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The video has been out all of two hours and it already has just above 800.000 views.
The reactions are insane.
Of course, it took the fans only a few seconds to figure out who exactly my dance partner is, even though Chan is never clearly shown in any frame.
He skips in and out of focus like a ghost, but Stay identified him by his shoulders, his forearms, his fingers around my waist.
I'm scrolling through the comment section, not seeming to find an ending.

"I know this biceps like the back of my hand"
"God this is the most beautiful thing I've ever watched"
"God, they really tried to hide Chan from us didn't they?"
"This is so graceful. It really shows a whole other side to Olivia, but also Chan. I know he's supposed to be a ghost or a memory, but the way these scenes are portrayed and filmed make everything so whimsical. He is truly a work of art."
"first like ;))))"
"Just when I thought Chan couldn't possibly get any hotter..."
"Okay I'm saying what everyone is thinking: they'd be the perfect couple."
"Bang Chan is literally a prince, I swear to god..."

I'm glad they like it. As far as I can tell, the video is a huge success so far. It's circulating all the social media platforms, there are tons of reaction videos already.  Most comments are nice. Lovely, even, though many of the fans seem to only watch the video because of Chan. 
And that's okay. Chan is incredible in the video. Dancing with him was magical.
But I worked hard on the choreography and the story and the costumes. I pulled all nighters trying to get everything right.
I know I'm being bitter and unfair, and part of why I smashed it out of the park with this video is because I was able to do it with a person I love.
But it would be really nice to get a little more recognition for the work going into this.

"Hey, what are you doing?"
Chan's head appears in the door to the training room. I look up from where I am sitting on the floor, my back leaning against my gym bag.
"Scrolling through the comments beneath the video," I say. "They love you."
I can't help it, my voice sounds bitter and disappointed. Chan raises both his eyebrows and slowly comes closer. He noticed the hitch in my voice, of course.
"They love the video," he tries to correct me.
I roll my eyes and show him my phone.
I answer, "No, they love you in my video. They love everything about you, especially your arms."
I glance at Chan and can't keep my lips from adding, "With that, I actually agree."
Chan blushes and it drives a smile onto my lips.
I sigh and rub my eyes.
"I know I should be feeling really grateful," I admit then, "And I am more than grateful to you. You did me a real solid when you danced with me, Chan. Literally saved my ass from potentially getting fired. But it was so much work, right? And I loved dancing with you, but you kind of take the focus away from the choreography."
I look away and feel my cheeks heat.
"I don't blame you or anything," I add then and feel his eyes on me, "But I kind of feel like the video is only doing well because it has you in it. If I had done it with someone else or entirely alone, would it still be doing this well? Would they still like it? I just feel like I'm not really making an impact, I'm just another dancer on the internet. The only thing making me stick out is being your friend."

Chan is quiet for a moment.
Then he asks quietly, "Do you regret making the video with me?"
My head whips around and I stare at him in panic.
"No!" I shout at him. "I don't regret it at all! Doing the video with you was the most fun I had in ages! I loved doing it with you. I love-..."
I catch my own breath and clear my throat. Calm down. Don't slip up right now.
"That is not what I meant, at all, Channie."
Chan bites his lower lip and scrunches his eyebrows together.
"We could probably get Jung Wook to permit you do the video again with someone else, if you'd want to. You could take it down from your platforms..." Chan places my phone back next to me on the floor.
I grab his hand and sit up, crossing my legs between us.
"I don't want to do the video again. It's perfect the way it is." I take Chan's hand in mine. "Under absolutely no circumstance would I take the video down and replace you. I love what we did with it."

Chan and I go quiet as we watch our hands. I gently press my fingertips against his and he laces our fingers together.
"I love holding your hand," he says quietly. The realization of having voiced his thought out loud hits him right after, as his eyes grow wide and color rises in his face.
I smirk at the sight. "I love holding your hand, too."
Chan's eyes flit to mine and I wink at him.
I still can't believe I have this effect on him. That I'm able to make him blush and giggle is baffling to me.
"Have you eaten lunch yet?"
I shake my head.
Chan grabs my bags and gets to his feet.
"Good," he says and helps me off the floor, "Let's get something to eat. And then I want to show you something."

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