Jaws of a beast// ch 1

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Wizard cookies POV

Hungry jaws opened wide, as some kind of beast leaped at me. I stumbled back further and further running for my life.

I screamed,

I cried,

I shrieked,

but it seems that no cookie in the whole kingdom heard me. The monstrous beast Let out a screech that pierced right through my ears,into the very essence of my soul where it's terrible noise lay gnawing, gnawing at my insides.

But then the wall hit and I felt I couldn't run any longer,it was a giant stone wall that abruptly cut off the forest. I touched it with my hand in horror and turned around to face the crooked jawed monster that had chased me down. Then it glared at me, it's colorfully red eyes looming over me like crystals, and just as sharp as if they were.

Then it faded away like a paper catching fire. I flinched awake to find myself in my bed, in my room, in our house. The howls of the creature still a fresh memory in my mind as if it had really happened,

"Was that a-a monster? It looked like some kind of giant wolf.." I spoke to myself question why I had dreamed of this giant beast. I looked around and it was very early, the sun was barley rising and shined some morning light into the window. The weak rays hit my face and I decided that I should get up. It took me awhile to get up but I finally did it was a bit chilly, well I guess it was fall.

I could see my breath as I got dressed in my robe, hat, and my scarf. Of corse I always wore my scarf since it was harder to tell what my emotions were. And I preferred it that way, not because I was depressed or anything I just preferred it. Also I was very good at portraying emotions just with my eyes, so it didn't bother anyone too much.

Except for GingerBrave, he was just worried about me even though I told him it's fine. I know he thought I just liked to wear it a lot at first but when I refused to take it off, he got really worried and I kinda understand but he shouldn't be so worried about me of all people. He should know that I'm perfectly fine.. But I really appreciate how he cares.

(Wizard cookie thinking about Brave caring about him)

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(Wizard cookie thinking about Brave caring about him)

I've never really had anyone care so much and it's almost overwhelming, but not really in a bad way. My head spinning as I tried to figure out what I  was feeling, Then I walked outside of my room and nobody was there, Then walked into the living room and nobody was there either.

It was oddly quite but calming. I grabbed a book from my room, sat down on the sofa and started to read. I imagined each line of text and built an image, paragraph by paragraph sentence by sentence and word by word.

1 hour later
Soon after I heard the footsteps of chili pepper getting up for her job (aka just stealing things ), it must be around 7 am. She walked out of her room and to the living room,

"Why are you up so early pointy hat?" She asked,

"Not sure." I shrugged still reading my book,

"Why do you make so much noise when you read? I thought reading was supposed to be quite!" She said jokingly, Chili pepper was referring to me mumbling while I read, which I often did. Sometimes I would silently read but I only did it when I was relaxing,

"Well try not to catch the house on fire with you spells please. Bye!" She said walking out of the house,

"Trust me I won't, bye!" I realized that she must have seen that I was reading my spell book. She shut the door and locked it, then it was back to the quiet. But unlike the calming quiet that I had felt earlier this one felt off putting and lonely, I could only focus on that horrific nightmare. I could almost hear the deafening scream of the monster and see the snapping jaws.

I decided to turn more lights on rather than just My reading lamp, but I didn't want to wake the others so I just turned on the living room lights to subside my anxiety. I was starting to get sick of reading the book and looked for something else to distract myself and pass the time. I scrounged around for a controller and found one then powered on the Xbox and played some Minecraft.

I was too caught up with the game as I suddenly saw a second screen loading in. Then I turned to the back to see Brave holding a controller and smiling at me. I jumped not expecting him to be there,

"Haha! Wizard don't worry it's just me."  He said beaming with his usual joy which was very comforting change from the dark wary silence. I nodded to him breathing a sigh of relief,

"So I'm guessing your playing too.
Honestly that's fine with me I was starting to get bored playing alone." I quickly added onto the end to seem more grateful than what I had portrayed previously,

"Okay cool! Now what kinda seed is this? Oh I see a beehi..." I could barley hear the last part as i stumbled into my thoughts rushing around my head as Brave sat next to me. I could almost see all of them pointing an arrow at the ecstatic cookie that sat next to me. I closed my eyes for a moment and shoved all of the thoughts to the back of my brain.

Then I opened my eyes back to the real world were I was still holding a controller, playing Minecraft, with GingerBrave right next to me. Wow no personal space, huh? I thought to myself laughing at my own dumb sentence. He just looked at me with his head slightly tilted with the most adorable expression on his face- Wait did I just think that..he looks Adorable. Uh no I'm just thinking it looks funny, probably,

"Uh Wizard? You doing okay?" He asked waving his hand in front of my face, then I realized that I had just been staring at his face and felt really awkward,

"Oh-um sorry Brave! I just spaced out a little bit. Yeah I'm okay now don't worry." Okay that was bad! Why did I do that? Stupid stupid stupid-

"Alright? Well I think I'm close to finding diamonds wanna help?" I was thankful for Brave not questioning anything more,

"Sure I have like 7 stone pickaxes and an iron one so this will be a breeze!" I said proudly looking over my inventory. After we strip mined for a few minutes Brave found 2 diamonds,

"That's not even enough to craft a pickaxe!" He said grumbling,

"Sorry I guess it's just bad luck. Don't worry I'll give you some of mine if I find some!" I said joyfully,

"Awww thanks!" He said sheepishly grinning at me. Okay no I was right I think he is adorable-that doesn't mean anything though. After snapping back from daydreaming again, we started to mine in silence.

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