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"Mother." Jennie greeted as she walked through the humongous double doored entrance to her mothers mansion in the hills.

"Jennie." Her mother wordlessly spoke, as that was enough for Jennie to move over and sit in front of her at the small table, while her mother worked on her IPad.

She wore a white two piece blazer set, matched with simple emerald earrings that paired with the flats she wore.

Jennie came in dressed in a formal fit and flare pink dress, the long sleeves accentuating her doll like hands and wrists, as her hair was let loose, yet styled to be prim and proper, just the way her mother liked it.

"How have you been?" The question sounding more mannered than affectionate slipped from her mother's lips, as the girl poured herself some of the hibiscus tea.

"Well. Has your health been good?" The latter asked, sipping her tea as she looked at the elders direction.

"Of course. I'll last a few more years of this lifestyle. How've your grades been?" Jennie's mother conversed, shutting of the iPad and placing it down.

"Good. They're upto the standard you've wished for."

"That's good. I'm assuming you've already set aside time this weekend for the meeting." Mrs.Kim remarked.

"Of course mother. I've cleared out any work that I had on the day." The girl confirmed, as she set her tea cup down.

"However, what is the meeting for?" Jennie asked, after endless debating if it would've been okay to do so or not.

"Well you're marriage proposal of course. You graduate and take over in around two years, it's about time we start looking. The LG group's eldest son is around your a-" her mother was cut off by Jennie's abrupt clatter of silverware.

"No!" She exclaimed, startling not only her mother, but the servants as well.

It was time coming, her denial to something.

She had always been going by the page her mother decided, and now, she just couldn't.

Was it selfish of her to deny her being sold off for business?

Was her opinion never taken into consideration?

It was finally too much for the girl, as she couldn't go through with it.

She would run away if she had to.

Her grades were good enough to apply for a scholarship, she could easily convince the dean ri- oh and there she was overthinking again.

"Jennie. Manners." Her mother firmly pressed, taken aback by the girl.

"I can't mother. I can't marry someone for the sake of business." She pleaded, as her mother only sighed.

"You don't have anyone yet. I understand you're surprised, but at least meet the person. Lee Taeyong is a gre-" her mother tried to convince but was shut down again.

"I'm dating someone!" Jennie announced, as her Mrs.Kim cocked an eyebrow.

Waving away her employees, she redirected her attention to the kid.

"Come again?" She asked as Jennie clutched her dress tightly, as she finally brought up her confidence to speak up.

"I'm seeing someone, and I really like him. I don't want to go through with this marriage meeting or whatever, I love this guy mom." Jennie explained, much calmer than before as she decided decorum had to be maintained.

"Why didn't you just say so?" Her mother remarked, as Jennie piped up, confused if her ears were tricking her.


"Jennie, you've always just listened as we've told you, never questioning us.  You never complained and for as you were told, which made me think everything was okay.  I see it isn't now, but you should've told me. I'm your mother, not your boss. I'm sorry if I made it seem any other way.

To be honest, I don't know how to parent. Ever since you were young, you were always so independent, always listening to everything and excelling at everything you touched.

I can't explain in words how proud of you I am, but you shouldn't have had to go through that.  Whenever I had trouble with your father, I threw myself into my work.

You grew up neglected, yet look at you. You grew to be such a fine woman.

Honey, if there's anything you don't feel comfortable with or don't want to do, tell me. I'll protect you. I haven't been the best mother, and it seems we both know that.

Forget about the company for a while, and just live. I want you to. I'll always be here for you, and it may take a while for us to be a normal mother and daughter family, but I'd like to start trying. We can start by going out rather than meeting like this, okay?" Her mother said, shocking Jennie more than anything.

She never even felt the tears rolling down her own check until she found them falling off her cheeks, as her mother handed her a tissue.

"But this guy that you're seeing better treat you right. Otherwise I'll kill him with my own hands." Mrs.Kim threatened as Jennie laughed, finally, with her mom.

"I think I should start by not calling you 'mother'." Jennie remarked as Mrs.Kim laughed.

"Oh yes please. We're not in an English historical film." The elder pointed out as Jennie nodded.

"So tell me more about this guy. Really like him huh?" She reminded as Jennie's cheeks flushed red, as the two finally let go of the border between them.


"Hey." Jennie greeted as she walked into Taehyung's house that evening.

"Hey, how'd your visit go?" He asked, coming around to hug her as he kissed her cheek.

"Surprisingly well. We talked about some things. I think things are going to finally change around here." She smiled as he kissed her forehead again, never getting enough of her.

They stood there peacefully for no longer than a second before she picked up on music coming from the bedroom.

"Is that, music?" She rhetorically asked as he smiled, pulling her to the room as he sat her down on the bed.

"It's a song by my favourite artist, Ruby." He said as she could easily tell it was 'if by chance' by then.

"Tae.." she began as he looked at her inquisitively.

"That's me." She remarked as he took a second to process what she said.


"Ruby. I am Ruby. Ruby is I." She repeated as he nearly fell out his own bed.

"What? No way. How?" He asked rapidly as she chuckled at his reaction.

"This was how I expressed myself all these years. That's why it's all secret as well. I'm surprised she's, well I'm, your favourite artist...." Jennie trailed off, as he only sighed looking down.

"There's no way... and just when I thought you couldn't get any more perfect." He muttered as she tilted him to face her.

"Would you mind telling me why you like my music so much?" She asked as he only pulled her back onto the bed, covering the two with a blanket as she cuddled into him.

"One of your songs was playing when I first cried since the incident. Ever since then, I had longed to hear your voice. And hence, I've only listened to your music, became addicted actually." He remarked, as she turned into his chest looking up at him.

"I never thought that I could love you more than I did now. But now, I somehow do. You've been a part of me for longer than you know." He smiled before kissing her, as her delicate hands came to frame his face, smiling as the two cuddled, falling asleep in the same bed.

He loved her, and he would see to it that she would be his future.

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