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"This bullshit class is basically psychology. That's literally it." Taehyung heard Namjoon say as he internally agreed.

All the professor had been talking about for almost an hour now is attitudes and personalities, and the whole class seemed to be half asleep.

He just sighed, giving up on even the possibility of his attention span tolerating whatever the professor was on about as he plucked his AirPods back in, clicking play on his playlist as he relaxed at the feeling of her voice filling his ears.

Finally, after what seemed like a eon had passed by, the bell had rung, as students had begun to pile out of the class as if they're lives depended on it.

Whilst walking out Taehyung saw out of the corner of his eyes Jennie and Rosé embracing each other before walking in opposite directions, as he ignored it and began his own walk to his class.

Seconds passed by as quick as minutes ticked by, as slowly the excitement that had depleted from the students regarding their first day back had returned in time for break.

Jimin and Taehyung had usually gone off campus for lunch, to the store nearby or a diner when they felt like eating better.

Jungkook's lunch time hadn't lined up with theirs before, but this semester his class times changed resulting in the same lunch period for them.

As Taehyung had taken careful steps outside, he inwardly groaned as a girl piped up next to him.

"What." He simply said, coldly, knowing his tone towards the girl indicated all the feelings he had for her as he kept walking.

"Tsk, why so cold Tae? We were just set to get married two years ago." Nari replied, with an annoyingly happy grin plastered across her features.

"I told you to stop calling that. And if you're little fantasy hasn't gotten it yet, I never wanted that marriage. Our parents were the ones forcing us." He said without a glance to the girl, still maintaining his strides as the latter speed walked towards keep up.

"Don't he so hostile Taehyung. After all, I've kept your secret for so long right." She said as she grabbed onto his arm and stopped walking, as he halted with his jaw clenched, turning around as his fiery glare fixed on her.

"I never asked you to keep that secret. You can say whatever you want, that bastard was denounced as my father ever since the incident." He scowled, sending a warning glance as he threw her hand off his arm, walking away.

He shook his head, calming his anger as Jimin finally came into view near the gate.

He furrowed his eyebrows however when the girl beside him came into clear view, as he realised it was Jennie and Jimin talking, with Jungkook hanging nearby.

Her too? He mentally questioned as he sighed at the thought of another girl falling for Jimins' charms.

Begrudgingly walking up to them, he found himself interrupting them as Jimin smiled brightly at them, his mood interrupting greatly in contrast to that morning.

"Tae! I had just invited Jen for lunch. Let's go quickly." He said motioning over as Taehyung stopped him.

Looking over at the girl with a shy smile, one that seemed more polite than friendly, he looked back at Jimin.

"Why am I going with you?" He questioned crossing his arms as Jimin impatiently tapped his foot.

"To get to know her better of course. I've known her forever. Literally. Since birth. Our parents were friends before as well." He said as Taehyung only grew more confused.

"You're not dating?" He asked as Jungkook began coughing histerically, choking on water as Jennie became more concerned for the guy than the current conversation.

"Dating? She's like a sister. An annoying one at that." He teased with a smirk as Jennie kicked his shin, causing the guy to grab his leg in anguish.

"Geez woman you quick hard!" He yelled as the girl laughed in response, still holding on to Jungkook's shoulder from when she was checking up on him.

Taehyung only looked at her laughing along with his friends, as he cleared his throat.

"I still feel confused as to why I need to be there." He said stubbornly as Jimin continued to persist, used to his introverted personality.

"Because you need to get to know her. You've never met the girl I told you about all these years. It's her."he pointed out as Taehyung had realised that the girl had never told them about the two being neighbours.

"I don't need to go to dinner. Besides, I know her enough as my neighbour." He revealed as Jennie only smiled at the other two, not knowing what to add, while Jimin gaped and Jungkook just looked done.

"All the more reason to go. Come on we can do this at the restaurant. Can we eat!" He whined as he dragged Jennie, knowing Jimin would tag along dragging Taehyung.

The girl tapped on his arm desperately and spoke protests for him to slow down so she could keep up herself, as he finally realised moments later with a sheepish smile and apology.

Finally the group of four reached the front of the restaurant as Taehyung noticed Jennie sighing and fixing her hair first, before looking to the side and smiling at Jimin, noting she was ready.

"Your hair is a mess from muscle monster over there dragging you around. It looks fine, but you're just too much of a perfectionist. Fix it later." Jimin said as Jennie rolled her eyes, but Taehyung could see the smile on her lips while Jungkook was apologising.

Jungkook wasn't one to get close to girls, as he was still nervous of interactions among him and women, specially since he had not been in a proper relationship before.

So it was inevitably surprising that the kid had gotten along so well with Jennie and so quickly, even calling her Noona.

Stepping in Taehyung admittedly felt hungry at the smell of food around the place, even though it was a little too fancy for a college lunch, he let it pass with the excuse of it being the first day back.

"Welco- oh hello Ms.Kim" a server said as Jennie bowed with a forced smile.

"This one too?" Jimin asked, without context as Taehyung felt like he was in a cryptic conversation between the two.

She only nodded with a defeated smile as they were ushered into a table.

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