Relax//ch 5

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(Im sorry if I can't write gingerbright very well. I don't know her personality or how she interacts with wizard very well. Has gingerbright met wizard?? I'm gonna assume not, at least in this story. Also yes I am still alive, just very slow)

Me and Brave were about to enter the house when some cookie with a dress, brown hair in a ponytail, and lavender eyes. She looked like gingerbrave's sister, even though she wasn't,

"Gingerbright, Is that you? Wow it's been a while!" Brave said happily hugging her, her name is gingerbright too? This is kinda weird,

"Yeah it really has! Is strawberry home?" She asked hopefully. Gingerbright looked slightly flustered as she asked that, but Brave didn't notice. Sure I may have feelings for him, but sometimes he can be a little-to put it nicely- dense,

"Uh yeah! Oh hey you haven't met Wizard yet, have you?" He said as I jumped slightly at my name being mentioned,

"Oh I guess I haven't yet! Nice to meet you Wizard!" I awkwardly waved,

"Uh nice to meet you too." I looked back at Brave for a second to see him standing there about to speak,

"Yeah he is like one of my best friends! We went on an adventure to the vanilla kingdom, along with strawberry, custard, and chili! He is really good at magic too, and he's awesome." I was very flustered at all the praise from Brave. Why are you so nice to me? I asked him internally, and why do you have to be so adorable about it..?

"Don't over exaggerate about me.. I'm not that great." I murmured very embarrassed,

"That's a lie and you know it!" He lightly elbowed me in the arm. I stared at him for a minute before subsiding to the complements,

"Okay, okay fine.." I said putting my hands up in a 'surrender',

"Aww sorry I have to go now! Tell Strawberry to meet me by the tree tomorrow, she will know what I mean!"  The cookie ran off waving at us. Uh strange..? I thought watching Gingerbright run off, and then I turned back to Gingerbrave,

"Where did you meet her? Seems like you two have been friends for a while." I asked with a hint of confusion in my voice,

"I meet her around when I escaped the oven! Her and Strawberry too. I think she lives outside of the kingdom, but she likes to visit me and Strawberry sometimes. Well she talks to Strawberry more but still." He spoke looking awkward, I nodded and walked in front of him to open the door. I opened the door for him as he walked in,

"Ladies first haha." I said jokingly,

"Yeah and nerds last!" He spit his tongue out as I closed the door behind me and him. Chili was home now and strawberry and custard were sitting in the kitchen eating bear jellies. I walked up to Strawberry,

"Hey Strawberry, Gingerbright was outside earlier. Well I meet her for the first time but anyways." I noted the way she sat up hopefully,

"Is she still there?" She asked,

"No sorry, but she told me to tell you to meet her 'by the tree tomorrow'. She said you would know what she meant." She nodded and started to calmly talk,

"Thank you, Wizard." She said thankfully, I smiled at her and started to got back to my room.

I decided since I had a migraine it was probably best to just follow Brave's advise and just rest. I didn't like doing nothing productive but it was for the best really. Soon enough I was just tired and decided to sleep.


I woke up from sleep groggily, what was that noise? Luckily my headache was gone completely; now what is that noise? I looked towards my door and heard a faint growl of agitation. Who is up this late? I asked myself peering into the darkness of night outside of my window. Strawberry? Gingerbrave? Chili? Custard? That last one is a stretch.. I got up from sleeping still in my robe because I hardly ever take it off.

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