I really just peed thats all ...i think

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I was pacing I never learned how to deal with this grandpa nor dad had to deal with this just then Lisa came by my side pain written on her face "carterr" she whined "rub my belly please calm your daughter down" so I picked her up and carried her to the bed and laid her down and began rubbing her stomach "Lisa do you think the baby is coming" she shook her head "no I'm not in my thri- third trimester yet and your helping" I lowered my head to her stomach "stop giving mommy pains please"


God my body hurt so much I felt my forehead with the back of my hand "carter I'm burning up" worry written all over his face "just run me a cool bath" he nodded and ran to the bathroom and I called ricks cell phone "riickk come to my room I need you" and I hung up a few minutes later rick was in my room "Lisa are you ok-" I nodded "just call my mother and tell her to come up here" I tried to slow my breathing down so I didn't freak him out "is she coming" I shook my head "no but just in case I want her up here" he nodded and dialed mom just then carter called me "rick please don't sound nervous I'm OK trust me" he nodded and I walked to the bathroom and got undressed with carters help and once I got in the tub my body instantly relaxed "ahh carter tell rick I feel better but still I want mom up here" carter nodded and I practically fell asleep


This would be a pretty fucked up time for the baby to enter this world I was pacing back and forth "mirabella downstairs now" and seconds later mirabella was downstairs do I talk to her like a brother or as if I'm her alpha I decide family comes first "mirabella" I sigh "what's going on with you" I sit on the couch and she follows she starts crying "carter I want to be loved" I pat her back "Bella love isn't easy to find and throwing yourself at guys won't help" she nods "but everybody is happy Bella just left to go to smiths old pack for her mating ceramony" she started crying harder "carter I don't want to find my mate when I'm like thirty" my heart breaked with every tear that fell "we are supposed to be having a surprise baby shower but I don't think Lisa is feeling well maybe if we continue with the party your TRUE mate my show up" her eyes wide and full of life "really I LISA NEEDS TO BE BETTER LIKE NOWWW" she squeals "I love you brother" I kiss her forehead and she runs up to her room and I walk to the bathroom and check on Lisa "hey baby how are you" she looks at me and smiles "I feel super great actually this bath helped" I grab her robe as she gets up and I help her climb out the tub "really do you feel like going to a spa" her eyes go wide "YASSS I DOO" and she gets dressed with in 5 minutes "carter can I goo noww" I nod "peter will drive you" she waddles and screams for peter now all I have is an hour to turn the living room into a baby shower room I walk to the living room and called everyone downstairs and told them the plan


"Before you leave put this on" he handed me a bag with I box and some clothes and earnings and a infinity scarf "um why" he tapped his fingers against the steering wheel "I dunno that's what carter told me to tell you" I shrugged my shoulders as we pull into the spa place "have fun" I wave and get out and walk in to the front desk "hello I have an appointment last name smith first name lisa" the lady tapped her keyboard and nodded "okay head down the hall to the locker room and undress yourself" she handed me a robe "and when your done follow the tile and someone will assist you from there" I nodded and followed her directions "you must be Lisa you signed up for the deep tissue massage right" knowing she had it written on the paper so all I did was nod "straight down the hall your masuse is named Carly oh and by the way I'm kim" I smiled and walked to the room and laid on the table and waited


I had taken a long shower and conditioned and shampooed my hair then blow dried it then I straightened it allowing my bangs to fall I plugged my wand in an began wanting my hair after that I began my make up when someone knocked at my door "come in" and in walked peter "I know peter I have a lot to explain" he nodded "go ahead and explain" I sighed and told him the truth "I honestly thought you were the one peter I mean there are feelings that I can't explain when I'm around you and I wanted us to be a thing but phyisacally I couldn't I don't want to marry you then 15 20 years later I find my true mate and leave" he nods "I understand you....but your not forgiven" and with that he leaves now back to my make up I added a bit I eye liner a bit of mascara and some light blue eye shadow that made my eye lids sparkly a some pink lipstick with a bit of gloss coating my face was ready carter said the party was in a hour I looked at the clock which meant that now I only had 15 minutes to find a dress to wear "crap" I ran to my closet and pull on of those dresses out you know the one that has a white top but the skirt is black and a pair of wedge sneakers and got dressed with 5 minutes to spare


I heard Lisa's boots crunch against the gravel path her family was here and we were positioned in the living room and everything was off she opened the door and lisas father flicked on the lights and everyone yelled "SURPRISE" Lisa's eyes went wide "A SURPRISE BABY SHOWER FOR ME" she squealed and instantly I glided to her side "alright let's get some games going" the first game really didn't have a name "okay to win we are going to have ladies with paper towel your job guys is to stick your paper towel roll in to the paper towel without using ur hands and take it across the room then shake it off the person with the most paper towels win" Lisa as on one side I was on the other "3...2...1...GO" I jogged to Lisa and attemped to stick my paper roll in her tissue hole (a/n I laughed my ass off writing this" but it was harder than it sounds and looks finally I stuck it in and ran to the other side while Lisa reloaded paper inbetween her legs laughing her ass off we played sevral silly games before it was cake time and Lisa watched that cake like a hawk I cut her a nice normal slice and she looked at me like I had grown 3 heads after everybody had scarfed their peice of cake Lisa stood up and her cheeks flushed bright red


As soon as I stood up water gushed out of me soaking my legging the room was silent all eyes were on me "Lisa are you okay" I kinda stood there frozen "I really just peed .......I think" then my body started to ache I ran to the room and got undressed quickly and put on another pair of leggings "lisaaa" carter pounded on the room door I opened it "LISA ARE YOU OKAY" he rushed to my side "yeah I'm fi" a contraction hit me so hard I dropped to my knees "CALL A DOCTOR" he yelled I tried getting up and then another contraction hit "AHH" it hurt so bad it brought tears to my eyes it felt like someone as hitting my uterus with a bat "Lisa the doctor is coming" carter sat by my side "OH GOD......" the pain was unbareable slowly I started to fade out "LISA...baby talk to me" I opened my mouth gasping for air " carter remember when we first met" he chuckled "yeah I was in a car with the males of the pack and you pulled up next to us with a drop top BMW" I smiled at that "then you found" I winced in pain "you found me at the burger place and you kissed me" he smiled and I did too "all of that led to our little girl being born now" just then the doctor came in "great let's go to the hospital" the doctor shook her head "no the baby is coming now we do this here now" I started to panic "no she can wait a few please" I my breathing began speed "okay okay miss we go now" the dirt bumpy path ride made things worse when we made it to the hospital I had another doctor check how many centimeters I was which was uncomfertable as hell "Luna I'm sorry you might be in labour for a while" I held back the urge to scream the contractions were so hard I started crying


When I heard Lisa crying I ran in the room I hated seeing her in pain "carterr" she cried for me as I dashed to her side "shhh" I held her hand and kissed her forehead "you can do this I'll be right here no matter what" I placed my other free hand on her stomach "pleasee make it stop" I climbed into bed with her "baby I'll try" I started massaging her stomach things I red in mom and dads old parenting book after maybe 5 minutes Lisa was sleep I went to get up but her arm tighten around my arm "you said you wouldn't leave" I nodded and cuddled up with Lisa and eventually fell asleep I don't know how later it was but I woke up to Lisa thrashing around "CARTER PLEASEEE" I pressed the doctor pager while rubbing her stomach which this time didn't help "oh god carter its time" at 6:35 a healthy baby was born "carter she's beautiful" our little bundle of hope resting in her arm "what should we name her" I shrugged my shoulders "Ellie" I shook my head right after saying that "no that's actually horrible" I chuckled at little "what about summer rayne lou Allen Smith" she smiled at that name "long but it kinda rolls of the tongue I love it" just then her mother walked in "carter hold the baby" I nervously held out my hands and once summer was in my arms my heart melted our family was complete "carter carter" I was snapped out of my day dream "can everyone else see the baby" I chuckled and handed the baby to Lisa's mother and I got in the bed with Lisa "you did it babe" I kissed her forehead "no carter we did it" I don't know how but her saying that was a major achievement to me Lou had my blue eyes and my hair color but everything else was Lisa I'm gonna have to carry a stick around with her so I can wack all the boys away from my ....our princess

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