Smoothies//ch 7

803 34 45

(There is some Sparklingherb in this. ALSO IDK HOW TO WRITE SPARKLING OR HERB I'M SO SORRY)

Wizard's POV

I walked out of the kitchen and then when out of view I bolted. I ran up to my room and closed the door, did I just agree to a DATE WITH HIM!? Wizard get ahold of yourself! I shouted at myself, trying to calm my beating heart. It's not a date.. I'm sure he just wants to hang out with me like normal.

As much as my logic tried to persuade me I couldn't get the thought out of my head. My feelings were now flooding through me, I was flustered beyond comprehension. I am going on a date to a bar with my crush..what could go wrong. I sarcastically thought as I slid down the wall and hide my face in my knees.

I made a whining noise just wanting to bury my head into GingerBrave's chest again and forget about everything. This is so complicated I feel overwhelmed. I thought as lifted my head and grabbed my staff that was sat up on the wall right next to me.

I hugged onto it trying to comfort myself. I can't stop thinking about everything, his smile, his laugh, the way his eyes twinkle when he is excited. Why does this cookie just make me want to smile so much? He's the only one that's done that to me before. I felt fuzzy just thinking about him.

I tried to compose myself as much as possible, I'm going to make this the best date that I can. I can do this, it's going to be fine! I motivated and picked myself up still hesitating to leave my room. I paced around slightly as I quickly brushed through my hair, which wasn't such a mess anymore.

I stared into a mirror spacing out, okay it's fine Wizard your going to be fine. Just act normal and you will get through this with no awkwardness. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I was excited and of course really nervous, but it was blocked by my eagerness to go with him,

"If you can get through this you know that your confident enough to tell him." I spoke to myself in the mirror. I'll tell him one day.. I promised to nobody. I soon worked myself down and opened the door.  Suddenly Gingerbrave jumped out in front of my door and scared the heck outta me,

"AH! Brave, you scared me!" I yelled in shock when he looked at me confused,

"Oh uh sorry. Don't have a heart attack!" he joked, you don't even know. I laughed sadly,

"Alright well are we going?" I asked,

"Jeez, impatient much? Yeah we are." He replied sarcastically changing his tone to be happier at the end. I stretched a bit trying to wake myself up from what felt like a dream. Why does everything feel daydreamy? I followed Brave as the feelings of nervousness started to really set in when we where on the sidewalk, walking to Sparkling's bar. It clicked that I was actually doing this and that this wasn't some fantasy dream.

I walked at an even pace with him, well he was more skipping. I thought about the time he brought up that memory, sometimes I forgot I could really tell what he was feeling. When he hit his arm on the cave rock on the ground it's almost like I could tell right away that something happened. Now since we have become really good friends I can sometimes even know what he is feeling like without looking. I've always been able to tell when somebody's hurt or something's wrong, it's kinda like a sixth sense of mine.

But it's been hard lately, he's been closed off and I can't tell. I focused my attention onto his feelings and tried to distinguish what he was feeling, well excited if that wasn't obvious from just looking, content? And something else I can't pinpoint; it's there just very faint. I tried to think about what that faint feeling was, it oddly felt familiar.

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