well damn

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"so are you going to beat my ass or swap spit with my sister" I said very sarcastically "I can do both" he kissed Mirabella "now go say sorry to Lisa " I got up and walked  upstairs and climbed into the bed "Rick I please tell me you didn't make me a widow at 17 I chuckled "not yet he was really close" she sits up "carter" she looks sadly at me "look Lisa I'm so sorry I didn't mean to snap I was jealous of they way you were all over Rick and I just thought " I hung my head "you realize how stupid you sound right" I nodded "well then I forgive you " she smiled and kissed me "but if Rick didn't kill you where is he" I smiled "OMG YOU BETTER NOT HAVE TIED HIM UP " i shook my head no "hes too busy swapping spit with mirabella"


"NOOOO WAYYY" i got up as fast as i could and ran downstairs and sure enough Mirabella and Rick we're on the damn couch about to make a baby "shit there's rooms for that" instantly they broken apart I ran down the stairs "LISA be careful" I rolled my eyes and sat on ricks lap and got comfy "Lisa get upppp" rick whined "nooo I miss you show ME some love" I pouted feeling hurt I got up and went to my room and got in my bed and just sat there my heart was broken rick came p here for me and already he's got his attention somewhere else. I was deep in thoughts when someone knocked on my door "if your not carter go the hell away" I mumbled grumpily obviously the person didn't hear me so they knocked again I got up and opened the door "what do you want" standing at my door was none other than mister ladies man himself rick "bestfriennnd stop acting this way" he reached out for my hand but I snatched it away "whatever" I pushed passed him and walked outside still wearing what I had on from when we went to the store eariler ignoring both mirabella and rick calling me from the door I walked to a place I haven been to in a while the waterfall pond area I sat on the bench tabled and cried this was common of rick come to see me and end up busy with someone else "Lisa" I didn't even bother to turn around I already knew it was rick "lisa please don't ignore me" tonight was a beautiful night and of course every fucking thing goes sour. Rick was still here trying to catch my attention "RICK just leave me alone" I said sobbing I got up and ran back of course me running pregnant was like a normal person jogging eventually I got home and then mirabella tried to talk to me "Lisa w-" my fist clentched "leave me alone" I hissed and stomped to my room locking the door "Lisa baby is that you" carter called from the closet "yeah" I sighed he came to bed shirtless with a pair of shirts "carter can I have it back" I snuggled up to him he reached in his pocket and pulled it out "promise me you'll never take it off" his eyes sad and gloomy "promise you'll never hurt me again" he nodded "well then I promise too" he slipped my ring back on and I felt complete "CARTER quick let me see your hand QUICK" I grabbed his hand and placed it on my stomach "do you feel that" he nodded "that's the baby kicking" he leaned over and smiled then without moving his hands he placed a kiss on my lips then there was a knock at the door "come in " yelled carter and in walked rick "Lisa are we still watching movies tonight" I buried my face into carter no matter what the first night when we slept in the same house we always would stay up and watch movies just me an him "that depends on who we specificly are" I snapped "I got vanilla marshmello ice cream" I sat up "really" that was my favorite ice cream "do you even have-" he nodded  I got up and flew into his room and made a pallet on the floor I had picked 4 movies and grabbed two spoons everything was going smooth until mirabella popped in and plopped on the pallet I made for me and rick who I was currently giving the evil eye we decided on a movie and risk sat in the middle of me and mirabella "lis you wan-" I couldn't believe he was trying to be nice he was ruining our tradition "no I dont want any" I got up and sat on the bed another thing we don't do I didn't even pay attention to the movie I was too busy crying my eyes out "I have to go pee I'll be right back" I left and went straight down to my room praying carter was still up sniffling I flung the door open and slammed it behind me and threw myself at carter and cried "Lisa what's the matter"


"Everything...rick he's changing everything" I was beyond confused "baby explain what he's changing" I said while smoothing out her hair " no matter what the first night when we slept in the same house we always would stay up and watch movies just me an him" she started crying even harder "and he invited mirabella ruining the tradition right" she nodded "how about me and you start our own movie night tradition" she looked at me "you mean it" I nodded "go get all the fluffy blankets and pillows and I'll pop some popcorn" she was smiling again "yes ma'am" I went into the blanket closet and pulled out the fluffiest blankets we had and ran to the room and I made the most comfy yet romantic blanket fort ever just as I was finishing the fort Lisa walked in with the popcorn "WOW baby thinks is really ..amazing" I pressed play on the DVD and got into the fort patting a space next to me Lisa got in next to me and we enjoyed our own little movie night


"What's taking Lisa so damn long" she had been gone for about five minutes I was trying my hardest to save some of our favorite ice cream but it was melting I shrug it off and fall asleep

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