meeing the pack finally

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Carter had finally put me down I sighed and looked at the members of the pack there were 5 boys  4 teens and 6 men  6girls 4 teens and 6 women everyone busied in their own conversation "um hello...." no one responded "HELLO" the room went quiet and all heads were facing me "uh ,,um hi my names Lisa I'm 16 and I'm carters mate" a little girl ran up to me a sniffed me "well you don't smell like carter" everyone started laughing and I just stood there confused which wasn't good whenever I get confused nervous or really angry I start to speak Spanish  I tried to sneak upstairs to calm down but carter had a death grip around my waist "que tiene que decir que yo no huelo como tú" I muttered  " Ella te quiere decir y no he tenido sexo todavía" I turn around and face carter and raised my eyebrow " Y cuando en el que va a decirme que habló español" everyone had went back to their own conversation " Cuando dejas de ser tan terco y me besas princesa

" I giggle and lean in " Beso te gusta este" I panted a soft quick kiss on his lips hearing "ewws" from kids and "awws" from adults I blushed and I might have seen pink at carters ear tips my mate blushing at public display of affection "alright carter time for us to meet her
Author note: don't kill me translations at the end okay? Okay

Okay" a blonde girl who was about my age yelled out she pulled me by my arm onto the couch where the other teens were "hi my names Bella" she had a bright and bubbly personality "so these people" she gestured to the couch "are the wolfs you will see in the house" I nod she points to a brunette "that's Miley" we exchange hellos awkwardly she points to a girl who's hair is whit as snow "that's belladonna" and the last girl left was a red head named Abigail  I waved and she waved back "wow your shy" Bella tells me I shrug my shoulders then someone enters the room "sorry I'm so late" sarcasm dripping with every word it was mirrabella "Lisa" she runs up to me an squeezes me to tight sniffing me in the process "you still haven't slept with my brother" I blush "well now that things have gotten awkward Lisa this is peter" I roll my eyes peter was a dirty blond which would look cute on him if he didn't have a stick in his ass "this is Luke"  Luke was a brunette "this is smith" another blonde "smith and I are mates" I nod and finally the last guy who resembled carter "this is carters older brother chan" I wave awkwardly the group gets quiet "so Lisa how come you and my brother haven't done the hokey pokey" mirabella blurts out "umm" carter saves me "because you need to mind your business" he wraps his arm around my waist protectively I rested my head on his chest "well damn lil bro I need to know I mean you nearly sucked each others face off yesterday" my eyes go wide which mirabella giggles at "yep I was in my room which is right next to carters moans and groans was all I heard" I pretty sure my face was red I turned around and carter just shrugs his shoulders I scowl at him. "Okay since you two couples are living here I've set down some rules"  I roll my eyes "rule number one" I cut him off "rule number one is if you wanna fuck each others brains out go a head rule number two as long as I don't get woken up I'm good"  I earn a wink and I nod from Bella and smith "no Lisa the rules are" I groan "peter do you not understand I don't give a fuck" he slams his fist on the table "NO LISTEN HER YOU ARE NEW YOU DONT RUN SHIT OK LITTLE GIRL" this guy must be crazy "no but I do know I grown that's for sure and please don't talk to me with a dildo stuck up your ass OK" I flash him my bitchey smile and carter jumps in front of me "peter and Lisa cool it" I roll my eyes "next time don't try and shove a large dildo in you ass it will make you grumpy" carter turns around to me "Lisa I said cool it" now he's trying to boss me around really not today I run upstairs and grab my bag and walk right past carter and leave through the front door I am a grown ass women I don't take no fucking orders from anybody mate or not I walk straight or knowing where the hell I'm going "lissaa" Bella calls me but honestly I don't care shes going to catch up with me anyways her voice didn't sound that far . Minutes later she taps my shoulder " Lisa you can't just leave your besfriend  back there" I giggle "so we became friends..when" she playfully pushes me "when I saw yo ass at the meeting" I raised my eyebrows "yo..."? "Okay then" she laughs "you know I have no clue" the dirt path becomes crunchy gravel a couple trees block what's ahead "ohhh whats over there" I ask Bella "I have no clue" once we pass the trees we find a beautiful waterfall connected to a pond "woooooow" I am in awe "girl I know me too" we sit on a tree stump and enjoy the view


"PETER YOU PIG HOD DARE YOU TALK TO LUNA THAT WAY" Bella growls at peter "I DONT GIVE A DAMN ITS BITCHES LIKE YOU THAT PUT THE WHOLE PACK ENDANGER"  bella storms out and my blood begins to boil "look peter curb the way you talk about my fucking mate okay I'm the fucking leader in this pack so if anything I make rules BETA" I spit that word out like acid I hate throwing titles around but people have to learn. His eyes grow wide he begins to growl "stand your place"  I growl at him he growls back "I don't want to fight peter so stand down" he leaps at me a begins swinging at me and basically we end up fighting. Peter was getting solid hits but none were effecting me "PETER STAND DOWN" he still wouldn't give in my only choice to get him to stop and I wouldn't be proud of this I sent a punch flying aimed at his nose cracck you could see the blood gushing from his nose he finally gave up "send a doctor" I went to the bathroom on this floor and looked in the mirror nothing major except a messy hair style and a cut on my cheekbone but that didn't matter all that mattered was lisa I shuffled out the front door tailed my smith bellas mate i turned around "straight ahead" he nodded I knew exactly were they were


"You know so guys like having sex in their wolf form" my eyes go wide "what the hell i don't want sex with a teddy bear" we both start laughing Bella sniffs the air and rolls her eyes "PRINCESS" carter runs up to me and wraps his arms around my waist and spins me around so that we are face to face I look at the cut on his face "did you" he nods I lean in a peck his face "I'm sorry I start chaos" he lays his head in the crook if my neck "its okay baby I still love you" he hugs me closer "can we go back or do you wanna go to your dads" I sigh "only if you answer one question" he nods "do you believe in having sex in wolf form" I lifts his head "no who told you that" I look at Bella who starts laughing her ass off "i can't breathe omg" I roll my eyes  I look at carter  who is holding back a laugh himself "oh shut up carter" I run my fingers through his messy hair I can tell this is his weakness "let's go home carter" he nods and we begin to walk back.



1) what does she mean I don't smell like you

2)she means we haven't had sex yet

3) and when were you going to tell me you speak Spanish

4) when you stop being so stubborn and kiss me princess

5) kiss you like this


Long chapter right!!!




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