Starry Night//ch 12

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(This chapter gets a bit strange when the dream sequence happens but trust me I have no idea what I was doing either. I've been playing too many dream/weird core games lol. Also I'm going to start using GingerBrave more than Brave. Also I'm so sorry this took so long my poor starving children. Now you can have some food *gives chapter*)

Wizard's POV

GingerBrave fell asleep on me.. still hugging onto me. It was just like last time except for I was here willing cuddling with him. I noticed that his grip was much lighter luckily. That's good because I would rather not be squeezed to death. I watched an episode this time with most of my attention until he started to use me like some kind of pillow. Brave..I swear to the Vanilla Kingdom, why do you have to be like this. I jokingly complained sighing. I moved him slightly down so he was in a more comfortable position, so instead of behind me he was in front of me. Quite a lot of time ticked by until he stirred,

"Oh you woke up from your nap, finally." I realized,

"How long was I asleep?" He asked, I thought for a moment,

"Let me see.. each episode is on average 20 or so minutes long and there was like 3 episodes when you where asleep. So 20 times 3 is around.. so about more than an hour." I calculated he just made a noise as a reply,

"Good thing I know how to do math." I teased,

"Yeah. And sorry for falling asleep on you." He apologized,

"It's fine I don't really mind. You look kinda adorable when you sleep.. wait did I say that out loud?" I realized blushing and putting back up my scarf,

"Yeah you did. Reminds me of that time I accidentally fell asleep when I was hugging you, and I woke up to you sleeping soundly in my arms. You were very adorable too!" He laughed, I flinched,

"Oh Earthbread, I about had a heart attack when that happened. You are very good at um..cuddling." I remarked hesitantly and was blushing a bright red,

"Thanks!" He said laughing a little still, he tried to get up for a second but I tugged him softly back I don't want him to go yet.. I whined in my head,

"Not allowed to leave yet?" He asked jokingly, I shook my head giggling a bit at myself

"If I have to stay here then I guess I will torture you with affection." He said with fake sarcasm,

"Noooo that's the most cruelest punishment ever." I sarcastically replied as he cuddled closer to me. We went back to just watching the show again, this time we had a blanket because it was starting to get colder,

"You're very warm, thank you for your heat dude." He gratefully said gently petting the top of my head,

"You're welcome." I murmured appreciating the small gesture, I thought about how long that we've been in here,

"Oh uh I just realized we have been in here for quite a while.." I said suddenly looking out the window at the darkening sky,

"Yeah me too! I don't really want to sleep yet.." he complained,

"Why not?" I asked,

"Well..I won't get to hang out with you. I want to hang out with you." He explained,

"Also I'm kinda hungry.." he said laughing,

"Good point- well both are good points. We can at least resolve one of those." I laughed back (wow I remembered that things have to eat to live I hope you are all proud of me.)

"Alright come on." I persuaded sliding off into my feet. He had let go and looked a bit tired but followed still,

"What should we eat though..?" He asked as I felt his hand slither around mine and he gave a firm hold on it,

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