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"Taehyung?" Jennie called as she knocked on his door, as he readily opened his, dressed for the evening.

"Have you ever been to the Han River park before?" He asked as he locked his door and made his way to the elevator with her following.

"Maybe a handful of times. More so as a kid though. I wonder if it's changed much." She commented as he thought for a second.

"The park always changes. Many memories are made there, both good and bad, but isn't that what makes it so special?" He questioned looking to the side to see her reaction.

She certainly seemed taken aback at first, but relaxed her features into a smile.

"You're right, Taehyung. It's ever changing."


"Are you sure this tastes good?" She questioned peering into her bag as the pair walked out the 7 eleven.

"Yes you priss. I can't believe you've never had that type of ice cream before." He mentioned as she only frowned, her Chanel coat breezing in the wind past her.

"It's not that common in the foreign states!" She defended as he only shook his head at her.

"Okay okay, now take it out before it melts." He hurried, seeing her try so hard as she pouted, yet listened knowing he was right.

"So? How is it?" Taehyung asked, curiously looking at her reaction expectantly, being satisfied as her 1000 megawatt smile shone through.

"This... this is so good. Oh my god." She excitedly flaunted as she skipped down the side walk of the Han river.

"Careful, otherwise yo-" Taehyung began to warn, but was cut off by the girl actually tripping and dropping the ice cream, as it cinematically landed on the pavement.

"fall." Taehyung ended bluntly, and before Jennie could fuss about it he burst out laughing, a rare sight for anyone to see, as Taehyung shut his eyes for a moment, enjoying the feeling.

It had been a while since he laughed that hard. Sure there were a few moments where he had chuckled amongst Jimin and Jungkook, but he was actually laughing then.

It had felt like time had frozen, as Taehyung luxuriated and indulged in the feeling of happiness, savouring it as it felt it was the world against him.

He swore that as he had come to calm down Jennie had been looking at him for a split second, before she turned away with flushed cheeks.

Maybe he was imagining it and it was just the cold, however he would like to think that it wasn't.

"Would.. you like to... have mine?" He said between breaths as he grinned in a teasing manner, loving her reaction as she got annoyed.

"Oh shut up." She frowned as he only lent his hand forward, still smiling.

"...obviously." She muttered snatching it away as she stomped forward, him roaring with laughter not too far behind.

"Oh come on." He grinned as he walked up to her, as she only focused on eating her ice cream more.

"You know Taehyung?" She prompted, as he curiously turned down to look at her.

"I think, no I know, you're absolutely adorable as you laugh." She smiled, her grin becoming wider exposing her gummy smile as he blushed a fifty shades of red, the tables turning in a matter of seconds.

It only worsened as her laughter filled the air, as he returned his attention ahead to try and hide the blush, but only failed as her hand grabbed his, leading him ahead as she ran with laughter.


"You can't seriously win!" Jennie yelled, almost flipping the board as her cheeks puffed up in anger, as Taehyung won monopoly for the nth time.

"Hey! Im just good at this game okay!" He defended, secretly enjoying how cute she was when angry.

"No way! You're definitely cheating aren't you?" She proclaimed as she crawled over, checking to see what he might've been holding.

"Hey no!" Taehyung said, pulling the cards out of reach as she was practically on his lap, trying to grab them.

The fierce battle between the two was enough of a distraction only momentarily, as he paused for a second realising their position, as she was practically straddling him right then and there, while one of his hands was around her waist trying to hold her down.

It seems she did too, as he could see her eyes widen in realisation as her hand froze, slightly retracted in comparison to before as their faces were only inches apart.

His eyes glared into hers, with an unknown emotion, but he was frozen in place, unable to move, but rather took in a deep breath when her hand came to graze the side of his jawline.

He could see her look into his eyes to look for any signs of disapproval, and seeing none, she proceeded by bringing her other hand to his shoulder, angling his face, as her lips slowly came in contact with his.

His hold on her waist tightened, as his other hand lowered, throwing the cards away as it came to grip one of her thighs straddling him, as he could feel her tremble under his touch.

Kissing her back, the slow and sweet kiss had immediately turned into more, their breaths becoming staggered as he turned them around, as she gasped, coming in contact with the carpet floor.

"Are you sure?" He asked as she nodded, as Taehyung feathered kisses along her neck, as her hand found its way  to his locks, as she bit her lip, whimpering at the feelings of his lips nipping at her skin.

It felt like it was only a second before his lips made his way back to hers, as they kissed with fiery passion, his ribs seizing at every movement she made, every sound, every gasp, every touch, and every breath.

He knew then and there, that he got too close.
And he also knew, that she could be on of two things.

Either his poison,

Or His Cure,

His Cure |Taennie|Where stories live. Discover now