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-- Quick Important A/N

So I'm going to give you guys some heads-up before you start reading this chapter, I'll be writing some matured things here so there is going to be some mild explicit scene🔞, so if you are not comfortable with it, you can skip it. I think SO is my favourite word😩....
So see you guys❤❤❤

-- ARLO'S POV --

I was so drunk that I couldn't stand straight, I came to pick up Niana but ended up being the one that was picked.

That sounded funny to me.

By the way, Fortunately, I called Ethan on my way to the Club to come pick up Sydney so when he saw my state, he had no choice but to drop Niana and I at our apartment before taking Sydney home and I'm very sure he was taking her to his house and not hers.

I held Niana's shoulder as we stumbled in, she paused to take off her heels since it was like a spring going round her leg. She looked so hot in the dress and I was so pissed off today when I saw that man checking her out, in fact I don't think I could ever stand anyone looking at her like that, it's either I pluck out their eyes or burst the eyeball.

Either ways, I'm in a win-win situation.

Niana staggered to our bedroom as I followed her and we both fell on the bed the same time before laughing. She was facing me, a sad smile on her face with her body sprawled out. I layed close to her and stared at her portrait. The room suddenly became silent as I took my time to take note of her soft features.

Brown soft hair that splay out around her head with some strand stuck to her face because of sweat, long natural eyelash that made me doubt then if she did an extension but I've confirmed it myself that they were real, small button nose that made her face look younger and prettier and then the lips-- those lips were temptation themselves. It was practically begging to be kissed and it's softness made it all better and sweeter.

Then her eyes, light brown eyes that looked exactly like the brown out of a cabin's wood. It was like her eyes pierced my soul, searching for something continuously as her brown orbs moved from left to right.

She was too beautiful to be true.

"Where's your girlfriend?" She broke the silence before Turning to face the ceiling.

"I don't want to fight with you again." I groan as I attack her neck with my lips, leaving little marks as my teeth gently grazed her smooth skin.

"I'm talking to you." She slur, pushing me off her gently.

"Which Girlfriend are you talking about?" I say lying back as I stared at her again.

"Riele-- your one true love." She replied as a tear slipped out of her eyes and down to her ear before disappearing.

Gosh, is she doing it purposely because she knows seeing her cry is one of my weakness or she just doesn't know how much seeing her cry hits me and hurt my feelings?

"Who told you I love Riele?"

"Your actions do." She chuckled bitterly.

"What about my eyes? Don't they tell you that I'm head over heels for You?"

"Really?" She Tsked. "I just haven't noticed then."

"Can't you see how deeply my eyes search for your heart? How much ive fallen for you and still falling?"

"Your lines are sappy." She groaned making me laugh.

"I would say any sappy or cheesy line, for you, even if it makes me less cool."

"You were never cool to begin with." She scoffed.

"Says Who? 90% of female population in this town crave my attention."

"So give it to them." She pout before pushing her hair backward.

"Nothing is left, I've given it all to you."

"Gross, I hate cheesy lines." She say her slur evident which meant she was still drunk just like me.

"All I'm saying is that, I love you and no one else matters." I say making her turn to me with her whole attention on me now.


"You do?"

"A lot more than I can even imagine." I smile before closing the gap between us.

I was like a baby derived of breast milk as I kissed her feverishly. I've never missed anyone like this in my life like I missed Niana, it was like my source of breath was taken away from me.

She suddenly straddled me before taking off my shirt and throwing it to one corner of the room. I turn us so I'm now on top as I kiss down her neck.

"Arlo." She moaned as she bit her lips, her eyes closing involuntarily while her hands ran through my hair pulling on it softly.

I gently bit the skin before sucking on it, she shivered as she let out more breathy moans. I went for her lips again and this time my hands went to her top to take it off, leaving her with her bra.

I kissed the hill of her breast while my hand fondled with the zipper of her skirt. I finally opened it after many failed attempts, she had just her undergarments on now.

This was the first time we had gone this far in terms of being intimate since we got married, I didn't know the reason because we both never mentioned it but it was like an unspoken rule that we couldn't go more than just kissing and we were so okay with it but I guess the booze we had earlier gave us some boost as we consumate our marriage.

"Are you sure about this?" I pulled away to ask her after a while.

"I've never been so sure." She smiled kissing my nose as she stared intently at me.

"Please let me know when to stop." I tell her.

"Okay." She whispered.

"I love you Nini."

"I love you too."

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