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I get the next day, Monday, off from work and I decide to sleep in. 
We had to practice Saturday and Sunday for the ITZY show, so we didn't have time off on the weekend.
When I wake up, I have three missed calls from Chan, one missed call from Jung Wook, and countless messages from people, most of which I haven't spoken to for ages.
"What the hell," I sit up in bed and open my messages. I read Chan's first.

Ollie, you're not going to believe this. Check twitter, you're trending!!

How can you be asleep rn

Ollie wake up, you've gone viral on tiktok

Felix is freaking out fr !!!

For a moment, I just sit and stare at my phone. I don't really understand what Chan is trying to tell me, so I decide to call him.
"Ollie," he greets me, "Good, you're finally awake."
"Good Morning," I say, "What is going on? Why is my phone blowing up?"
"I'll explain everything to you in a minute. We're in front of your door."
"We just got here, we're about to knock," immediately as he says it, someone knocks heavily on my door.
I stare at the door.
Then I stare at the state of my apartment.
"I'm not home."
Chan snickers and I can practically see him roll his eyes.
"I know you're home," he sighs, "You share your location with me, did you forget that? I know your phone is behind this door and you're talking through said phone with me. Ergo, you're behind this door."

I get out of bed and pull on a pair of sweats with my phone still in my hand.
They knock again.
I can hear Jisung yelling my name.
I say into the phone, "Give me one second."
Then I hang up, rush into the bathroom to use the toilet and brush my teeth simultaneously, before opening the front door reluctantly.
They all but fall through the door, spilling into my apartment, immediately seating themselves onto my bed, onto the small couch next to the bed, onto the floor, onto the kitchen chair that they pull away from the counter.
"We brought you breakfast," Minho and Changbin carry white plastic bags filled with plastic containers.
"I-... okay. Plates are on the top shelf." I sigh and rub my face. "Does anybody want coffee?"
Jisung, Hyunjin, Seungmin and Minho raise their hands and I go to the coffee machine on the counter.
Chan, who was the last one to enter, joins me while the rest of the kids talk amongst themselves.
"Sorry for barging in like this," he says, "We were just way too excited. We probably should have asked first."
I glance at him but have to look away. Chan looks exceptionally great today. A black muscle shirt, black jeans. A dark grey denim jacket, ripped and loose around his shoulders, a black hat.
"Don't worry," I say then and fill the coffee machine, "I'm glad you guys are here. I haven't seen you since last Wednesday."
I reach up to turn the cap on his head around and grin.
"I missed you guys," I add as the coffee machine brews the coffee and the liquid slowly drips into the pot.

"We missed you too!" Felix calls from my bed. He has laid down and is hugging one of my pillows with his whole body. His blonde hair is peaking up into the air and his eyes are watching Chan and me closely. I blow a kiss towards him and he giggles.
I turn back to Chan.
"You do have to explain all this to me, though," I say, "I did not check any of my socials. Jung Wook called me, too, but I didn't feel like talking to him yet."
"Oh, yeah," Chan mods and plucks a grape from the fruit basket on the counter, "He called me and talked to me. He must've known we've been wanting to come over today anyways."
I raise an eyebrow.
"What did he say?"
Chan opens my cabinets to look for cups and pulls them out, before grabbing for the pot of coffee and filling them. I watch him and how naturally he moves around my kitchen. As if he's been here, as if this is his home not mine.
Then I look at the rest of the boys and how they didn't even bat an eye at my apartment.
They take up almost all the free space in my apartment, but it doesn't seem to faze them.
Chan hands me two cups of coffee and I carry them over to Hyunjin and Jisung. Chan carries another set.
"Do you have creamer or sugar and milk?"
"In the fridge," I answer. He returns to the kitchen corner and takes the creamer out of the fridge, adding it to another cup of coffee. Then he stuffs his pockets with my cutlery.
When he returns, he sits down on the bed next to Felix.
Felix pulls me between them and opens the plastic containers.
Waffles and cheesecake in Changbin's bags.
Fruit salad and small triangle sandwiches in Minho's.
"I made the salad myself, so please enjoy," Minho bows his head and Chan hands him a fork.

For a moment, we eat in silence.
Then Chan offers me a sip from his cup and says, "So, you're trending on tiktok and twitter."
Felix pulls his phone out and opens his tiktok app.
"There are countless videos of you dancing for ITZY yesterday. They're obsessed with you."
He scrolls through the tag.
I see my face, my body, from multiple different angles. I'm smiling. And I hate to admit it, but I look good. Radiant, almost.
A few videos show the always repeating, same fifteen seconds of the sequence in Not Shy when I kneel next to Ryujin and do the body roll and hair throw.
"The comments are amazing," Felix says, "They're already trying to figure out who you are. Some have connected you with the free dance classes you do at the park. They're wondering who you are and how you got to be here."
"They also found pictures of you and us the day we met and got ice cream," Seungmin adds. He's been very focused on his piece of cheesecake. "They're mostly blurry, but they exist. Some of our fans have been tweeting about you, too. Someone tweeted about you being friends with us and they said that's the reason you were allowed to dance with ITZY. The tweet went viral."
"Here, look," Chan hands me his phone. He had screenshotted the tweet.

The only reason she was at the showcase yesterday is because she used her connections with SKZ to get a job at JYPE. She's the newest backup dancer in the crew and tbh not even that good

I roll my eyes. Of course, Hana has the audacity to tweet something like this.
"Okay," I rub my hands over my eyes, "Thats not really a problem. Wook wanted me to be very open about my friendship with you guys anyways. The publicity is part of what I get paid to do, so... I should thank her."
Jeongin takes a waffle and says in between bites, "It's not okay that she says something like that though. You didn't get the job because of us, you got it because you're an incredible dancer. The showcase only proves that and that Hana is jealous and bitter."
I laugh in surprise. Jeongin usually keeps his opinions to himself, but this new openness is refreshing.
"It doesn't matter what she tried to do," Changbin says to me, "Because the fans love you. Look at the tweets under your tag."
Someone presses a phone into my one hand, while Chan puts his cup into my other.
"They're obsessed with you!"

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