~Path To You pt 1~

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A two part oneshot recommended by @azilais! They are gonna be aged up a little bit, so there like 16 now. If you haven't seen the comment it's an AU where Wizard and GingerBrave have grown apart since the end of there journey. GingerBrave is haunted by feelings of loneliness and regret, and particularly on this night it's the worst it's ever been. He calls out to the sky for an answer, but what if something answers back?


It's been so long ago, will I ever get over any of this? I asked myself as tears threatened to fall from my eyes. Everything just swirled around me like a big pool of horrible thoughts. They engulfed me and the waves crashed whenever I thought I'd reach the surface to throw me back down. It was simply drowning and felt like it was stealing my energy away to the night. Has is gotten worse? I wondered as I sat down on my bed. All the regrets that I had deeply buried had made there way up to simply laugh in my face.

The gnawing feeling of loneliness seem to eat away at whatever little happiness that I had. I feel like I'm dying! Maybe this is what I deserve.. I decided trying to choke back my sobbing. This was so long ago..and your still crying over it! What would everyone else say? You're being so stupid right now! I yelled at myself trying to not break down completely. I've been living alone for a while now, I try and keep everyone together but it just isn't the same. It never is the same it will never be the same! You're just annoying everyone! It didn't even seem like my voice in my head anymore.

I tried to calm myself down but I just keep thinking about things I could have done differently. It felt like everything just attacked me at once. I just broke down feeling awful all around. After a while it subsided slightly. I looked up at the window seeing the stars glittering in the beautiful deep blue sky. The moon was full and shining brightly. The color just reminded me of Wizard for a split second. Or maybe it was the moon, he did teach me that it didn't actually glow but reflected the sun's light. The stars all together forming constellations reminds me of the team. It made the loneliness come back and hit me,

"Please is there anyway that I can solve this. I can't do this anymore.." I whispered to nobody as I choked back another sob. I stood at the window and opened it so I could let in some fresh air. I kneeled at the window with my arms crossed and stared out of it,

"I just want somebody around me..I miss everyone. These feelings hurt really badly- I don't know what to do!" I whined feeling stupid. As expected nothing reached out to save me or anything. This isn't some stupid fairytale story GingerBrave. I criticized myself as I laid my head between my arms and shut my eyes tightly. I just want someone here maybe someone to just give me a hug or anything..I feel so touch starved. I realized in my head,

"Ack!" I said as suddenly a hard object hit me in the head and sent me falling backwards in surprise. I fell onto the floor feeling shocked and it startled me out of my depressive state. The object made a clunk on the wooden floor behind me. I looked behind me as the moonlight shined on the metal round object. I recovered quickly and looked out my window to see who or what threw that. But there was nothing to see anywhere. After rechecking I finally gave up looking and walked over to the object.

I noticed that it was a light blue compass around the size of my hand, shining in the pale moonlight. I picked it up and looked closer at it. It had a golden rim around the clear sugar glass that encased the one pointed needle. Why does it only have one needle? I thought compasses have two? I wondered but keep examining. There was also engravings in gold around the compass that where various shapes. It was quite beautiful and interesting to look at all of its fine details. I flipped it around to reveal more designs on the back and a simple message in silver cursive lettering, To guide you to your soulmate. I was very confused at first this is some kind of joke Isn't it? I wondered but remember how I saw nobody outside and it was mere seconds until I looked. And it was a field out there so there was no time to hide around there.

Is this another magic compass..!? I wondered a bit shocked on how I encountered multiple magic compasses now. 'There can be enchantments on objects all of the time. Like you could enchant a quill to write down notes for you. Or maybe even enchant a paper you've written a note on to go to someone. The possibilities are endless really!' I heard Wizard say enthusiastically but distantly. I thought that maybe someone might have done what he was talking about. He always got so excited when he talked about magic. I'd never told him but he was cute when he got excited like that. He voice got all high like he couldn't hold in his excitement. It was a  bittersweet memory since it just reminded me of how he was already off somewhere, probably being the best mage ever. But it also just reminded me of all the moments we did have.

It pulled back my feeling of regret again. It made me more determined to find out what this compass meant. I thought about the inscription on the back and looked at the front of the compass. I noticed that oddly the compass wasn't pointing north like a normal compass. It was pointing at something else entirely. I looked at the sky and breathed a bit of fresh air and shut the window. I then thought about just seeing where this would go but decided against it since it was late out.

I thought about the back again, To guide you to your soulmate. What does that even mean? Is that where this compass is pointing to? So it must be one of those enchanted objects! I agreed silently, it was the first time in a while that I had got excited about anything. But what if this 'soulmate' doesn't like me or I mess something up? No, it's a soulmate that means that we have to be good friends at least. I assured my doubt, this is the last thing you have..don't screw it up like everything else. I thought sadly as I gripped the compass tightly and stared at the needle.

I stumbled over to my bed again and sat on it. I placed the compass on the nightstand and turned on the light if only to look at it for a second, it was so very shiny I could almost see myself in it. But it was blurred since it was metal. I turned the light back off again. I was tired and everything in my head hurt since I was sobbing earlier, so I just laid down and attempted to sleep. It took a while but I managed to finally get some rest, even if it was only a few hours.

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