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Does anyone know who she is??? Girl got me shaking in my boots! The aura?!?!

I am obsessed with her presence OMFG she's literally radiating light like what

Omg she's so pretty?! She dances like a goddess? Where tf she come from?!

jype really did smth here.. I didn't know white bitches could move like that??

It went on and on and on.
There were videos and frame stills and pictures and gifs of me dancing.
"What the fuck," I whisper to myself.

Every midzy changing lanes for that one backup dancer is just so typical for us but I don't blame us bc just look at her

I scroll for a few minutes. The tweets won't stop. Every time I think I've reached the end, more and more load.
"How is this even... how can this be happening? I've barely even been on screen."
I put the phone down.
Felix offers me a piece of waffle with a strawberry on a fork and I take it. The strawberry is sweet and sour.
I use the fork to pick up another one from the fruit salad.
"Jung Wook thinks that it would be good to introduce you officially on social media," Chan says gently, "He thinks that it would be good if we somehow integrate you into the Stray Kids agenda."
"The what now?" I chuckle and he blushes.
"You know.. us and what we stand for. I think it would be good if the members hint at you on bubble and I mention you in the next vlive. That way the stay can go on a little hunt to find you, and slowly get used to the idea of you and what your role is."
"That sounds like they're dangerous or something," I glance at Chan from the side.
He chuckles again. "No, not dangerous." He says. "They're just very passionate. But they've been very open to any girl that has ever been in contact with us, so I'm not worried that they're going to hate on you."
"But those girls were only ever professionally involved with you guys, they're like your colleagues. I'm your friend!"
I pick a waffle part. Hyunjin watches me with disgust and finally take the waffle away from me.
"Just think about how much easier it will be for you, though," Seungmin considers, "You don't have to sneak around to come hang out with us, you don't have to lie or anything.. it'll be just like a normal life except with more cameras around."
He shrugs and the others nod.
The way he explains it, so unemotional and clear, actually calms me down and I start to see the fun side of it. Maybe it is a good idea after all.
"Okay," I finally say, "Though I doubt I'm going to get used to all this very soon."
"We'll take it easy," Chan says and takes out his phone. "How about we just start with a picture of us?"
"What? Like this?!" I cover my face and hair, frantically turning away from the camera. "I haven't even taken a shower today! I don't look presentable for a picture!"
"No, don't say that," Felix pulls my hands away from my face, "You look so cute right now. I promise!"
"Ugh," I roll my eyes but Felix hand in mine feels warm and secure, so I don't fight him. "Fine."

I can convince the boys to let me go wash up and put on a bit of make up before we shoot a few pictures together at breakfast.
We make up a step by step plan on how to introduce me to the Stray Kids fandom.
Tonight, stray kids will go live as a group and talk about upcoming shows and events, which they have been planning to do anyway. If the viewers don't pose the question themselves, they'll somehow guide the conversation towards 'the new dancer at JYP' and the performance from Sunday. Chan says it will be best if they don't go too much into detail, only mention that we're friends and that they know me.
Then, I'll post the pictures from breakfast on my Instagram. I'll tag them, caption the pics, the whole thing. This will be our method to test the fandom and wether or not it's safe for me to show myself being closer to the kids than just colleagues.
Then, over the week I'll make a vlog video about who I am and what I do at JYP. This will be my official introduction. I'll post it on YouTube on my channel, that I have already created over the past weeks.
Then on Sunday, Chan will talk about me on Chan's Room and explain any questions the fans might have posed on Twitter or Instagram.

"Literally everything is planned through," I say as we clean the breakfast up, "Nothing can ever be a coincidence or spontaneous, can it?"
"Well...." Chan shrugs and rubs his neck. "it's really part of the industry, I guess. It's a lot more fragile than people think so by planning everything through, they try to protect it. It gives everyone a sense of stability."
I smack my lips. "Seems exhausting."
"It is," Chan says, "It is."

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