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"It finally happened huh? Can't believe it. Oh my god we're actually going to be family when you two get married." Jimin said sitting across from Taehyung and Jungkook, as he cringed at the thought of them having to act formal at all the society events they had.

"Shooting too far bud. And what do you mean family? Aren't you and Jen just childhood friends?" Taehyung asked a bit confused, as Jungkook just stared beckoning for him to go on as he sipped at his banana smoothie.

"Oh yeah no we're cousins. Sort of. Her dads out the picture because of the abusive nature he had, and her mom divorced him, but not before me and Jennie met and all. Basically, I'm her dads nephew, which makes me and Jen cousins, but it's kinda complicated ever since the divorce.
The only reason our families are close is because my mother chose Jens moms side over her brothers, they never had a good relationship either way. And so yeah, sorta family." Jimin explained, letting them in the loop of their family dynamics.

"Are you kidding me? What about me then?" Jungkook burst in, realising that he wouldn't be a part of the family loop.

"You'll always be family kook." Taehyung smiled slinging an arm around the younger one, as Jimin raised an eyebrow.

"Look at you being all smiley. Geez what magic spell did Jennie cast?" He teased as Taehyung rolled his eyes smiling, before tossing one of the unused straws at him.

The table was erupting with laughter and constant teasing, something the three of them had missed having together.

They didn't care that they were being loud, they gave absolutely zero shits that everyone was probably judging at them or staring at them, they could care less.

All that mattered was that they were spending time together.

And it all paid off.


"Why're we here Jen?" Taehyung asked, his agitation clear through his voice, not directed at her, but more so at the location, and more importantly, who's inside

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"Why're we here Jen?" Taehyung asked, his agitation clear through his voice, not directed at her, but more so at the location, and more importantly, who's inside.

"Taehyung..." she began, holding his hand and garnering his attention.

"You need to grow. And I don't mean physically, I mean mentally. And I'm all about pace, taking your time and everything. And that's why I've left you to grow yourself, let you make your own discussions, and look at you Taehyung. You're already one of the most beautiful people." She said, as he looked at her inquisitively, still confused as to why she brought him here.

"But you still have demons, demons you've been fighting too long. Sometimes, people need a push to grow. I know you're ready, and you will too when you see him again. And this is my push." She said, kissing him on the cheek as she offered him the warmest smile he could've gotten in the cold weather.

Taking a deep breath he looked at the building.

He was scared.

He was scared that he wasn't ready.

It seems that even Jennie felt his unsure thoughts, as he felt her giving his hand a light squeeze.

"You're ready. I know it." She whispered, as he let out a deep breath, nodding.

"I'm ready." He assured himself as well.

"I'll wait out here, go in, take your time. I'll be out here, okay?" Jennie said, as he nodded.

Taking his time to give her a short kiss.

"Thank you." Taehyung breathed, as Jennie only shook her head at him.

"This is nothing. Now go." She said, gently nudging him as he walked, differently than his usual cool demeanour, as he made his way to the gates.


"Look who finally visited. I know you wouldn't stay away forever son." Taehyung's father, Kim Jaesung, spoke.

Jaesung was a terrible man.

Hence his reason for ending up in the shackled life of the prison.

"Don't call me that." Taehyung coldly spoke, his nervousness now replaced with nothing but distaste for the man in front of him.

"Don't speak. I'm not here to listen. I've heard everything you've wanted to say on that day itself."

"The only reason I'm here is for closure. This is the last step to my healing. I'm done with ever being related to a monster like you." Taehyung glared, and spike again denying the man a chance to speak at all.

"You killed mom. What kind of bastard would do that? Her fault? Why, because she finally filed for divorce after months of tolerating your multiple affairs. You're disgusting, cheating on your own wife, abandoning your son, not coming home for days. You stranded me. I lost both my guardians on the same day. Do you have any idea what that does to a kid?" Taehyung laughed, no humour evident in his laugh.

"I hope you rot in hell. That's what you deserve after all. And to believe you had the nerve to try and defend yourself in those letters. I'm here to warn you to never come my way once you get released, if you do during your pathetic appeal that is. I won't help you, I'm telling you that straight on. I'm finally happy, and if you have any sympathy left in yourself, then leave me be. I don't want to be haunted by what you did anymore." Taehyung spoke, standing up and leaving at that, as his father didn't even make an effort to hold him back, knowing it was of no use.

Taehyung could see his defeated look through the glass as he walked out, content with himself as he finally made it.

As he turned in his pass and sighed the required document, he stepped out the gate to see Jennie leaning against one of the walls, as she looked up to the sound of the heavy metal door opening, offering her one of a kind smile again.

"I did it." He smiled, walking over as she tucked her phone in her pocket, taking his outstretched hand as they walked through the streets towards their car together.

He knew she was happy for him, through that proud look she didn't care to conceal.

And he was too.

He was,

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