said about his arms and chest.

Realistically, he was hot. Very hot.

His shoulder line was well, his biceps apparent and a wide chest.

Taehyung only did it for himself though, not for what anyone else thought.

Picking up his phone he opened his messages from Jimin, who had wanted to check if he had borrowed the man's sunglasses, which he obviously hadn't.

In the midst of relying, his doorbell rang as he cocked an eyebrow at it.

Taehyung wasn't the type to socialise with his neighbours, so it wasn't abnormal that almost no one had rung his door.

But someone actually doing so, was abnormal.

Putting his phone aside, he walked up to open it, not bothering to look through the peep whole as he swung it open, resulting in him coming face to face with a female he had never seen.

Taking in her appearance, such as her fierce cat eyes, her fashion sense, her hair and her full lips, she just seemed like the epitome of pretty.

That didn't answer his question of who she was, which is why when she spoke it snapped him back to reality.

"I-uh, hello. I'm from 703, I just moved I-" she began, as Taehyung already saw where this was going on.

"Look Miss, although it's nice and all that you want to socialise, I'm not interested in meeting my neighbours. Goodbye." He said, beginning to shut him off as her voice had interrupted him.

"Wait! It's not that. I uh, I actually needed your help.."

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