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"I see your daughter has grown into a beautiful young girl." A man in his early sixties said as he turned his attention to me.

"She took Star's pretty looks." Another man, not too old, mentioned.

Like he has seen my mom before....*cue the eye roll*

Typical business parties.

They praise you and tell lies just so you could do business with them.

"Yes, she took Star's eyes." My Daddy said looking at me lovingly making me smile.

I followed my Daddy to a business dinner only because he said his business partners were also bringing their own kids. I wore a yellow shorts suit,white tank top-- with a white sneakers to go along.

*Her outfit*

My hair was straightened, making it fall to my back

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My hair was straightened, making it fall to my back. But do you know I was the only girl dressed like that in this party?

Others were wearing freaking dinner dress. I felt like asking my Daddy if my mommy ever mistook me for a boy. Apart from that, my face was makeup free, unlike the other girls.

"Excuse me Mr Rodrigo." I whispered to my Daddy as he excused himself from the never ending conversation--  more like them praising my Daddy.

He chuckled coming to stand close to me as he leaned foward to listen to what I have to say "Yes, little miss Rodrigo."

"I wish to be excused from this gathering." I say causing him to laugh out.

"Okay, I've kept you for too long." He said putting his hand on the small of my back and pushing me slightly.

"Thank you sir." I said giving him a smile before making my way to the food section.

All the food looked pretty sweet and I couldn't wait to see how the cake taste like.

"Should I taste chocolate first or cake?" I say moving my spoon from chocolate to cake.

"Or should you taste salad or rice first?" Someone said from behind, startling me.

I turn around to see Arlo smirking. He looked good in his suit and he's style was surprising and stylish. But I wasn't going to let him know that.

He was wearing a blue suit with shorts, shoes and long socks. His hair was brushed sideways, making it fall to his face.

*His outfit*

"What do you want now?" I asked making him shrug

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"What do you want now?" I asked making him shrug.

It's been a month since I was rejected by him and I've been doing my best at ignoring him, both in the cafeteria and class-- since he and Ethan decided to start sitting with us during lunch. I didn't want anything that would make me look like a fool in front of him ever again.

"How can a girl eat so much sweets? Remember what you bought last time?" He asked referring to the time we met at the grocery store.

"Just shut up." I snapped going to scoop some chocolate when he grabbed my spoon.

"How come we wore the same outfit?"

"It's not, I thought you asked me to stay away, why are you suddenly so interested in talking to me." I said, my voice a bit snappy.

"Well, I have to please my father." He said, shrugging and looking to the side.

I followed his eyes to see a man in his early forties, waving at us so I walked over to say hello. I didn't know his daddy was American, that means it was his mom that was chinese.

"Hello Miss Niana." He said making me look at him in surprise-- because of the fact that he knew my name.

"Hello Mr Richardson, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." I smiled as I shook his outstretched hand.

"Me too and don't be too surprised I know your name, our families are close." He said making me try to remember if my parents ever mentioned them.

"Oh, okay." I smiled as Arlo joined us.

"I see you guys are bonding perfectly." He said with a smile.

Arlo suddenly took my hands in his, intertwining it as he held me close making me frown at his weird behaviour. "Yes of course."

"I heard you attend the same school." His father commented as we started to move to where my father was standing making me inwardly groan because I just escaped from there.

"Yes we do, we are even classmates." Arlo answered again and I wondered if he was always this humble and respectful with his father.

"Hello Mr Rodrigo." He said making my father smile but that smile disappeared when he saw I and Arlo's intertwined hands.

"She doesn't know yet so please don't make her uncomfortable." My Daddy said.

I didn't know if his words were directed to Mr Richardson or Arlo but he looked pretty pissed as he held my other hand and dragged me away.

"Daddy, what was that about?" I asked once we reach outside.

"I'll tell you soon." He said stroking my cheeks as his eyes welled up.

"Daddy, are you okay?" I asked when I saw a tear slip out of his eyes.

The last time I saw my Dad look so sad was when I lost my mom, but the situation was understandable then but now?

"I'm fine sweetheart, I'm just angry at myself for being a bad father."

"Don't ever say that, you have always been there for me so don't ever feel like you haven't tried your best for me." I said holding his face.

"I love you Niana." He said kissing my hands. "I love you so much."

"I love you too Dad, so stop crying and you owe me an explanation-- soon." I said using my handkerchief to wipe his face.

He chuckled at my words before holding my hand and leading us back inside. I knew Arlo wouldn't get close to me intentionally like that and my Daddy angry about it? There definitely is a huge story behind it. I didn't want to find it out from Arlo or his father so I'll just have to wait till my Daddy finds the courage to tell me everything without breaking down like he did just now.

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