lets go

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I shuffled to the door and flung it open "hey princess i-" his eyes gazed over my body I could feel a blush spread across my cheeks when he finally looked up at me he continued "you look really nice" I pout "just nice" I twirl around he nods "but you'd be even sexier if you wore a sheet on something over that" I giggle carter wraps his arms around my waist. I send a quick text to mark telling him I'll be out with cater for most of the night. As we walk down the pavement I get the chills not the cold chills but chills as if somebody is watching me I quickly turn around nothing I look at carter who seems relaxed and calm we hop into the car and carter drives down a road I've never seen before but hell what roads have I seen. We have been driving for hours and I was starting to get a bit nervous "um..carter baby how long until we get there" he sighs we had been driving in some wood like area and everything looked the same to me "princess" he paused and took a left "we are here" I looked out the window and saw a huge log house with plenty of men hanging outside. I got out the car tailing carter and as we get closer to the house and those men I pull my dress further down one guy steps towards carter "carter my man how's it been" I calm down and nothing interests me as the two enjoy their catch up "....Luna" my ears perk up at the sound of that word and I guess the two have noticed because they began saying their goodbyes and carter was tugging me to go inside "carter my handsome son". Carter snaps his head in the direction of who I assume is his mom "mother" he greats her with a big hug which I think is so adorable. After the short brief hug his mothers eyes flicker over at me "well hello there honey" she hugs me "carter I had no clue you brought a guest" she turns  to me "oh you must be carters ma-" she stops a glance over at carter great he's doing that mind talking thing "um darling what's your name" I notice carter and mirabella look nothing like their mother  "my name is Lisa Peterson" she gasps "Peterson as in the al- ....oh never mind its a shame he couldn't be here nice meeting you" she shuffles away I turn around and give carter my death glare "really carter" he looks away and with that I stomp off I hate not knowing something. I bump into some guy who almost spills his drink on me "pretty lady better watch where she's walking" I roll my eyes and keep walking deeper into the crowd I finally get far enough to were I can no longer hear the murmurs of the simple boring conversation. I enjoy the silence for about two minutes until I hear something a snap of a branch I decide against turning around because I can tell whatever that was is already behind me I take a deep breath and slowly turn around and face a pair a green eyes "what are you doing back here and who are you" I study his face for a few minutest "HELLO ARE YOU BROKEN OR SOMETHING" I open my mouth to speak but another voice appears "peter bro chill out" I jump at the voice of carter I can tell he is walking towards me "princess I've been looking for you where have" I hold up my hand at an attempt to silence him "save your bullshit carter" and I walk away and of course carter is at my tail I dash upstairs into the nearest room which belongs to carter just fucking great carter finally makes it into the room "Lisa" I ignore him he closes and locks the door behind him "Lisa don't ignore me"  and of course I continue to ignore him he grabs my wrist and tugs a it so I'm forcefully looking at him "Lisa" his eyes become dark he presses me against the wall leaving me no running space "Lisa please" his eyes dark and sad I give up I open my mouth to say something but carters lips smash on to mine I feel as I start to fly as carter began to work his magic my legs become weak so I wrap my legs around his waist I run my fingers through his hair causing him to groan he pulls back. we are both breathless his hair is a mess my dress was pushed up so far that it was under my bra I blush as I pull down my dress carter is looking at a mirror attempting to fix his hair "Jesus princess you do remember I have to do a speech in front of a whole damn crowd you can be messing my hair up" I roll my eyes "you started it ass wipe" thank god my hair wasn't messed up *knock knock "um uh I hope you guys aren't angry anymore the service starts in 5 minutes" the guy who carter called peter "we are fine" I yell back and casually I walk out leaving carter behind I made my way down to the second living were pretty chairs were set up and the scene was quite breath taking I found my name and sat down and wait as I'm waiting I am greeted by a man who's name is lucus I checked his name tag as he sat down this man looks quite familiar "hello you must be Lisa I'm lucus carter and mirrabellas father I'm sure you've had a semi tour of the house" I nod "yes his house is quite beautiful" he smiles "my greatgrandfather and grandfather built this place from ground up" I gaze around only being able to manage to say "wow" he chuckles "pretty cool right" I nod and a man walks to the front of the room as everything gets silent he begins to speak "we are here to celebrate the beta carter and his coronation as we know it our current alpha is stepping down and due to the fact the he had no sons that he had to pick a lucky pup which was carter" he sips his water "first we will hear from beta then out alpha will be knighted so to say" he hands the microphone to cater who seems to be relaxed and calm. During his whole speech I stare into carters eyes memorized by them somehow I had no clue what he was even speaking about and then he made eye contact with me "any questions" he asked the crowd and a million hands went up literally he pointed to a few people and gave them a number either 1 2 or 3 the first was a bald man kind of build like mark "have you found your mate yet" carter stares at me and nods the next two people ask about stupid politic stuff "any more questions" I shake a little as my hand goes up "yes Lisa" I gulp "um what's a mate" there's a very long silence before whispers start to spread the room gets louder and I'm just frozen fingers pointing at me snickers from some girls I begin to panic but carter raises his hand as if silencing the room   and walks towards me "a mate is a more thought out romantic way of saying soul mate" I nod "um one more question then" he nods "am I your mate" I squeak at the end a little it feels as if everyone is on the edge of their seats waiting for an answer "I would hope you thought so" he chuckles


My longest chapter yet

The beginning on why mark left holly :(

Fudging werewolves♥

my mate the alpha maleWhere stories live. Discover now