Constellations //ch 9

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We both walked in silence right next to each other, we were almost shoulder to shoulder. We where holding hands again so technically touching. I noticed that he paused suddenly,

"What is it?" I asked, he looked back at me and smiled but said nothing,

"What?" I repeated feeling curious, he tugged on my hand and began walking off the path I raised an eyebrow but followed him,

"Hey we are here!" He said letting go of my hand to dash in front of me. He spread his arms out in a V shape. I looked around at the open space, walking into it,

"Woah careful!" He said as suddenly tripped and saw the drop of a lifetime. Luckily he grabbed me before falling off the edge,

"Seriously, it's the second time you've saved my life! Thank you." I noted,

"I mean if you still want to go down there I can throw you." He joked laughing a little,

"Hmmmm..I'll think about it." I jokingly said back,

"Seriously are you just obsessed with trying to die? And then me having to save you?" He asked sarcastically,

"Says the one who was using a fork to get toast out of the toaster. And almost set the entire house on fire on more than one occasion." I retorted back playfully,

"Okay, okay you got me there, Mr. im going to get crumbled with rocks in a cave." Brave murmured rolling his eyes,

"Maybe we are just get in all these dangerous and funny situations for comedy sake?" I wondered,

"Comedy for who..?" Brave asked me,

"It's just a thought." *Wizard stares directly into your soul* I shrugged,

"What are you looking at?" Brave asked,

"Uh..nothing- you know what never mind. Can you put me down now?" I asked,

"Oh yeah!" He realized and placed me a little ways from the drop, I sat down there. Brave also sat down next to me, surprisingly close. Maybe we will be more close than that after this, well metaphorically.

This cliff edge saw a great vantage over the kingdom. The stars twinkled as I nervously glanced at him. He was sitting there with that adorable smile on his face. Staring at the stars with me, of all cookies.

I looked away and at the constellations that decorated the sky like Christmas lights. Maybe this is finally the time? It's perfect, I guess it's now or never.. I thought nervously preparing to speak. I looked over one last time to reassure myself that this was what I needed to do. Herb was right, it's better if I just tell him.

"Um well I guess I should say this,you don't have to go along with it if you don't want to but.." I began saying realizing that the words I wanted to say where already built for me in my mind,

"Go on.. I'm interested." Brave said curiously looking at me, his eyes twinkling in the starlight,

"Well this is hard to just flat out say but here it goes. Well I really like you- um like more than a friend.." I almost couldn't believe that I said those words but I wasn't even done,

"It's just, I've been feeling these feelings towards you a lot and I actually think your adorable.. and I have now concluded that I love you," I said nervously my face now all red,

"I KNEW IT- oh sorry too loud.. that sounded mean too. I meant that I kinda already knew Wizard- no offense." He suddenly shouted quickly apologizing,

"Oh.. Wait was I that obvious? Oh dear witch's oven, I feel like an idiot."  I muttered facing away and burying my head in my scarf. I didn't even want to look at Brave anymore I felt so pathetic and embarrassed,

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