we are ready

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"Carter shouldn't you be down there" he widened his eyes "eh no Cameron has this" Cameron shot him a dirty eye "alright Lisa push on three" I took a deep breath "One two three" I pushed with all my might the pain was unbearable I needed epidural to semi numb this horrible pain I let out a cry "oh god carter I can't do this" I started crying


I held on to her hand "Lisa you got this honey im right here" I wiped the tears off her face "now come on honey on the count of three" she took a deep breath "one....two..three" she let out a cry as she pushed "Cameron can you see anything" I looked at him he looked pale and shook "I see .....the head" I looked at Lisa "you heard that we are basically almost done stay strong honey"


I was dizzy my mouth was dry and I barely could breathe I kept pushing though I was fading in and out the room felt like it was spinning everyone's voice seemed slower "lisaaaaaa" my eyes closed and couldn't wake back up


"Lisa lisa" I was panicking the baby was half way out "Cameron you gotta pull it out" his eyes widened "what what's wrong" he say instantly pulling the baby by its shoulders "Lisa passed out" I kept two fingers on her neck and I counted her heart beats every minute I started over "cameron is everything going alright" he nodded "I almost got it" I looked over at Lisa "come on baby wake up please"


I kept pushing even though I wasn't there it seemed like I was I had to get up I tried to forcefully open my eyes no luck shocker I took a deep breathe and slowly opened my eyes to see carter with a towel I smiled "I...did...it" my voice dry and cracked carter looked down at me " don't worry Lisa we are gonna get you to the hospital

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