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"Wait! It's not that. I uh, I actually needed your help.."

Her voice became smaller, unsure if she was bothering him or doing the right thing by ringing his door bell.

Taehyung on the other hand, just looked at her incredulously, not believing her as he had known how many girls had used excuses at his old door.

After he moved, he made sure his address wasn't leaked for that reason.

Deciding to give the girl, who looked about his age, the benefit of the doubt, he sighed making eye contact.

"What do you need?" The male questioned, his tone being snappier than intention yet he couldn't bother less to fix it.

"My door pin isn't working. I went down earlier to get a few of the boxes dropped off since my moving company has left af-" she began to explain but was cut off by him.

"Get to the point will you?" He interrupted as she quickly muttered an apology.

"Right so uh, I forgot to leave the stopper for the door and it shut, and I can't figure out the code." She explained as he eyed the side of her door, seeing boxes piled up as she explained.

He decided that since she was moving in he would believe her, and sighed as he ran a hand through his messy locks once again.

"Try punching it in." He said, with a low voice as the girl gulped and nodded, taking out her paper as if she hadn't memorised it from failing so many times.

0601 it read, as she punched the numbers in extra slow, as if that had made any difference.

Taehyung leant in just a little, to see her perfectly manicured nails hitting the board.

He had easily guessed she hadn't had this type of lock ever, and that she had never done this before.

"You have to use the # first." He said, startling the girl as she hadn't expected him that close.

"The hashtag?" She questioned as he guided his hand to the lock pad, putting the key in himself.

"There" he murmured as the series of short beeps were followed by a continuous long one, as the door clicked open.

"Finally.." she sighed, exhausted at the complicated lock.

"Thank you." She thanked, once she remembered the existence of the male as she faced him, as he only nodded.

He turned to leave, but paused and turned around momentarily.

"What's your name, by the way?" He asked the girl, who was even confused that he wanted to know.

"Jennie. Kim Jennie." She spoke, now identifying the brown haired female.

"What about you?" She asked mustering up the courage.

"Taehyung. Kim Taehyung." The male answered as the two stood a moment looking through each other's eyes.

"Ah wait, before I forget, here's my code. Just keep it with you in case of emergencies, since I'm living alone after all." She said, handing him the piece of paper she was using, as he reluctantly took it.

He sighed, knowing where this was going.

The man wasn't one to give his personal details out like that, yet she made a fair point that they had lived alone and needed someone to be able to access the apartment in case of emergencies.

The two other neighbours were a lot older, and both couples at that.

"Wait here." He said before stepping in, and then stepping out with a piece of paper where he scribbled down four numbers.

Handing it to her, he crossed his arms as a way of asking 'is that all?'.

Jennie read the number, as she noticed a similarity.

"I guess June was an important month for us both huh. See you, Taehyung-ssi." She said, stepping inside with one of the boxes as the door automatically shut behind her.

He hadn't noticed how her using his name had affected him, and for some reason her voice calling his name felt alluring.

Shrugging the thoughts off he walked inside, remembering her comment about the month June.

Stashing the small paper in one of the drawers, he walked towards the kitchen to get a glass of water as he heard a faint voice next door.

"Stupid lock, stupid door. Can't the fucking world decide on one god damn lock? Who decided to make entry ways so fucking hard!" He could hear the next door girl cursing, unconsciously finding himself smiling at that, amused.

"We'll that was unexpected." He sighed before walking back into his room with his glass of water, sitting on his bed as he continued his conversation with Jimin.

It was short and brief, not much to say over a glowing rectangle.

Suddenly he got a text from his cousin, Kim Seokjin, as he dragged himself to meet the surprise guest downstairs at the lobby, rather than having him come up and nag him for everything.

Also the fact that Seokjin had a job to get to was another factor.

"It's like I can never catch a break today." He muttered, slightly done with the fact that he had to kept getting up, as he grabbed a random jacket and slipped on some slides.

As he was walking out, he spotted Jennie again, trying to walk to her apartment with a box in her hands, again.

'God, how much stuff can one girl have.' He thought as he saw the pile of boxes inside through the crack in the door.

Rolling his eyes he took the box in her arms as she gave him a confused look.

"Ah, uh, I appreciate the help but I can do it?" She said, more like a statement and she hadn't expected the sort of action from a guy of his personality.

"I never said you couldn't, looking at all the boxes you had earlier too, just tie your shoe laces first." He said as she instinctively looked down, sheepishly scratching her nape as she bent down to do so, taking her box back after she was done.

"Thank you." She said, as he nodded and walked to the elevators, whilst she went to her flat.

"Hyung." Taehyung announced his presence by simply muttering the formality, as the latter looked up from his phone at the familiar voice.

"Ah Taehyung-ah!" The older male said with a smile, fondly after not seeing the younger male in a while.

"Yah look at you, you look so sad and pale. I knew you wouldn't be eating. Such a downer. I get that you're sad and all, but you still have to eat. Aish, kids these days can't even take care of themselves." He nagged, as Taehyung sighed with slim smile expecting this.

"Okay okay Hyung. I'm sorry, now quickly, you'll be late for work." Taehyung gestured, reminding the male of what he was here for in the first place.

"Right, here's some side dishes and food. You should know how to make rice at least. And this is some juice, drink it." He said quickly, realising he would be late soon as his break was almost over.

"Eat it! Those better be finished when I come next month to get the boxes." Jin warned as he left, making Taehyung shake his head as he looked through the boxes, seeing all healthy stuff.

"Same old Hyung."

His Cure |Taennie|Where stories live. Discover now