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We had planned to have the baby naturally you know deeper in the woods but that might not be happening "AHHH SHIT HELP ME" she was red as hell "don't stand there DO SOMETHING" I jumped a little I wasn't ready for this at all "baby are we still doing this the way we planned" I was inches away from her face she smiled and all of a sudden grabbed my shirt and pulled me "I DONT GIVE A FUCK HOW THIS CHILD GETS OUT OF ME AS LONG AS IT HAPPENS RIGHT NOW" I got up "ah uh get her into a car hurry" we put her in the back seat of my car and I hopped in the front and started the car and sped off


Everything happened so fast within a blink smith and Bella where gone "carter" he looked at me "can we have this baby naturally" he picked Lou up from the pavement "if you want to we can" I kissed lous nose and she giggled "baby can we go inside" he grabbed my hand and we walked in and the sent of French vanilla hit my nose "Mmmmm" everything was perfect our living room had creme carpet and creme walls a nice tan sofa a wall mounted TV above a gated fire place I heard scratching "carter what was" I turned around and he wasn't there Lou was sitting on the carpet "carter" I heard pitter patter of feet tiny ones then it hit me like a brick as I saw a blue eyed grey and white husky puppy walk into the living room "awwwww" I picked the puppy up and kissed his or hers nose and it responded by licking my face "DOGGIEE" I placed the puppy on the floor and it ran to Lou "be nice" softly she petted its silky smooth fur "where is that damn do-" I look at the hallway to see a frustrated carter "you mean this one" I point to the husky that fell asleep under Lou who was also sleep carter lightly chuckled well that's the surprise and its a boy" I kiss him "well Lou and I love him" I bend down and pick Lou up and she instantly waked up "noo princee" I look at carter "let's name him prince" I set Lou on my hip and pick him up and carter directs me to lous room I lay her in her bed and I place prince on the dug next to her bed and turn on the baby monitor


"You okay baby you seem tired" Lisa slowly nods her head I come and pick her up and carry to out room which is upstairs carefully I lay her down "this is so beautiful" she mutters before drifting into a deep sleep and eventually I fell asleep with her I dremt of our family of course the wedding was soon the baby was due and this war was still going on two packs had dropped out the war due to peace treaty's but as we all know that didn't go well I needed to find a way out of this for my families sake I am just one big fuck up I wasn't ready for this position everyone knew "baby" they knew I'd fuck up "bay"they wanted to see me fail "BABY" I jumped outta that nightmare sweat on my forehead "Lisa" she wrapped her arm around me giving me a hug I needed "baby you can do this you are the best this pack will ever have" I held on tight to her "thank you baby I needed that" just then Lou started crying "I got her" I got up and took my shirt since it was drenched and I went downstairs to Lou "good morning honey today we get ready for the wedding"

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