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"Is that everything?" Taehyung asked the girl who nodded behind the cart, as the pair proceeded to the check out line.

"Mhm." Jennie said as she looked over the items in the cart, nodding her head as she looked up.

"How have you seriously never been grocery shopping before?" He asked her as she shrugged.

"At least I'm here now right?" She pointed out with a smile as they started to put the items on the counter. 

"You guys came at the perfect time. We're offering couple discounts to those who come buy in bulk. Did you just move in together?" The cashier asked, gushing over the two who seemed straight out of a drama. 

"Uh what? N-" Jennie had begun to deny but was cut off real quick by the male beside her.

"Yeah. We just got an apartment together the block over. Because of all the moving we only now got the chance to come buy groceries and all." He said naturally as he noticed the girl beside him being completely confused, yet played it off.

"How sweet. I hope you guys stay together for a long time." The lady smiled as she billed the items, as Jennie kept glancing at Taehyung, her cheeks tinging red in embarrassment. 

"Your total is ₩65,450. Cash or card?" The cashier finally asked, after a couple moments of awkward silence.

"Card please." Jennie answered, pulling out her wallet, not realizing the shocked stare she was receiving from the cashier at the black card and bundles of cash in her wallet, and was too late to change the amount now. 

Taehyung also silently widened his eyes and turned away with an awkward cough.

"A-ah yes of course." The cashier awkwardly smiled, taking the card with both hands and running it through the system, as Taehyung took the time to glance at the girl staring at the two full bags. 

"Do we really need all that?" She whispered, as he only sighed.

"Here's your bill. Thank you for shopping with us." The cashier smiled, as the two nodded, giving thanks of their own and taking a bag each, exiting the store.

After proceeding out, just moments later, Taehyung felt a sharp nudge on his side, as he turned around perplexed. 

"Why did you do that." The girl asked sharply, still walking as he noticed her cheeks were still red.

Taehyung was confused for a moment, and then remembered what she meant.

"It was a free discount. You take whatever you can get, although, it doesn't seem like you really needed it though." He commented, stopping for a minute at a stall, as Jennie eyed him suspiciously. 

"It's too late to make something now, especially since you have to unpack everything first. Let's just get street food for dinner." He said, placing an order of a few dishes and paying.

"Is there anything else you want?" He asked looking over at the stalls nearby as he noticed the girl follow his train of sight and then looking back at him.

"I think I'm good." She answered with a smile, as he borrowed his eyes at her.

"You've never had street food before huh?" He asked as she only nervously chuckled before nodding.

"Well, this could either go really well or horribly wrong." He muttered as their building came into view.

Quickly enough they were on their floor and Taehyung had briefly stepped into Jennies apartment to leave the items they brought, as he did a quick once over of the luxuriously decorated apartment. 

"Well then, good night." He ended, stepping out the door as he turned to open his own and go inside.

"Wait, Taehyung-ssi!" He heard her call, turning to the side to see her at her door, looking at him.

"Um thank you for today, really. I probably would've been really lost today if you didn't help." She laughed quietly as he stared at her a moment, before clearing his throat.

"Uh yeah.. it's okay." He said before walking in, as he shut the door behind him, after hearing the girl close hers. 

Walking into the kitchen, he placed the box of Japchae on the counter before grabbing a pair of utensils from the drawer and his laptop, deciding to go over his materials as he ate. 

Sipping water every once in a while, his fingers lightly tapped the keys on the keyboard as the hours went buy, and the rain started to pour outside, raindrops tattering everywhere.

He nervously gulped more water as he dreaded what was about to happen soon, his hands becoming more tense as the sound of the rain grew louder.

Suddenly, thunder hit as he flinched, hard, as he shakily grabbed the glass of water, standing up.

And just like that, thunder was heard again, as he slightly stumbled, throwing the glass as it crashed against the wall splash.

Clutching his head, he stepped back, as his back hit the counter, knocking the empty container of japchae to the floor along with the utensils, clattering against the marble.

He only groaned slightly, with a shaky breath as he walked away from the kitchen, accidentally stumbling over the heightened step, as his back collided with a wall, and he crouched onto the floor, his head in his hands, shakily as he had troubled breaths.

Suddenly he heard the bell ring, as he made out Jennie's voice.

"Taehyung? Are you okay? I heard a crash?" He heard her ask as he couldn't reply, all though he didn't want her there, to see him like this. 

"Taehyung?" Her voice called again, followed by more thunder, as he flinched harder, leaving the girl with no reply. 

A moment of silence passed, as he thought she left, until fast beeping of his lock was heard as his door opened.

"Oh my god!" She exclaimed, seeing him on the floor as she ran over to him, noticing his state as she stared into his eyes.

"Go away." he whispered, harshly as he tried to shrug her off, flinching harder as the thunder sounded again. 

"Go!" He said, much louder as he noticed her lost, almost as if contemplating something, before she shocked him, pulling him into her embrace.

"It's okay. You're okay. I won't leave you." she softly said, rubbing his back with soothing motions.

And that's all it took. 

That's all it took for him to break down crying in her arms, as he finally let out those emotions that guarded him for so long.

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