meeting the pack part one

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I quickly slip off my dress and look at carter "Carter can I have a shirt" he looks over at me and shakes his head no "your sleeping in that in my bed" I glance down I was wearing a white bra with matching Lacey underwear I gave him my puppy eyes "nope " he said blankly I huffed and crawled under the blankets and faced the opposite way from carter he pulled me on top of him so that I was in a sorta straddling position "prince I know your not mad" I tried y hardest not to smile I covered my face with my hands " better answer me" he casually placed his hand on my ribcage "carter" I growled she chuckled "I must be rubbing off on you" I shook my head no he quickly moved his other hand on my ribcage and started to tickle me "carter stop" I began rocking back and forward to get free of his grasp "princess you should really pay attention to what your sitting on" he said as he stopped tickling me I gulped and glanced down shit I was directly over carters crotch area which was beginning to poke me a little I laid my head on his chest  "princess tomorrow the pack wants you to go to the pack house so they can officially meet you" I shrugged my shoulders "eh okay" my eyes became heavy again "carter how come you don't live with them" he sights "I wanted to be my own person and owning my own two bedroom house sure as hell helped me" he sighs "but my parents want me to sell this house and move back in with the pack...but I couldn't stand being that far away from you everyday" my heart shatters for him "carter I'll move with you if your mother and father allow" I look up and he smiles "princess you would really do that" I nod "of course I love you" carter removes his hand away from underneath his head and wraps it around my waist "but for now we should get to sleep" I yawn "uh huh" and with that I pass out. I am woken out of my beautiful dream by my phone I reach over towards the nights stand and grab my phone and look at the screen it my my mommy I answered the phone "MOMMMYYYY" I slapped my hand across my mouth realizing carter was sleep I turn around "princess don't worry I've been up" I nod and go back to my phone call "hey baby girl how are you" I smile "I'm doing great actually" I hear markus say good morning in the background "so your father tells me you met a boy" I blush "yeah his name is carter" I sid on the edge of the bed and carter inches his body closer to me then he rests his head on my lap and I run my fingers through his hair "well I hope this carter boy treats my baby girl like a princess" I giggle  "of course mom" I look down at carter who seems to be enjoying my head massage "well me and markus are coming up there tomorrow" I squeal "REALLLY YAYYY" I stop running my fingers through carters hair to flail my arms in the air that earned a growl from sleepy head "princess" I went back to running my fingers through his hair "but baby I really have to go so I'll call you later" we exchange goodbyes and hang up I look down and carter is fast asleep on my my lap "carter baby get up" I shake his shoulder he growls I look at the clock its 12 "baby we have to go to the pack house remember"  he shrugged his shoulders "they can wait a couple more years" I sigh "carter if you get up you can shower with me" his head bolts up quickly "OK I'm up let's shower" I shake my head and walk into the bathroom and then it hits me like a truck I'm going to be naked in front of carter I try and calm my breathing and turn on the shower an wait till it becomes hot I mean I'm already in my bra and panties so there isn't that much of a difference I test the water nice and hot. I unhook my bra...well I attempt to frustrated and tiered I give up "princess" I turn around and face him "you need some help" I nod and turn around I get shivers down my spine when carters fingers brush against my back. With a few swift movements my bra is unhooked I bite down as I slowly take my bra off and allow it to drop and hit the floor I pull my underwear off and hop into shower minutes later carter enters I turn around unsure of what to do I grabbed a rag and ran it under the water I squeezed some soap on it and faced carter I hope this is romantic I placed the rag on his six pack and began washing him.


I had no idea what to do am I virgin but the girl I lost my virginity was human and we were both 15 stupid hormones we just did it just to you know do it. Once I stepped into the shower I admired Lisa's body I was about to say something but Lisa beat me to it in a way she began washing me and in a weird way it was turning me on once I was covered in suds I grabbed a rag and repeated  what Lisa had did except I was touching more intimate places "mmm carter" I as slowly inching my way down Lisa's moans became louder I knelt down on one knee and wrapped her legs around my neck I looked up at her "Lisa tell me to stop" she looked down at me "carter please" her hands tangled in my hair I inched my face closer to her box and had my way with it.


Well I know I have caught the attention of several freaky people

Don't worry the freaky stuff will get a whole lot freakier

But anyways




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