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Taehyung walked out of his final class, ready to finally reach home.

His hands were just as usual dug in his pockets as he ignored the others and went home directly, knowing each of the other guys either was in a class or went home already.

His steps tattered against the pavement of the walkway leading to the parking lot, as he paused momentarily to switch songs according to his mood.

It was around 5 pm, as he opted for a larger break and took his classes later in the day, providing him with enough leisure room in the day.

His feet formed a line as he paused, not paying attention as a body collided against his back, as he turned around, a stumble nowhere in sight.

He watched Jennie patting the side of her head which hit his backside directly, as he paused his music, pulling the airpod out his ear.

Raising an eyebrow at the girls frantic expression, he was amused at her collecting herself so quickly as she delivered an almost indecipherable speech.

"Sorry about that but I really need to go now though. Sorry again. If anyone asks I was never running! Bye!" She said scurrying away before Taehyung could even say a word as he only blinked and put the AirPod back, before continuing his trudge to his own vehicle.

Seconds turned to minutes, as minutes turned to hours, as now the male was laying on his couch, sighing as he remembered that it was quite literally dinner time and he had nothing to eat.

Begrudgingly pulling himself out of bed he shook his head letting his black curls fall away from his eyes as he threw a jacket over the grey T shirt he had on, walking out.

Just as he did, the door right beside his clicker open as a girl stepped out, her hair loose as she was drowned in her oversized T shirt and jacket, paired with baggy jeans and chunky sneakers.

Without saying a word he continued his walk to the buttons, and as expected she was beside him in the blink
Of an eye.

"Uh Taehyung-ssi?" She quietly spoke up, garnering his attention as he looked down at her, due to their abundant height difference.

Without saying a word, he just blinked at her, seemingly enough for her to know he was motioning her to continue.

"Well, since I just moved in, there's actually no food at my place, and I'm kinda new to this area.... Do you mind showing me where the grocery store is? Just the name is fine too, I think that's better than just blindly trusting Naver." She relayed, as he only looked back ahead, stepping into the elevator as she followed, sighing ever so slightly.

"I'll take you." He said.

Three words she or he didn't expect.

Taehyung had no clue as to why he was willingly hanging out with someone other than the two crackheads he knew since he was a kid.

Maybe it was his manners coming in, maybe it was due to the fact that it was Jimin's childhood friend, or maybe it was plain old courtesy.

He reasoned between those three, as he didn't have time to reconsider, since she didn't say no and he didn't take his words back, as he stepped out the elevator.

The night was filled with honks and traffic from the streets, as although people may have slept at night, Seoul never did.

The silence between them was constant, as the two walked step by step, until the corner supermarket came into view.

He saw how the girl was walking quicker to keep up with his pace, as he slowed down for her almost immediately, his eyes still ahead.

"Where did you live before Seoul?" He asked, surprising himself as he wasn't typically one to engage in conversation, much less imitate it.

"Oh uh me? I was in New Zealand. I moved here along with my cousin." She answered as her eyes lit up at the entrance of the market, the pair walking in one after another.

"Do you have a list?" Taehyung questioned, now basking in the warmth of the indoor store.

"Well... not really? How about I just grab one of everything? Isn't that what everyone does?" She asked sheepishly as he only narrowed his eyes at her in astonishment before shaking his head.

"Go grab a cart." He said as the girl immediately did so, not wanting to lose the one rare moment of his kindness as she was back in less than a second.

"I get that you're new to South Korea again, however you should've at least gone to get groceries in New Zealand. It can't have been that different, right?" He asked as he instinctively grabbed and added various items into the cart behind him that Jennie was pushing, mentally noting all that he added.

"Well, would you believe it if I told you I've never been grocery shopping before?" She questioned, more like admitted, as he turned towards her with his mouth agape and his eyes wide, as she only let out a nervous chuckle.

"Have you never cooked before? What do you eat?" He interrogated as she only shrugged, fiddling with her fingers.

"I love cooking, but it's usually the maids who buy the stuff and go to the department stores. And it's usually the maids who cook anyways, so it's kinda rare for me to be the one in the kitchen." She admitted as her answer only puzzled him further, yet he decided against pressing as he turned ahead and continued walking, her following close behind.

"Make sure to start making lists. And get credit cards instead of cash, it's much less messier. Add whatever you want in the cart, you'll at least get to try it one way or another." He simply said as he could feel the girl walking behind him happily, as the corners of his lips tugged seeing her elated about everything there, as if it were a 5 year old in a play ground.

Realising what he was doing, he immediately went back to his normal poker face, as he sighed shaking his head.

What the hell...

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