The Promise of Forever

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"You're back. How'd it go?" Raiden asks, having a soft look on her face. Having remembered everything, your eyes soften as tears slowly spill out. 

"...Not so well it seems. Come here." She says, gesturing you to come over as she conjures up small chairs with her mind. She then sits down, waiting for you to approach her, and you do. You try breathing normally and hold it all in but, it just slowly spills out. You hiccup, breathe irrationally, and shake uncontrollably. Raiden simply holds your cheek with her right hand, having the warmth of a mother, and the comfort of someone who feels the exact same.

"I did tell you that it wouldn't end well; associating with her." She says, looking extremely genuine and pitiful. But what you didn't understand was... if she had warned you, why would she make you forget? Even if she said that Miko's purposefully removed those possible effects, Raiden was still a god.

"...Why would you make me forget? Be honest this time. I know that you wouldn't just make me forget for no reason. Especially for something mundane as spreading it around." You ask, being a little upset. If you had known, maybe you wouldn't have done anything at all. Maybe you would've just treated Miko as some sort of ghost friend you could go to at any time.

"You've gotten braver... but I guess that you deserve to know the truth. Follow me, quickly." Raiden says, still having a soft and gentle demeanor as she stands and leads you somewhere. You follow her willingly, almost like a lost child.

You walk with her in silence, coming across all sorts of things. Dilapidated buildings, empty plots of lands, thunderous mountains, and open seas. You've never imagined that her plane of euthymia could have landscapes like this. But maybe she just put this here so there's a little bit of suspense or something.

"Where are we going? I thought this place was just one big circle so it serves as an inner arena for you and whoever you're up against." You ask, really thinking that she just made this place for inner battles.

"That is true but, since this is made out of my mind, I can will anything I want into existence... or even bring anything inside it." She answers, showing you different sorts of scenes just to prove to you that she can control the entirety of this place.

"Such as..?" You ask, waiting for a response as you both stand in front of a dark wall, a shadowy barrier that seems to be withholding something. You thought that it might just be like the end of her plane but...

"This." She says as reveals what was hidden.

A graveyard.

And... a golden coffin with a sort of holographic cherry blossom tree over it.

"...Is that... Miko?" You ask, seeing a similar woman inside the coffin who had her hands to her chest and a gentle face that could save whoever that would look at her. 

The Promise of Forever | Yae Miko x Reader | Genshin ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now