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Taehyung cautiously walked into school that morning, afraid people would be judging him for the instances of the previous night. 

Thankfully enough, it seemed as if no one had any idea of what happened, even Jimin and Jungkook who had obliviously greeted him

It's not that he chose to suspect Jennie or her intentions, truthfully, she seemed like the person least likely to break someones trust. However, the reason he was so wary is because he knew that even if it was intentionally, rumors seemed to always fly like wildfire. 

"You good?" Jimin asked Taehyung who shook away his thoughts as soon as they had become evident, returning to his usual demeanor as he nodded.

Jimin, although unconvinced, knew better than to push at times such as these, and just assumed he was having a hard time due to the thunderstorm the previous night. 

Taehyung strode forward, engaging in conversation here and there with a quite obvious caffeine overdosed Jungkook, as he didn't mind it, used to it by then.

It wasn't until his eyes caught sight of the ever so particular Jennie Kim that he finally zoned out, his eyes on her as he walked past her, be it subconsciously or not.

He noticed her talking to Rosé and Lisa, the two underclassmen who stuck by the hip, and Jisoo, an upperclassmen by a year, and Jin's current girlfriend, who he had seen a number of times at his house.

Noticing what she wore, olive green cargo pants with heeled boots and a cropped white shirt, simple yet something eye catching. 

Her long brown hair hung over her shoulders as she smiled brightly talking to the girls, her eyes twinkling in delight as her melodious laugh echoed throughout the halls. 

"-UNG!" He was suddenly nudged to the side as he shot a quick glare to the confused Jimin, who just pointedly looked at the man.

"Hyung? Are you okay? We completely lost you for a moment there." Jungkook checked as Taehyung only waved the guy off with a simple 'I'm fine.'

"What has gotten into you? I wonder what caused y... Oh I see." Jimin muttered shooting a smirk his way as he realized what the reason was, as Taehyung only looked to the side embarrassed. 

"What? What is it? Hyuuung!" Jungkook whined, not knowing what the matter was, almost mad at his own ability to miss the most obvious of things. 

"Oh nothing, it seems Taehyung is simply sick." He said, with a teasing smirk as Jungkook believed it, telling Taehyung to get well soon as quick as possible before running to class. 

"Lovesick." Jimin muttered, standing close enough for only Taehyung to hear and see the satisfactory look on his face as he resisted the urge to roll his eyes. 

"So, Taehyung, Jennie huh?" He asked walking beside him as the mans shoulders slumped, knowing there was no way out of this. 

"It's not like that, really." He protested in vain, as Jimin secretly planned out their secret wedding in his head. 

"Whatever you say bud." He smiled, genuinely, happy that Taehyung was finally taking interest in someone as they parted ways for their separate classes. 

Before Taehyung walked into his class however, he was called from the back as he turned around. 

"Taehyung-ssi!" Jennie exclaimed walking up to him before pausing to take a deep breath. 

"You..really walk..fast." She pointed out between her deep breaths as he held back a smile forming on his lips.

"I wanted to, uh let's go to the side." She motioned, stopping herself as he saw her glance at their position in the centre of the hallway, as he mentally agreed their spot wasn't particularly ideal. 

Walking to the side, near the hallways, he looked at her with a raised eyebrow as she simply smiled.

"Uh I just wanted to check in on you. I missed you today morning, so I wanted to see if you were doing okay." She asked with a shy smile, as he found himself looking down in adoration before getting back to his senses. 

"Uh yeah. I'm doing okay, thank you." He replied, unconsciously tapping his foot, a habit he developed to do when he was nervous. 

"That's good. I'm glad to see you smiling Taehyung. Here, before I forget, I made a batch and saved some for you." she replied, pulling out a small plastic container of macaroons, as he slowly took it from her. 

He was shocked, to see how a gurl he had barely known had cared for him genuinely, not his looks nor his reputation, but him in general.

It had been a while, it was refreshing, and he'd be lying if he said his heart wasn't drumming against his chest with those simple words.

Before he had realized it, she had captivated him. Her existence alone made his heart race, and he was too late to stop it. 

She was the one who he would reach out for as if he was hypnotized, that's what the girl did to him, but he didn't know what to about it. 

"I'll take that as my cue to leave." She said, as he looked to see her nervous as well, possibly because of his crude reaction so far. 

Just as she turned around to walk away, he called out to her, as if it were meant to be that way, the way her name rolled of his lips perfectly, like honey.

"Thank you. For both the macaroons, and for caring about me." He said with a smile, as he swore he could see her freeze for a second, and from the distance the faintest rosy pink tinting her cheeks, as she cleared her throat and offered him one of the purest smiles he had ever seen.

"No problem. Actually, I'll see you today evening, let's go to the Han River together." She suddenly perked up as he looked at her puzzled, but nonetheless looked down with his smile as he looked back up pushing away the fallen hair.

"Okay, I'll see you then." He agreed, again as if on automatic.

She smiled again, as if taken aback by his reaction.

"Alright. see you." She ended before turning to walk away, as Taehyung could feel his back leaning against the wall behind him

God, he knew.

He knew that one thing about that woman was for sure.

She would probably be able to lure him to the ends of the world for her, and he may as well godly do so.

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