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"Are you serious?" Taehyung asked, as he stared at the girl sitting across from him.

"I don't have a choice, Taehyung." Jennie sadly said, looking down as she tucked the strand of her hair back.

"No, you say that every time. This isn't the first time. Last time you left in the middle of the class dinner. Then it was during a date we had. And then it was in the middle of a group hangout at the bowling alley. You yourself said that you have waited for this for so long, you took three days to pick your perfect outfit and I was happy seeing how happy you were. You do have a choice, then why are you leaving?" He prompted, frustrated he hasn't gotten an answer yet.

"I can't go against my mother. She's the one who I'm the successor of, I take her role. I have to be perfect. Taehyung, I'm from a business family, I don't get a say in most things. My life has always been constructed around the company, from the friends, to the classes I take. You, Rosé, Jimin and Jungkook are the only ones I got close with on my own terms. I was just lucky with Namjoon being my cousin. I don't get a say in most things Tae. I'm grateful enough just to be close with you." She replied, her hand fiddling with the hair tie on her wrist, snapping it against her skin.

He let out a sigh, as he walked over.

"Okay. I get it. But promise me, that you'll learn to say no to her one day. I can't interfere in your personal growth okay? But you need to be your own person. Your life should revolve around you, not anyone or anything else." He said, kissing her forehead, still mildly upset at how she had to live in such a closed off life.

He knew she was strong, but he also knew it would take time for her to put her strength to use, especially against something that would turn how her life had been moulded around.

She sighed deeply, leaning into his embrace, as she closed her eyes for a moment.

"Thank you." Jennie said, as he nodded against her head.

"I was planning on doing this later, but I think it's best if I do this now." He muttered as he pulled out a squared box from his pocket, opening it as the girl softly gasped at the garnet pendant and gold plated chain.

"I got this as a gift, it's your birth stone. The stone means passion, creativity, and strength." He explained as he turned her to face her back, as he softly pulled her hair away, hearing the girl let out a soft sigh at the feeling of the cool stone coming in contact with her neck, as he gently clasped the necklace around her neck.

Pulling her into his embrace by using her waist, he softly kissed her shoulder, not kissing the slight tremble she gave off, despite being with each other for a while now.

"You're one of the strongest people I know, always facing everyday as you try and be optimistic, and always trying to help out. You've made me a lot stronger than you realise, and I'm always thankful for that." He muttered as Jennie turned back around to face him, her hands now in his.

"Creativity? The more time we spend together, you just make me more and more creative in ways to love you. Because one thing I know, I can never have too many ways to love you. I'll cherish you as much as I can." Taehyung answered, staring right into her eyes as he tucked a lose some of her hair away, letting his fingers run through her silky strands.

Gazing into her eyes, he could see that she knew how sincere he was being, and acknowledging their feelings just felt more dreamy.

They've been together for a while, and it was finally the time where he was expressing how much he had loved her, how she had completely shaken up his world and how, when she was away he would only feel incomplete.

"I'm always going to have a passionate love for you. If you'd ask me to the moon, I would. I find myself looking for you wherever I am. I'll call you, text you, walk over to you, all for you. I'm really shit at this whole romance thing, and I thought it would be awkward between us. But some how, when it comes to you, I find myself acting thoughtlessly, it all comes naturally." He continued, resting his palm at the turn of her neck, sitting right near her shoulder blades.

"Good god you're smart, somehow really fucking clumsy," he paused to let out a chuckle as he could the tears brimming her eyes.

"Impossibly gorgeous, somehow fierce but then adorable, and I don't know how you do it. You're perfect, you always will be. And I can't imagine any person other than you who I could've fallen this god damn deep in love with. So thank you, thank you for letting me feel all this, and thank you for simply existing." He stopped, before taking a deep breath in and staring into her eyes with the most sincere look he had.

"I love you." Taehyung said, as he leant in to kiss her, slowly, his lids fluttering shut after he saw hers do so, as his lips softly came into contact with hers.

Her hand came to cup his face, as the kiss, felt surreal.

Maybe almost as surreal as their first kiss, or their second, maybe even their third, god he had no idea.

Every moment with this moment lightened his heart, made him go down an inward spiral, every moment with her felt surreal.

And that, that was what he felt.

Surreal, euphoric, love.

To this one woman, who had somehow stepped into his life, slowly, healing his scars.

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