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"Arlo, help me zip this up." Niana grunted as she tried to pull up the zipper of her dress.

"I told you earlier today that you added." I say making her glare at me from the mirror.

We were going on a business dinner, one of the biggest conglomerate from China was celebrating their ten years anniversary and my Dad is partners with them.

"Just shut up and zip it."

I helped her zip it up, it was a bit harder at the chest region but the dress survived. The dress was pretty and it exposed some cleavage but it was just fine because it showed her curves.

*Her dress and hair*

*Her dress and hair*

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"All done." I said slipping my hand down the fabric of the dress before wrapping it round her waist.

"Isn't it too revealing?" She said with a frown.

"No, you look hot." I whispered in her ear before kissing her shoulder.

It's been six months since we've been married and every step of the day, we've tried our best in getting to know each other. From friends, we grew into lovers and I couldn't have asked for a better wife.

"Let's get going." She said slyly removing my hands from her waist and sneaking out.

"Oh I forgot to tell you, Riele is joining us."

"Arlo! Really?"

Niana still dislikes Riele for a reason unknown to me and she doesn't try to hide it whenever my ex is around.

"Come on, her dad is also attending the party." I try to reason with her.

"Then let her go with her dad." She shrugged making me chuckle.

"I promise, she won't disturb us." I smiled.

She looked at me skeptically before speaking up. "Why did you even agree in the first place?"

"Even though we dated Nini, she was my childhood friend, in fact we were even closer than Ethan was to me so I couldn't say no to her."

"So If she says to leave me, you won't say no to her?"

"Of course you know I would never choose any one over you." I sighed before taking a hold of her hand.

"Arlo Richardson wouldn't say that six months ago." She teased making me knock her forehead.

"You have an habit of always talking about the past."

Just then the door bell rang and Niana rolled her eyes. She proceeded to open the door and I knew I was about to be stuck in a hard situation.

"Niana." Riele acknowledged her before walking past her to stop in front of me.

"Hey." I smiled.

"You look as handsome as ever, the suit fits perfectly."

"Thank you, I'm glad you think my husband is this handsome." Niana cuts in.

"You look nice." Riele smiled.

"You don't look bad yourself." Niana replied with a wider smile.

"Uh, guys? We have to go." I scratched the back of my head looking for the perfect excuse to make them stop their death glare.

"Oh Arlo, my mom is also coming with little Sarah, do you remember back then when all three of us used to go to the park?" Riele questioned and I looked up to see Niana look away.

"Hmm, I do remember."

"I'll be downstairs." Niana said before opening the door and going out.

At least she didn't slam it.

"Does Niana disapprove of the idea of me coming with you guys?" Riele asked.

"No it's fine, let's get going." I sighed.

I think I partially know why Niana dislikes Riele. She keeps bring up memories about us together and that isn't so nice especially since I'm married. Riele had transferred to our school six months ago and the two girls has made their rivalry know to the whole school.

Riele and I were childhood bestfriends. I met her in china when she came to visit her Aunt who got married to a chinese. We met at a park one day while I was crying, I had just lost my mom back then so I always went to that park to relieve my emotions.

I had immediately wiped my tears when I noticed I wasn't alone but she already saw it as she sat with me, She told me it was okay to cry and not bottle every thing up. We talked alot and soon we became very close, we grew up sharing many memories together and before you knew it, we strengthened our friendship by dating.

We were so happy together until we both had to go back to where we came from. I stay in California while she stays in New York so we had to break up and go our separate ways. We actually lost contact until she transferred here six months ago.

I got downstairs to see Niana at the back seat. She was definitely pissed this time, she didn't even look at us when we entered, just closed her eyes and hummed to the song that was playing. I saw the key on the driver's seat so i entered and started the car, Riele entered the passenger's seat.

"Babe?" I called, turning to look at her but she just remained silent and refuse to look at me.

"We are going to be late, let's go." Riele said pulling me to face the front.

"Yeah, you guys should just go, I'll take my car." Niana finally said before opening the door and getting out.

"Nini." I tried calling but she already entered the elevator.

"She's kinda annoying." Riele said.

"Hey watch it, that's my girl you talking about." I snapped making her raise her hands up.

"Sorry, I just spoke the truth.

I push the key in the ignition and sighed. "Let's just go."

I loved Riele alot but if she's going to be the one that makes Nini and I go back to square one, then I'm sorry, I can't afford it. I'll have to stay away from her if that makes Nini happy because even if I don't think I would ever say this, I love Niana more than I love my life.

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