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Taehyung stalks out of his room, his bag hanging on one of his shoulders as his hands were stuffed in his pocket.

Hitting the button for the elevator, he waited peacefully as music flooded his ears through the ear phones he was wearing. Taehyung was perfectly content with his chosen playlist, as it was his favorite artists discography.

Now playing Bored - Ruby

Next in queue Consequences - Ruby

He tapped his feet, slightly impatient as he waited for the elevator to arrive, as the door opened and a girl walked out, closing her purse as she shut the door.

Gathering herself she walked ahead, her slightly platformed flats tapping against the marble floor as she walked forward.

Bowing slightly at the male who barely glanced at her, she internally sighed as she garnered no response.

In the reflection, he was able to see her necklace with her name as a pendent, as he remembered her name.


He was also able to make out his colleges logo at the top of her textbook, which he identified as the business course one.

So we go to the same university huh?

Just then, the elevator reached their level as they both stepped in without a word, as she did the honors by pressing the button for the ground floor.

The awkward silence was excruciating, as he noticed her fiddling with the coco Chanel ring on her finger, making him realize that she came from a family with money.

As the ding sounded indicating their arrival to the ground floor, Jennie immediately stepped out, walking towards the buildings exit as she stepped out the glass double doors, Taehyung right behind her as they were headed the same way.

Just as she stepped out, a car was already awaiting her arrival as the man standing outside opened the door for her, as Taehyung walked watching with curiosity.

He noticed her shoulders slumping and a soft sigh as she got inside the vehicle, the person closing the door after her before he got in the front.

So she's rich rich.

Shrugging off the event, he walked on the side walk as the black Range Rover drove past him, turning the corner while he stalked to the parking lot, getting the Hyundai Alcazar he inherited.

Revving the engine, he let his phone connect to the bluetooth as he removed his AirPods, clipping in his seatbelt before driving, still listening to music.

Minutes passed by as the campus neared, seeing as it wasn't too far away.

The large gates and the flowery atmosphere would bring passerby's to awe and marvel and the beautiful exterior of the campus.

The interior of the building was modern and comfortable, with a wide range of resources for students and staff to cater to, exclusively for them.

That all is compulsory for the fees you would pay unless you are here on scholarship, right?

Parking his car in the parking lot, he quickly put his AirPods in his ears and collected his materials before starting to make his way to his classroom.

He ignored the girls who were staring at him as he walked by, no regard to his opinions about the invasion of his personal space, as he resisted the urge to roll his eyes and tsk in the hallway.

The attention was just annoying, as these girls shamelessly flirted and asked for his number multiple times no matter how much he rejected them.

At this point, he had just given up seeing their persistent behaviour, as he just coldly ignored them and their actions, walking away or even glaring when things were too much for him.

"Hyung!" Suddenly a hand came crashing against the back of his shoulders as he identified the messy black hair and voice of Jeon Jungkook.

Complete opposite of Taehyung, this boy was what you would call social.

He was also very innocent, unlike the playboy demeanour he tries to put on as he never recognised the advances thrown at him and treats everyone like a friend.

"Hand.." Taehyung lowly muttered as he paused his music, and Jungkook took his hand off not wanting to piss Taehyung off already.

A chuckle came right next to him as the familiar Park Jimin came into view, the actual flirt of the group.

He was the 'ladies man', the title handed to him by the campus as most girls failed to resist his charms, other than a rare few.

"Seems like even on the first day back Jungkook couldn't resist huh?" He asked as Taehyung only shook his head at the boy.

The three of them knew each other better than their own families knew them, having grown up together it was abundantly clear that nothing could come between them.

Jimin was the richest out of the group, having his dad being one of the oil business tycoons, he had grown up in money.

That never affected his personality however, as he was never one to talk or show off about it, being as down to earth as ever.

Jungkook had gotten in on a soccer scholarship, making the three boys' dream of going to college as kids, come true.

"What class do you have first?" Jungkook, being overly hyper had questioned.

"Economics."  Jimin replied as he scrolled through his phone, checking his schedule.

"Managerial communications." Taehyung also answered as Jungkook sulked sadly.

"Systems analysis." He sighed as Jimin cocked an eyebrow at his demeanour.

"Why? What's up with you?" He asked as in turn Taehyung also looked at the younger one.

"We don't have any classes together." He said as Taehyung only patted his back.

"We're in the second year of college all majoring in different fields. You should've learnt this by now. I guess being 4 months younger really does a number on you." He teased as Jungkook playfully gasped nudging the guy.

Suddenly, Jimin paused in his steps, as he narrowed his eyes forward, as if trying to confirm if what he saw was what it was.

Gasping lightly, he widened his eyes as called out her name and ran towards her, confusing the guys and partially shocking Taehyung.


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