meeting the pack part 2

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I stumble out of the bathroom my knees still weak  I trip "gotdamit carter what did you do to me" carter walks out the bathroom laughing with a white towel wrapped around his waist "ohh princess I've really got you rolling head over heels" he starts laughing his ass off literally I scowl "carter your an ass you know that" I dig through his dresser and find a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt  and a hoodie"carter can we stop by my place so I can get some cloths" I say as I tie my hair into a messy bun he nods and quickly gets dressed "OK princess let's go" we jog downstairs and stand on his porch "carter its pouring" I look around and see heavy thick drops of water ploping down it reminded me of the city where pigeons pooped carefree I look at him " unlock the door and we will make a run for it" he unlocks the door I look at him "3..2..1..go" we run as if we were little kids I nearly rip the car door open as I fly into the passenger seat carter gets in just as I do we look at each other and start laughing carters starts the car and pulls out the driveway and we are off to marks place. "Carter"  he glaces over at me "yes princess" I blush "so um when we mate I uh um get pregnant right" he sighs and nods his head yes I sigh "princess we don't have to do it when I'm 18 its just common I don't want you to rush" I look out my window "carter its just a lot to take in" he rests his hand on my lap "I know" from there on the ride was quiet and slow


" WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN MY CHILD IS MOVING IN WITH A BOY" I hand ran my fingers through my hair several times  "holly you do remember she isn't like you" Marcus was trying his hardest to calm me down which wasn't working "OH REALLY AN WHAT IF THIS BOY IS JUST LIKE YOU" Marcus kissed my neck which kinda helped "look holly its time her birthday is 2 weeks and a couple days away anyways the curse is bound to wear off any day" I bit down on my lip "mm mark what ever" and with that a hung up "mm Marcus" he was currently teasing my sweet spot of my neck and I know what some of y'all are thinking eww your to old for that well your wrong  I'm only 32 and I had Lisa when I was 17 and mark was 19. "Marcus ....we have to...mmm..go up Lisa" he stopped "OK I miss kiddo any ways I'll get packing"


I quickly grabbed a bookbag full of cloths and dash downstairs ignoring the slut calling my name was it Anna or Ann who the fuck cares. I run into carters car I hop in shivering  carter turns on the heat and pulls me onto his lap and he wraps his arms around my body giving me huge amounts of warmth I lean in and give him a kiss. Once the kiss was broken I got off his lap and sat in the passenger seat and look over at carter who is having a huge internal conflict I place my hand on his shoulder just for him to jerk his shoulder away from me I sigh and look out the window letting quiet tears fall as the hurt of being rejected overcomes me I lean my head out the window and close my eyes and fall asleep. "Wake up" I feel a cold hand shake me up  I open my eyes and see carter shaking my shoulder his touch is cold and icy I grab my bag and follow  the path to the house once we made it inside I follow the grand marble stairs and go into carters room and quickly slip into my Aztec leggings and a white tank top and I throw on my ugg slipper boots and I leave the room "carter" no response "caaarrrteer" I walk down the stairs I sigh and sit in the living room. I curl up into a ball and lay on the couch "oh great its the broken girl from yesterday" I spin my head around to the direction of the voice "oh look its the dick head who interrupted my silent moment" this sends who I believe to be peter over the edge he grabs my arm "look here little girl I could kill you in seconds okay so do-" I kick him in the balls "blah blah blah bitch" I flip him off "where is the kitchen"  he's currently curled up in a ball "straight down the hall" he says through clenched teeth "thanks peter" I walk down to the kitchen and grab a cup and pour some soda in it "BOO" I jump clutching my drink for like "awee did I scare carters little princess" peter never gives up does he "look here dick face ...suck my ass" I sip soda making loud noises making him cringe so I slurp louder "gotdamit women stop...please" I stop and pinch his cheek "only cause you said please"  he growls and I growl louder than him causing him to back away "wait bitch wheres carter" I turns around "he's sucking my ass" I giggle "princess that's not funny" I jump as carters voice echos behind me I turn around and he's just standing there with a big doofy grin then I remember the stink attitude he was giving me so I ignore him and walk upstairs to his room I floor on his bed and lay on my stomach "babe please" I pretend to care about my phone carter grabs my waist and picks me up and slings me across his shoulder and began carrying me downstairs to a room that was empty just a minute ago.

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