~Path to You 2~

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And finally the sequel that we waited for! And some bonus content at the end because I like to make things harder for myself :,)
When I woke up I didn't feel like doing anything so I just sleep some more like always, it wasn't until early afternoon when I finally convinced myself to get up. I have to find wherever this compass is going! I thought determinedly as a grabbed the compass and my hoodie. I slid on the hoodie and ran out of the door almost forgetting my other important stuff. I paused and went back in to grab a few snacks and my new phone. I still didn't know how to work it very well. I was getting a bit better at it though. I slid my phone in my hoodie pocket and went out the door finally. I watched the compass as it pointed left of my house, so I turned left until it pointed forward and began walking that way excitedly.

The area I was walking in was mostly forest and lots of shrubbery grew. There green hues made me a bit more happy. It reminded me of all the times we went on adventures through these very same woods. Most of my memories are very bittersweet. I mean I remember getting badly hurt one time, they were all actually really worried about me. Even Chili who acting uncaring was worried. She did think of all of us as her adopted kids, well except for Wizard. Wizard was just kinda there, he was still friends with most of the group though. He had just always been kind of a know-it-all at times, they argued a little. Wizard has just always been like that. That's just his personality. I shrugged it off as I started to speed up a little.

He was still a good friend of mine. I thought sadly, missing him again. I had sent him a letter a while ago but he never responded. Maybe they didn't know where his address was, I surely didn't know. I hope he takes better care of himself than I do myself. I know everyone else is doing okay, but it's been a while since I had seen him. I wished as I arrived at a river soon. I looked around but there didn't seem to be a bridge or anything. Then I saw some big stones strewn out across it, I think I might be able to cross that way? I do have long legs. I thought testing one stone to see if it was stable. Luckily it held up well and I went fully onto it, I breathed a sigh of relief as I began carefully trying to reach the other. The stones weren't very far apart so I could easily step across them, that was good since I didn't feel like getting soggy.

I finally thought about a question that I haven't even thought to ask, who is my soulmate? I wondered examining the compass again, I turned it around to the side and read the text again. It's message repeated in my mind, 'To guide you to your soulmate'. Is it someone I even know? I would think that it was someone I didn't know because I've never met anyone who was like a soulmate. Everyone left after we started to branch out. I wondered what they would look like and who would they be. My mind was racing with the possibilities. It just made me more excited to find this mysterious person.

I turned the compass back around and continued to go in the direction. As excited as I was, it was a bit boring sometimes. It's just long walks across forest with no end in sight. How long have I been walking? I wondered as I pulled out my phone to check the time it's been 50 or so minutes! I thought shocked, how long away is my soulmate..? I wondered staring at the compass and then up to where it was pointing.

I used to have pretty good endurance, but I haven't ran in a while so I felt my legs hurting after a while of walking. I decided that it would be best to take a break. I sat down and leaned against a random tree. I just relaxed for a minute and stared at the treetops. The golden sunlight leaked through the leaves and it felt warm. It just made me daydream for a few minutes. I felt a little hungry and was glad that I brought some snacks with me. This is such an interesting journey! I missed these a lot. I thought happily as I walked and noticed that the forest changed into field and began to slope down. I looked to see some kind of brick tower in the distance.

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