what is love

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I woke up this morning and Lisa still didn't come back which hurt a lot I got up and went to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth when mirabella poked in "hey rick" she squeezed passed me and sat on the tub "so do you know what this....I mean do you know what we are" I nodded during the ride here holly basically told me everything and at first I didn't believe it until we pulled up to a house in the middle of the woods and that Lisa had been engaged and pregnant and she was only gone for a month "so ....do you know what we are" my mouth filled with toothpaste I nodded "okay...just wondering...well um I'll see you later" I waved and she left after I had finished my hygiene I went downstairs there was a lady cooking "they have a maid" I thought out loud just then Lisa walked passed me "lisa were were you la-" she gave me the most saddest look ever " trying to find out were my old best friend rick is" I was confused ...beyond confused at that "Lisa I'm not a mind reader tell me what's wrong"  she sat on the couch and sat next to her and I placed her feet on my lap and removed her socks and started massaging her feet "Las night was supposed to be just the two of us" she broke down "and when you brought her you basically told me fuck you and our friendship" I hadn't realized that I have been pushing Lisa away and I hated seeing her this upset I scooted up under her so that she was on my lap "Lisa I am soo sorry I didn't realize what I'm doing" I wrapped my arms around her "I promise I will pay 100% more attention to you" she sniffles "really rick you mean it" she smiled as I nodded just then mirabella walked in looking pissed "so your mad rick is spending time with me REALLY THATS WHY YOUR MAD" Lisa hopped to her feet and got in mirabellas face "WHEN MY BROTHER FOUND YOU HE LEFT AND WAS GONE FOR THREE OR MORE WEEKS GROW UP YOUR NOT A BABY ANYMORE"lisa balled up her fist "listen her I mags no clue who the fuck your talking to cause I know it at me" mirabella snarled "and if I -" Lisa punched mirabella swinging left and right I got up and tried to pull them apart but it was no use "CARTER GODAMMIT HELP" I yelled and carter dashed in pulling at mirabella finally they were apart "THATS IT RICK YOU EITHER CHOOSE ME OR HER" I opened my mouth but Lisa beat me to it "BITCH IM LIKE HIS FAMILY YOU THINK HE WOULD CHOOSE A SKANK LIKE YOU OVER HIS SISTER" Lisa broke free of my grip and started pounding mirabellas face again and again I had to pull her off "RICK CHOOOSE NOW" I shook my head in disbelief "mirabella I'm not choosing" she scrunched her face up "SO BASICALLY HE CHOOSED BITCH AND FAMILY OVER HOE HAS WON DIDNT YOU ALREADY FUCK PETER" lisa snarled


Carters face was full of dissapointment "mirabella is this true" she was quiet "You forced mated THATS AGAINS LAWS MIRABELLA" just then peter walked down "Peter did you and mirabella have sex" he nodded "of course mirabella and I are mates" I cringed "a liar and a hoe " carter ran his fingers through his hair "SO YOU LIED FORCE MATED AND BROKE A LAW MIRABELLA I AM BEYOND DISSAPOINTED IN You" peters face was sad and confused "what ...do you MIRABELLA HOW COULD YOU" I looked at peter "peter I am so sorry she did this to you" mirabella was sure to attempet to rip my head off "MIRABELLA GOT TO YOUR ROOM" she walked towards the stairs but attempted to sneak attack me which didn't work I grabbed her hair and threw her against the wall "Lisa" rick called after me but carter responded "just let it happen" I was punching her smacking her everything I could do with my hands to hurt her I did when i ran out of breath I pulled away with not a sngle scratch on me I went to the bathroom and took a shower


"And that was 1/3 of your punishment now get your ass in your room" mirabella got up and went upstairs "rick man I'm sorry mirabella doesn't normally act like this

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