Birdsong//ch 3

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(I decided to give a POV to Gingerbrave because I wanted to switch it up a little and see it from the other side)

Gingerbrave's POV

I and wizard stopped for a minute to decide where we were going. I honestly had a place in mind but it was really special and I wasn't sure that I wanted to show him that, especially since it wasn't nighttime yet. So I didn't say that idea and just looked at him,

"Well since I am gladly invited now, where do you think we should go?" I asked him happily he looked at me,
then looked around a little, then looked back at me,

"Umm.. What about a place like secluded or natural?" He suggested, I thought for a minute and thought that the forest would be nice,

"How about both? Let's go to the forest!" I excitedly dashed off as he struggled to keep up with my speed, he tripped over his robe and ended up face-first on the sidewalk.

"Oh gosh, you alright there?" I said worriedly dashing back behind me to make sure he was okay. I helped and up and examined his face and hands, he just stood there embarrassed and flustered. I saw a small scrape on his face but nothing serious thank god(?) (or whatever cookies would say),

"You feel alright? Are you dizzy or feeling sick?" I was a little worried about him possibly having a concussion or some type of head injury,

"N-no just a little thrown off." He said stumbling up taking his weight off of me, he slightly lost his balance but regained it quickly. Even though I gave him space I stared at him with worry filling my eyes,

"Hehehe you worry too much I just fell over, I'm perfectly fine!" He said bending down to pick his staff up off the ground and then he leaned on it slightly. I was thankful for him bringing his staff so he could have some help walking. He touched the front of his head with his hand and rubbed his forehead,

"Ughhh.." he said quietly to himself, he shook it off and started to walk like normal. I slowed my pace to match up with his,

"Are you sure that you're okay? We can go back if your hurt, it honestly doesn't matter to me if we do or don't." I said smoothly

"Yes, we don't have to go back! I told you I'm perfectly FINE! Please could you stop worrying about me so much! Why do you always worry about me of all people?" he snapped back suddenly. I jumped a little. I decided to shut up because usually he only did that when he was irritated.

We continued to walk in awkward silence as I caught wizard cookie occasionally looking at me but then looking away when I turned to him. We finally made it to a park and in that park was a trail through the woods. He seemed to have been surrounded by a gloomy aura, I was a bit worried about him but I decided it would be best to leave him alone,

"Well, here we are! The great outdoors I guess.." I awkwardly said,

"You sound like a 40-year-old camp director trying to get the teens to look away from their phones. Seriously? 'The great outdoors'?" He shook his head,

"I thought you were better than that.." he said disappointingly I couldn't tell if he was just joking or not. Sometimes he is good at acting so I just went along with it,

"But I am! Okay fine I won't call it 'the great outdoors' or whatever.." I did quotation marks with my hands while saying the great outdoors. (Wait he is a cookie how did he- WATTPAD LOGIC Okay? That's how.) Then I continued to walk forward to the trail,

"Good, now we can go! Just please don't ever say that again!" He laughed and I started to think about how he acted around me again.

Oh, why would wizard blush around me constantly? Why would wizard be so embarrassed by me caring about him? Oh, I wonder why he would just sit there and stare at my face? Oh, why why is wizard cookie acting so weird I wonder why? He had hidden it pretty well for a while, but it was kinda obvious. I smiled at the sarcastic tone in my head, I wish I could just see the look on his face when he tells me and I already knew.

He would probably just start to panic a little as he does 'you already knew?' That's what he would say. It was an adorable daydream. I tripped over my own feet and had to catch myself quickly,

"Are you drunk or something? Why are you tripping around all clumsy like?" He commented jokingly I awkwardly rubbed the back of my head,

"Nope, I'm just being dumb. Hehe.."
I said laughing at the end. He was blushing again and he wasn't so great at hiding it, I mean I had to admit his scarf did help a little. Now I'm just waiting, I don't really want to say it myself because he needs to build some confidence. Also, that would be a little bit awkward and I don't feel like being awkward honestly.

As I was thinking I saw a bird suddenly land in a tree and it started to sing. Then wizard cookie looked in horror at something. I turned to look at his gaze worried about what I might see. But there was nothing but a cave there with two red crystals, an odd site. He backed up and nervously looked at me and then at the cave. Then he grabbed my hand and squeeze it in panic while staring at the cave. But there was nothing what did he see?

I got second-hand embarrassment from this chapter so hard. This was awkward and hard to write. Also, cliffhanger because I'm rushing to complete this chapter. And I'm sorry if there are any errors I barely edited it. Also sorry this took so long I had like no inspiration.

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