the day

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I Woke up from the best sleep ever to my angle shaking me awake and our pup licking my toes "good morning lou" i kissed her cheek i picked up prince and kissed him "good morning prince" lou giggled "mommmy time go byebye" i looked at the clock i shook Carter "huh whaaat" i laughed "i cant get married to myself" he got up rubbed his eyes and looked at the clock "its really time" i go to my old room there are people with make up and my dress my brides mates we getting their make up and hair done i took a deep breath "omg your lateee" she pushes me to the make up area "here is the bride" the lady sits me down and does my make up but she makes me keep my eyes "okay hair....DON'T open your eyes yet" i sigh "I'm hungry" i mumble "someone bring her some buttered toast" uh toast i just decide not to complain after what seems like hours i finally am done "Hurry hurry we gotta put the dress on now" roughly they put my big dress and zip me up "quick look" they brought a mirror in and i almost cried "beautiful right" my mother smiles behind me "i raised a beautiful princess" just then there was a knock at the door and there stood my father "ill let you talk" my mother leaves "you look beautiful" i sigh " i know your still mad but i wanted to give you this" he hands me a pair of earings "these are the ones your mother wore to our wedding" i turned around facing him "can you put them on me" tears brimming my eyes he nodded and put them on for me "thank you for everything if it wasn't for you i wouldn't have met Carter" i paused to calm down " you gave me all my happiness" a smile came across my face "thank you" "anything no matter what you'll always be my princess" there was a knock at the door "ITS TIMEE" I grabbed my dress and squeezed through the door and got in the carriage outside damn .....I didn't get my buttered toast . We pulled up and i was rushed my make up was retouched "its time!" We got into place and i waited for my que i looked at the musician and waited for her to nod she looks at me winks and nodded. wedding bells chime
step pause
step step
pause step
i repeat this over and over heads up smile i see Carter tearing up after what seems like ages i finally get up to the alter and the priest begins to speak "Lisa do you take Carter to be your husband through thick and thin for rich or poor" i smile "i do" "yayy mommy" lou cheers "Carter to do take Lisa to be your wife for worse or better sick or poor" he cheeses extra hard "i do" the priest looks at the audience "then by the power invested in me i pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride" Carter leans in and gives me a kiss it was long and full of passion i could feel my cheeks heat up at the fact that everybody was watching i broke the kiss and just smiled "come on wife lets go get changed" i grab his hand and hold my dress with the other and we run to our car getting rice thrown at us we dove off to the hotel Once we got to the hotel Carter got one foot in the room before I started pouncing on him "Lisa what the hell" I bit my lip "baby I want it right now" I whimpered my hormones were all over the place "Lisa no I'm not sticking anything in you" and that pisses me off "ITS NOT MY FAULT BLAMN THE DAMN BABY"


"Why are you yelling baby" I tried my best to calm her down "because I'm horny and and you won't give me none I've waited all day Carter ALL DAMN DAY" I picked her up "put me down " I carried her to the bed pulled her dress off "is this really gonna make you feel better" I loosened my tie and too everything off and positioned myself and inched my way in "mmm baby you like that" as I slowly started going "faster" she begged


"Where are they" I wondered out loud checked my watch and decided to go there up there in two minutes but for now I popped in my ear buds and jammed after those two minutes passed went up stairs jamming to my music room 202 opened the door and instantly regretted it "OH MY GODD" Lisa hid under the blanket and Carter just laughed I pulled out my ear buds "I see why she's pregnant again you little nasty freaks get dress you guys are late and with that I left Lisa "But baby I'm not finished" he grunted and went down on me "oh shit" his tongue was swirling at all the right places "yes right there" I yelled in pleasure "Carter put it in me" he slammed his member inside me and started stroking "oh yess" I screamed in pleasure "oh god this feels good" I climaxed "best sex ever" he smiled "now lets get dressed" he kissed me "don't do that" feeling tingly already

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