Too close//ch 8

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I noticed the sky turning a pinkish color. Brave warmly smiled at me as I exited the door. He was clearly shaking from the cold, and I felt bad for him. I held out my hand hoping he would take it, he nodded and firmly grasped onto it. I wonder if that blush is from the cold? I wondered as I looked at his face. I speed up slightly trying to get him home faster so he could warm up again,

"Why are you walking so fast?" He asked speeding up too,

"You looked cold, I thought that running should warm you up a little. Plus we'll get home faster!" I said happily, he seemed to be a little proud and nodded. He smirked and speed up even faster, I followed in pursuit. We were still holding hands and happily running down the sidewalk at a steady pace. We were both laughing as we just ran down the sidewalk like a couple of idiots. This is fun though I have to admit.

As much fun as it was, when we reached the house I was out of breath. Me and Brave were both panting, he was panting a lot less than me. Must be used to running a lot. I thought still trying to catch my feelings breath. I could tell he felt a lot better which I was very pleased about,

"You okay?" He dashed over and asked as I was sitting down on the side of the house, breathing rapidly,

"Y-yeah I'm fine. Just..catching my breath, I don't run a lot." I laughed softly as my breathing began to calm back to normal. Brave still keep an eye on me over his shoulder as I got back up and walked back over towards the door,

"Are you going to stay out here and freeze or are you coming?" I said sarcastically, Brave seemed to realize that he was just standing there and snapped out of it,

"Yeah!" He said as he walked to the door, eager to get out of the cold,

"Hey you two!" An unfamiliar voice greeted, I soon realized that it was the one girl that I meet yesterday, what was her name again? Strawberry and her seemed to be playing a game of Uno on the living room table. Wasn't her name similar to GingerBrave's? Ginger and then something with a B. I questioned in my mind,

"Oh, hello again." I responded,

"Hey guys good to see you!" GingerBrave said sounding joyful. After  they went back to there game I leaned over to Brave,

"What's her name again..?" I asked quietly,

"Her name is GingerBright." He whispered back,

"Ahh okay." I spoke softly and nodded. I awkwardly walked around the house a little not sure what to do. I walked into the kitchen and Brave chased after me,

"Hey where are you running off to?" He laughed,

"Nowhere really, I'm just wandering around." I shrugged and walked around the kitchen in a circle shape. Brave just watched me walk in a circle with curiosity. After a little while he started to follow me, except for he was going fast and almost stepping on my robe. So I sped up,

"Your going way too fast Brave. This isn't a race." I said jokingly, he sped up even more,

"Brave? Why are you speeding up!?" I asked slightly scared when he still sped up faster chasing me in a circle,

"AHHHHH! SLOW DOWN!" He was full on sprinting at this point but I couldn't really keep ahead. He almost full on crashed into me,

"GOTCHA!" He shouted as he snatched me mid-running. I for the second time today had to catch my breath,

"Why would you do that!?" I asked as he skidded to a stop. He was holding me above the ground again,

"Cause it was fun!" He answered simply,

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